BSmith could be a 2 horse race in 2022/23 (3 if Brisbane Plastics get the go ahead, but that's starting to look a bit shaky).
Apparently his family have moved to SEQ and he wants to head to SEQ as well... might want to make the move after spending most of last year on the Sunny Coast instead dreary Melbourne.
Grant would be much harder to pry away, only because the storm will absolutely prioritise his signature. I daresay it will be a higher priority than Munster when 2023 rolls around.
Paps could even be prioritised over Munster when you consider that Hughes is killing it for them in the halves.
I'd say Harry is already the best 9 in the game and he very well could become the best player in the game in a few years. Storm will have a ton of cash saved up for him, and about the only thing that could get him out is if they have a lull after Bellamy and/or him just wanting to get out of Victoria.
We could very well go after BSmith and Munster for 2023 if we save our pennies correctly.
Brisbane Plastics are a threat for Munster given some of them have already floated it out there... if the plastics get deferred to 2024 and Munster signs a 12 month extension that could be the writing on the wall for us getting him (unless he wants a bidding war), but Munster would be a huge, and possible, get for us.