Boys and girls... chill the hell out. It's one game. NSW pretty much played as well as they possibly can. Hats off to them. We lost Kronk and still were in it to the buzzer. QLD were way off playing their best. Question time... How many times have you seen JT have two poor games in a row? Answer is never.
Next game it will help to have Thaiday on board for the sheer fact that he acts as a good protection for Thurston. Even after all that, if Gillette doesn't spill his lollies they still would of won.
Lesson learned is be ready for anything including losing a key play maker. It was obvious that DCE didn't practice in the 7. Now he will and the team will be better. If he is iffy or if Smith is iffy, Hunt is a viable option for the fact that he is a form 7 and can play 9. If Smith is injured well then the Andrew McCoullough era begins.
Last point which has been stated plenty is Inglis has to get the ball damn near every set. If that means putting Slater in the Wing than so be it. Greg is damaging when Greg wants to be damaging. The big difference in game one was their wild card ( Hayne) was way better and way more damaging then ours with Inglis.
Take a breath, it's going to be a different show in game two and we dominate game three.