I suppose it must be true about going with DCE if it is remotely possible but for the life of me I cannot understand why. It's not that I don't think that DCE shouldn't be rated above Hunt, he most certainly should. What I have trouble with is the fact that prior to Game 1 DCE did not run the plays or act as the halfback during training/rehearsal other than the most perfunctory of efforts. It simply isn't likely that Mal considered it so likely that Cronk would be seriously injured that he ran DCE through in Cronks place.
If that is the case then when did DCE get to practice combos and moves with his Origin team mates ? It wasn't last season as Cronk was running the show then too. I suppose you could say that his role is already rehearsed but then what's the point of practice ? Hunt has had the benefit of all the sessions available and is now the best candidate for the job. DCE shouldn't come in at the last minute,under prepared and under an injury cloud.