

adjective, pettier, pettiest.
of little or no importance or consequence:
petty grievances.
of lesser or secondary importance, merit, etc.; minor:
petty considerations.
having or showing narrow ideas, interests, etc.:
petty minds.
mean or ungenerous in small or trifling things:
a petty person.
showing or caused by meanness of spirit:
a petty revenge.
of secondary rank, especially in relation to others of the same class or kind:
petty states; a petty tyrant.
a thread on BroncosHQ where fans discuss the accuracy of a back-up hooker's passing game:
a petty thread
Why don't you just mind your own business ? This post is unworthy of an admin. Shameful and yes, petty.
I don't think you can just stick a dummy half into a team and expect timing to be perfect, no matter who. NSW will have the same problem tomorrow night but atleast he will have trained with the team a little longer than waddel. Perhaps waddel could have played better. Perhaps different tactics to accommodate the flaws of younger, less experienced players, or players playing out of position or together for the first time might have been adopted, but its hard to expect that in a week. The next game a very different team will line up, against a different opposition. It will be one, hopefully with macca, and we might now realise just how good he is for us.
You've got eternity....and that still won't be enough time for you to find a forward pass that you couldn't bear to watch.....there wasn't any as BP wrote. After you have failed please just write you were wrong, no one will think less of you, I couldn't even if I wanted to.

Cool, I'll take 28:32 for $100 please.

I'll concede, the multiple forward passes were all Nikorima - particularly 1:23.45 and 1:29.24. Waddell was not on the field at the time.
I was pretty proud of it actually and how this thread has somehow become the definition of 'petty' or 'pettiness'.

What's our next riveting discussion? How about we discuss the merits of Todd Murphy defensive game or Saleski Funaki's discipline.
I was pretty proud of it actually and how this thread has somehow become the definition of 'petty' or 'pettiness'.

What's our next riveting discussion? How about we discuss the merits of Todd Murphy defensive game or Saleski Funaki's discipline.
What?? Are you criticizing Salesi Funaki?
How dare you?
Show me footage of his lack of discipline and I will pay you 20 bucks
no offence @Huge
I was pretty proud of it actually and how this thread has somehow become the definition of 'petty' or 'pettiness'.

What's our next riveting discussion? How about we discuss the merits of Todd Murphy defensive game or Saleski Funaki's discipline.

I would rather talk about Funaki's hair.
I was pretty proud of it actually and how this thread has somehow become the definition of 'petty' or 'pettiness'.

What's our next riveting discussion? How about we discuss the merits of Todd Murphy defensive game or Saleski Funaki's discipline.

He'd have to hold reeeeeally still for those haircuts. That's discipline. Unless they weren't intentional, and he went at the hairdresser half way through because he accused him of throwing a forward pass?
Cool, I'll take 28:32 for $100 please.

I'll concede, the multiple forward passes were all Nikorima - particularly 1:23.45 and 1:29.24. Waddell was not on the .

As I said, there was only one pass where you could try and make a case for a forward pass however it looked flat at worst. So no, definitely could not call that a forward pass and the ref and linesman were both in line with it. Your ridiculous claims of multiple forward passes on multiple occasions is wrong so this is the part where you gracefully concede you were wrong.
I was pretty proud of it actually and how this thread has somehow become the definition of 'petty' or 'pettiness'.

What's our next riveting discussion? How about we discuss the merits of Todd Murphy defensive game or Saleski Funaki's discipline.
Why are you commenting ? Just go away, you're not adding anything and you are happy to butt into others discussions when you feel they are not discussing the topic. This thread is about Waddell, why are you doing the very thing you criticise others for ? Just go away.
I added my 2c, but felt there was another element at play here. One that is less concerned about assessing Travis Waddell and the value he brings to the team and is far more interested in demeaning other members simply in a petty game of one ups mans ship. I'd hate to think members weren't allowed to have an opinion without having to provide a comprehensive video evidence, especially for a matter as small as this.

Blatantly forward. But it was after the first 26 minutes and 30 seconds too, so I guess you've weaseled your way out of paying $100.

Yep, I was wrong about Waddell's passing in the Warriors game anyway. I just remember seeing multiple forward passes and assumed it was him. Cringeworthy, yes, but mistaken identity.
Blatantly forward. But it was after the first 26 minutes and 30 seconds too, so I guess you've weaseled your way out of paying $100.

Yep, I was wrong about Waddell's passing in the Warriors game anyway. I just remember seeing multiple forward passes and assumed it was him. Cringeworthy, yes, but mistaken identity.

A reasonable assumption.. Considering his multiple forward passes in his previous games.
Blatantly forward. But it was after the first 26 minutes and 30 seconds too, so I guess you've weaseled your way out of paying $100.

Yep, I was wrong about Waddell's passing in the Warriors game anyway. I just remember seeing multiple forward passes and assumed it was him. Cringeworthy, yes, but mistaken identity.
Cool, if nothing else a few people actually watched closely Waddells efforts and I'd say realised he isn't as bad as he's been portrayed. I don't think he's anything special but I believe he deserves credit when it's due. If that one single pass was blatantly forward the commentators and crowd would have said something but not a peep. Add to that the officials didn't see anything wrong with it so no, blatant it wasn't. Lineball ? Yeah, sure.
A reasonable assumption.. Considering his multiple forward passes in his previous games.
I'm assuming you are referring to Newcastle etc. In his four games in 2016 he only had one error... I assume getting pinged for forward passes counts as an error.
I'm assuming you are referring to Newcastle etc. In his four games in 2016 he only had one error... I assume getting pinged for forward passes counts as an error.
I have to ask why it offends you so much what others think of Waddell...