Brisbane Broncos join the hunt for Greg Bird

Black Philip

Black Philip

State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
nopatience101 said:
draggx said:
banging a chick, and glassing a chick are 2 very different things.
both incidents were equally wrong and im sure the girls involved would not be making comparisons, but none of us know what happened and have imo no capacity to judge... thats not to say i think there is anything wrong with not wanting bird here because of what may or may not have happened, just when you start to get morally righteous its a hard height to maintain... hate the guy because hes a dirty blue blood....

Both incidents were equally wrong?? WTF? How is banging a chick in a public toilet in any way equal to smashing your girlfriend in the face with a glass?????

Use your common sense ffs. Bird had the conviction overturned because he and his girlfriend got their story straight, eliminating evidence which showed him as guilty.


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Scotty said:
nopatience101 said:
draggx said:
banging a chick, and glassing a chick are 2 very different things.
both incidents were equally wrong and im sure the girls involved would not be making comparisons, but none of us know what happened and have imo no capacity to judge... thats not to say i think there is anything wrong with not wanting bird here because of what may or may not have happened, just when you start to get morally righteous its a hard height to maintain... hate the guy because hes a dirty blue blood....

Both incidents were equally wrong?? WTF? How is banging a chick in a public toilet in any way equal to smashing your girlfriend in the face with a glass?????

Use your common sense ffs. Bird had the conviction overturned because he and his girlfriend got their story straight, eliminating evidence which showed him as guilty.
think of it as your sister or daughter in a situation where there a 3 large men and one of her.... if you cant see why that is wrong then you clearly need to grow up...


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Again the problem there comes down to whether or not your sister or daughter wanted to be in there with 3 large men.

I can't imagine a time when your sister or daughter would want a glass in the face!


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Coxy said:
Again the problem there comes down to whether or not your sister or daughter wanted to be in there with 3 large men.

I can't imagine a time when your sister or daughter would want a glass in the face!
again we dont know the circumstances of either and thats why its best not to judge or assume anything...!


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Um. No. Unless Katie Milligan is one sick little bitch who loves pain, there's no way EVER she'd want to have her eye socket fractured.

There ARE women who like a bit of orgy action...I don't get it, and I sure as hell would hope my sister or daughter wasn't one, but it's a reality.
Black Philip

Black Philip

State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
nopatience101 said:
Scotty said:
nopatience101 said:
draggx said:
banging a chick, and glassing a chick are 2 very different things.
both incidents were equally wrong and im sure the girls involved would not be making comparisons, but none of us know what happened and have imo no capacity to judge... thats not to say i think there is anything wrong with not wanting bird here because of what may or may not have happened, just when you start to get morally righteous its a hard height to maintain... hate the guy because hes a dirty blue blood....

Both incidents were equally wrong?? WTF? How is banging a chick in a public toilet in any way equal to smashing your girlfriend in the face with a glass?????

Use your common sense ffs. Bird had the conviction overturned because he and his girlfriend got their story straight, eliminating evidence which showed him as guilty.
think of it as your sister or daughter in a situation where there a 3 large men and one of her.... if you cant see why that is wrong then you clearly need to grow up...

Where did I say it wasn't wrong? Where? Please point it out for me cause I can't **** see it. In fact I clearly said that I thought it was disgusting. My point is that the actions of the Broncos players are totally different from what Bird did. If you can't see how consensual sex in a public toilet is nowhere near as deplorable as smashing your girlfriend in the face with a glass after an argument, then I don't think there is any point going on with this discussion.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Yes, because I clearly don't want an insight into your mind where you can possibly equate a sexual encounter to a glassing.....


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Coxy said:
Yes, because I clearly don't want an insight into your mind where you can possibly equate a sexual encounter to a glassing.....
my problem with what both of you are saying is that you both seem to think you know all the details of both incedents, which you dont, you dont know the girl wasnt pressured as she said she was into remaining in that situation, you dont know that the glass didnt hit her in the face as she attacked him with it in an drug induced rage, as she said she did, You dont know.... and i find it particularly disgusting that neither of you have the maturty to comprehend the seriousness of a situation that finds a girl outnumbered 3-1 by 3 large men and who felt the need to report it to police.... I am not condoning either situation, both situations are wrong, but i also do not know what happened or the circumstances that lead to it to make a quick judgement that you both ignorantly have...
Black Philip

Black Philip

State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Seriously, pull your head out of your arse. FFS there are some morons on here.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
nopatience, I hear what you're saying, but if you asked me which of the following was more likely to be true:

1. Katie Milligan got hit in the eye with a glass when Greg Bird defended himself from her drug and alcohol induced rage
2. Toiletgate girl was coerced into the toilets by 3 Broncos and forced to perform oral sex on them
3. Santa Claus solved global warming

I'd take 3.


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Scotty said:
Seriously, pull your head out of your arse. FFS there are some morons on here.
grow up mate, You dont know the ins and outs of every situation to be able to so adamantly claim someone is in the right while someone else is in the wrong .... i dont know what happend so i cant judge... im not condoning anyone...


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Only one was convicted and sentenced in a court of law.


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Coxy said:
nopatience, I hear what you're saying, but if you asked me which of the following was more likely to be true:

1. Katie Milligan got hit in the eye with a glass when Greg Bird defended himself from her drug and alcohol induced rage
2. Toiletgate girl was coerced into the toilets by 3 Broncos and forced to perform oral sex on them
3. Santa Claus solved global warming

I'd take 3.
thats fine coxy, and you may be right...


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
lol. Glassing compared to banging some slapper.


Life is a Fantasy League
Jan 9, 2011
well actually didnt she just give them a BJ and not actually bang em?


NRL Player
Mar 5, 2008
LOL @ Tim Smith / Bird combo.

I have a feeling T Smith will get picked up by another club sooner or later anyway.


QCup Player
May 6, 2008
lockyer47 said:
LOL @ Tim Smith / Bird combo.

I have a feeling T Smith will get picked up by another club sooner or later anyway.
Smith is dual registered with us so he can't can he?


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