OFFICIAL Xavier Coates Leaves Broncos



International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
So what? Coates is the symptom, not the problem. If you want to get angry, get angry at the reason he changed his mind from wanting to stay for life to wanting to leave.

If your girlfriend leaves because you stink of shit, do you?

1. Go around town with megaphone calling her a bitch?
2. Start using toilet paper instead of the back of your hand?
That's not the scenario though and you know it, although at this point it seems you are choosing to intentionally miss what a lot of us are saying.

The issue isn't him leaving it is that he is leaving after we have invested in him without giving anything back. It is also the fact that he made statements about loyalty and being a 'Bronco 4 life" literally months before he left while negotiating to leave.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
That's not the scenario though and you know it, although at this point it seems you are choosing to intentionally miss what a lot of us are saying.

The issue isn't him leaving it is that he is leaving after we have invested in him without giving anything back. It is also the fact that he made statements about loyalty and being a 'Bronco 4 life" literally months before he left while negotiating to leave.

I now understand why you take this so personally.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
Reynolds won Souths a PREMIERSHIP

Coates won us a WOODEN SPOON
We don't have enough good players to just drop everyone who is leaving, as long as they are not having a tantrum I see no reason to not play them, with Dearden it was different because he wasn't even playing that good, but if your going to drop players who are playing well due to this it just makes our team look like salty *****, besides Melbourne don't keep outside backs for long anyway they all end up leaving because they focus their entire cap on the spine, he could very well come back in a couple of years so it's not the smartest decision to just burn bridges out of spite.


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
We don't have enough good players to just drop everyone who is leaving, as long as they are not having a tantrum I see no reason to not play them, with Dearden it was different because he wasn't even playing that good, but if your going to drop players who are playing well due to this it just makes our team look like salty *****, besides Melbourne don't keep outside backs for long anyway they all end up leaving because they focus their entire cap on the spine, he could very well come back in a couple of years so it's not the smartest decision to just burn bridges out of spite.
Yeh best stick to burning boats!


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
That's not the scenario though and you know it, although at this point it seems you are choosing to intentionally miss what a lot of us are saying.

The issue isn't him leaving it is that he is leaving after we have invested in him without giving anything back. It is also the fact that he made statements about loyalty and being a 'Bronco 4 life" literally months before he left while negotiating to leave.
Surely the issue is not that he said that, it's why he changed his mind. Unless you're pushing some barrow that he lied to us for some evil reason. I'm not buying into that crap.

Like I've said to you multiple times, he's a Bronco now. If you're supporting this year's Broncos, you're supporting the team with Xavier Coates. If you want to support next years team, I suggest you say your goodbyes and we'll see you back here in 2022.

Xavier has done nothing wrong. But it's obvious he feels the club has done something wrong by him or it's failed to live up to the expectations he had a couple of months ago. That's the issue we need to be worried about. Players come and go every year.

I will certainly miss Xavier. He's one of my favourite players at the club. But I'll enjoy what time we have left with him, not be bitter and twisted about it.


Oct 6, 2019
To be honest.. Macca was never one of my faves. Seemed on the arrogant side to me to be honest - yeh he chalks up some epic statistics but seriously 🙄 ... whenever milf/kodi wanted to shake things up a bit & take a dart for themselves (which approx 7 out of 10 times they would set their opponent on the wrong foot & turn them inside out- to shambles) he would push them aside - LITERALLY step in front of them to recieve the ball - like SERIOUSLY 😐, WTF man, you’re not god or something - give your mates a chance instead of monopolising the entire team 😖! Look, I wouldn’t have minded if he did respect his team mates ability & play on their strengths of quick, broken play, but the fact he’s extremely dull/stubborn and thought having the predictable (okay, reliable yes, but also effectively predictable) second receiver option (either pass or make 10m & be tacked - he ALSO NEVER NOT ONCE offloaded) would be best, is beyond belief! For gods sake, he cannot adapt with the game to play the ever increasing free-flowing style of game we see today. Let those players (eg outside backs & playmakers) become more involved, step it up & take the big fellas on. It’s a shame that even now it seems their speedstars (eg Isaako/Milf) either can’t be willing/confident enough to take some of these swift dashes - it would do their (as in Milf’s predominately) confidence a world of good I believe too! Look at even the fullbacks of today’s game (Tommy Turbo etc. - who they will come across this wkend), he’s keen to get into the thick of things - be in every play & create something from nothing with his power & speed. I hope that Turpin can evolve, being perhaps younger and less of a arrogant, old-school, rulebook type (it seems Macca is).
play the more

today’s game - especially with the emphasis on speed & agility with quick play the balls & offloads an enormous asset,
play the taking the same boring runs each time would



Oct 6, 2019
Can't help but still like Macca.

Will tear me apart if Coates goes.
To be honest.. Macca was never one of my faves. Seemed on the arrogant side to me to be honest - yeh he chalks up some epic statistics but seriously 🙄 ... whenever milf/kodi wanted to shake things up a bit & take a dart for themselves (which approx 7 out of 10 times they would set their opponent on the wrong foot & turn them inside out- to shambles) he would push them aside - LITERALLY step in front of them to recieve the ball - like SERIOUSLY 😐, WTF man, you’re not god or something - give your mates a chance instead of monopolising the entire team 😖! Look, I wouldn’t have minded if he did respect his team mates ability & play on their strengths of quick, broken play, but the fact he’s extremely dull/stubborn and thought having the predictable (okay, reliable yes, but also effectively predictable) second receiver option (either pass or make 10m & be tacked - he ALSO NEVER NOT ONCE offloaded) would be best, is beyond belief! For gods sake, he cannot adapt with the game to play the ever increasing free-flowing style of game we see today. Let those players (eg outside backs & playmakers) become more involved, step it up & take the big fellas on. It’s a shame that even now it seems their speedstars (eg Isaako/Milf) either can’t be willing/confident enough to take some of these swift dashes - it would do their (as in Milf’s predominately) confidence a world of good I believe too! Look at even the fullbacks of today’s game (Tommy Turbo etc. - who they will come across this wkend), he’s keen to get into the thick of things - be in every play & create something from nothing with his power & speed. I hope that Turpin can evolve, being perhaps younger and less of a arrogant, old-school, rulebook type (it seems Macca is).


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
For as bad as we have been, it still speaks volumes about the club that Adam Reynolds chooses Brisbane over a Cronulla team that basically offered him the exact same contract

They shafted Morris for Fitzgibbon on the hope that Fitzgibbon would be able to attract a big name signing, at the first hurdle they fell


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
Retaining Milf on a 400k contract would have the Rugby League world spinning, I'd love to see it just for their reaction and the good old allegations of cheating the salary cap, I miss those days


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Coates is the best options on the wing for now. Its not like the Broncos have other rookies worth playing there either right now, only guys like Mead or Injuroply. If you'd rather make yourself feel better by having Copley dropped than by giving Broncos better chances of winning games (which we desperately need them to), maybe give it a week and think about it again.


International Rep
Jun 5, 2015
It doesn’t matter what we retain milf on if we happen to. It will be reported at 700k at least.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
I'm really warming in my head to bringing Hammer on board and putting him on Coates' wing.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
For as bad as we have been, it still speaks volumes about the club that Adam Reynolds chooses Brisbane over a Cronulla team that basically offered him the exact same contract

They shafted Morris for Fitzgibbon on the hope that Fitzgibbon would be able to attract a big name signing, at the first hurdle they fell
Agreed, Cronulla Isn't that far from Redfern he could still live in the same place had he signed with them.


International Captain
May 27, 2013
Well he better be ready to work for it.

This is the first high calibre recruit that storm have gone for since Crocker back in the day (I'm surprised more isn't made of that) so storm and Coates are taking a bit if a gamble.

Usually storm grab the guys that are looking for an opportunity and will do anything to get it or young guys they've had in the system and they know.

They won't know too much about Coates after having one coffee with him.... what kind of trainer is he?? How smart a footy player is he?? How dedicated is he??

Coates also won't be able to just turn up, do a couple sessions and think he'll instantly be a world beater. Storm style football is all about fitness and then footy smarts under fatigue... if he cant keep up during preseason he may get chewed up and spat out.

I doubt they will do that, because they've gone to the effort of poaching him and are paying him some serious money, but what if he's not actually a 'storm player'??
Imagine the half time sprays he’ll get if he keeps leaving his wing and letting in tries.

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