Trent Waterhouse & Justin Poore = Dogs

"I'm not going to make any comment about it," Poore told the Herald. "I know myself what I did and I'm comfortable with that."

Asked if he felt insulted by the Maroons saying he wasn't a fair player, the St George Illawarra prop said: "It doesn't bother me, footy is footy. I'm glad we won, that's all I want to say about it." ... 18521.html

Surely he can't think that's acceptable!
Coxy said:
Love Poore's explanation. "Footy's footy".

Karma's a bitch buddy. Watch your back.

Yep Footy is Footy - but what he did had nothing to do with footy. The game was stopped, the guy was lying un-conscious on the ground, in no way could you make any kind of case that his actions occurred as a part of the game.

All I say to him is A Dog-Act is a Dog-Act.
lol, how good is how they keep bringing up how they won. They won A SINGLE GAME lol. We have won the fucken series 4 years in a row and u dont even hear us carrying on this much. **** off poore, ur a shit excuse for a footy player
mrslong said:
How lucky is Poore they didn't show that on the big screen....all hell would've broken loose.

If they had shown that on the big screen there would have been an absolute riot. I wonder if that's why they didn't show it....
I love how Watmough's like "the people who threw things onto the field should apologise to Brett White, he didn't deserve that". What a fucking girl!!!!!!!
Coxy said:
I love how Watmough's like "the people who threw things onto the field should apologise to Brett White, he didn't deserve that". What a **** girl!!!!!!!

He must be fronting up to nerd school today. What a sissy!!!!
Coxy said:
I love how Watmough's like "the people who threw things onto the field should apologise to Brett White, he didn't deserve that". What a **** girl!!!!!!!

And I suppose that they will want an apology to Waterhouse from the people who tipped beer on him as he walked down the tunnel. How funny was that?
What about Vossy last night he was saying OK Waterhouse got sent off for being 3rd man in, but the two who should have been sent off/sin-binned were the 2 fighting - White and Price. OK, I get where he's coming from (both teams should have been down a player), but as Fatty said - picture Archer/Hayne standing over an unconscious Steve Price and signalling he had 10 in the bin - they would have looked ridiculous.
The Rock said:
Poore is the lowest of the lowest. He KNEW Price was knocked out! He saw him laying there with his eyes closed FFS. So he lifts him up and throws him down - Absolutely disgusting and stupid. I don't think I've seen too many other incidents like that in my time.

Lol at least we can agree on something!

If Poore didn't realise that Price was unconcious he is obviously dumber than I thought. He was sprawled on his back and not moving with his eyes closed! What a douchebag.

Tesion at Storm training will be high this week, GI told White he was going to fucking kill him lolz!
White was fresh off the bench, Price had been busting his arse out there for the whole game. Big difference between a fight when one is fresh and one is already exhausted. Not to mention Price is 35 Brett is 10 years younger. Anyway I don't think it was a dog act, it was a 1 on 1 fight fair enough, waterhouse came in after Price was knocked out still cheap from waterhouse but was made to look worse by the ko.

And Coxy please! Fights are awesome and made Origin awesome yesterday. I enjoyed that game heaps and the ending fights were a big part of the fun!
The fact fights are not just condoned but applauded is the reason rugby league will never be a global sport.

The Rock has been banned. Reason:

"Until you can admit that Waterhouse and White acted like dogs you're not welcome".
The Rock said:
Coxy said:
The fact fights are not just condoned but applauded is the reason rugby league will never be a global sport.

Just like the amount of fights and dirty shit that happens in Rugby Union! See, that's why Union isn't an internal game either. Oh wait.... [icon_wink

Haha, internal game... i dunno how ur playing union, but ur playing it wrong [icon_razz1 [icon_lol1.
Actually to be a little bit fair to White - he threw the first punch and then started walking away, Price followed him and went on with it - so they are both equally to blame for the fight IMO.

And I don't really have a huge problem with fights on the field - provided they are one-on-one, fair fights etc. I liked the Grasshopper used to deal with fights - he just ignored the fight and let the game go on. His attitude was "if you want to fight instead of play footy you are going to leave your team a man short in the play".
After seeing a replay of what Poore did last night, i just cannot fathom why anyone would so such a thing.

As someone mentioned earlier, he's extremely lucky no one saw that replay on Wednesday night.

Then to hear his comments about it, he's a disgrace. [icon_non
Poore's actions on Wednesday night make me glad we didn't sign him for next year, i don't want such a low DOG of a player at our club
The Rock said:
I reckon Poore is lucky that St George have the bye this week! LOLZ.

Dragons play the Warriors next round in kiwi land, wonder if Poore will be on the Warriors radar at all????