I haven't changed my mind about Boyd as most haven't. Just because a poster reconsidered their view, a mature action in any person Ap uses it as some sort of triumphal claim. AP claims Boyd is going to be paid OVER 750 k, something he cannot possibly know as he has no clue as to how much he is on now and Boyd has not publicly accepted anything from the Broncos.
He is talking through his arse which oddly enough is better than his brain. We need a good reliable fullback and Boyd is such. Fullback was a weak point all year, this is something undeniable no matter APs ridiculous statements. We finished up with a turnstile at the rear. WB , a far better credentialed judge than AP inherited Milford who he sees as a 5/8. His form at picking 5/8s is spectacular ,Walters over Lewis and Lockyer from fullback to 5/8. Both moves heavily criticised by AP types, both moves spectacular successes.
I can see Hunt, Barba, Milford and Boyd combining beautifully with Barba taking Maccas job but even without doing so, still finding a use for him. There is not point talking about Hoffman who's best suited to wing and most certainly was not superior to Boyd. Hoffman wanted to dictate where he played and there can only be one boss so I'm glad he has left. WB is not to blame. I will be surprised if Boyd signs and will be very surprised if he is the best paid member of the Broncos in the future.
Time to change your view AP, you may even gain some respect.