Here's my shitty two cents worth. Milford is okay, nothing special. Top dollar for me is 400k, honestly. Yes he has potential but he hasn't delivered. When we had Langer, Walters, Lockyer, and some lesser lights who could match those three on the odd occasion we were in virtually every match. I've witnessed matches over the last few years where we simply were never in the game. Milford doesn't seem to possess the metal. That's what you pay a million dollars to obtain. Bird has more metal and desire in his finger than Millionford has in his entirety. I would not even start Millionford next year, he'd be in ISC until he was earning man of the match every damn game. I'd encourage him to look elsewhere for 2020 just so he's aware how much he's really worth. It just might make the bludger wake up.
No, I haven't forgotten his best efforts but for a million bucks I expect them every 1 to 2 weeks not twice a fucking year.