I'm sorry, I just don't can't understand how you all rant on about how great our roster is eusa_think
Chumba; Lockyer, Hunt, Hodges, Thaiday. If I could pick a team out of Storm-Brisbane players, they are the only 4 I'd have. So "talked down" or not, Storm have a far superior playing roster than Broncos.
Hammo, in my earlier post I made my comparrison between the Storm and the Broncos of both now and over time when I spoke of the currant Storm's ability in GETTING THE JOB DONE, against the Broncos inability over time to continueously WIN THE EASIER games. You may or may not have seen that, but that was my point.
While I have already stated that the Storm are a crack outfit and a well drilled one at that, over the years, both now and in the past we have had good enough sides to be doing better in the department of the games that we win and the ones that we don't. We get beat by the wrong teams in the wrong way and we always have. We have a good enough team to beat every team out there and have had almost every year since joining the comp, yet though impressive, our game by game results show that we could have done better.
Now I know people will say how we have won more comps and done this and done that, but I have followed the team since day 1, I have watched the games and seen how they have thrown away leads and lost games that have in one way or another lead to us not being able to win more comps.
Some will say that I am expecting too much, and perhaps, but I have seen an all australian back line and an all qld pack get belted and many are the examples of how our brilliant Broncos have been barrelled out of the finals by lesser sides. I have seen them beat comp leaders one week and get rolled by the woodern spoon getters the next week. Through all these years there has been one constant, one side of the team and it's make up or culture... and next year it won't be there. How that will impact, I'm not sure, and how long it will take for the fact that that one constant is no longer a part of things soaks in is also a worry.
I believe WB has been the greatest recruiter of men the game in the modern era has ever and will ever see, and yet these great sides have somehow managed to somewhere along the way forget how to win football games. For all bar six or seven weeks of insperational footy at the end of 06', this brilliant team with the gutsiest and one of the most talanted leaders I've ever watched play the game, has speant almost 8 years performing below par. And it breaks the heart to watch and I have no idea how to fix it, only to say that at least in the years ahead we will learn if it was the coach or indeed too long with the same coach that finally became too much.