Cobbo: “I think he’s a nice guy but not a good coach”

How long does Kebbie have to prove he's more than just a good friend?

  • It's over now

    Votes: 9 10.2%
  • The trials

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  • First 6 weeks

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  • Week 13

    Votes: 15 17.0%
  • When it's clear we're not making the finals

    Votes: 32 36.4%
  • His contract review

    Votes: 12 13.6%
  • As long as he needs to rebuild the club

    Votes: 3 3.4%

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International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
It's now 2023, not the 1990's.

If a player played like shit, I want the coach to acknowledge it, they the media etc the truth.

If a bit of criticism hurts their little feelings. Piss them off.
Which is true, but the current crop of footballers are a bunch of snowflakes that have been told all their life that they're top shit... they also have many suitors if they want to move on which gives them leverage at the club.

The way you get around that is with a strong leadership group.

It's easy for a club to get rid of one head coach due to a mutiny so players hold the power at those clubs, but if the criticism comes from within by their peers because a standard has been set, then it's easier to get rid of one bad apple in the top 30 rather than the coach and leadership group.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
It's now 2023, not the 1990's.

If a player played like shit, I want the coach to acknowledge it, they the media etc the truth.

If a bit of criticism hurts their little feelings. Piss them off.

would that include coaches like Bennett, Bellamy, Robinson or Cleary (or basically any other coach in the NRL, or pretty much all professional sports around the world)

coaches never do that to the media ... you just get the standard rhetoric i.e. "WE weren't good enough tonight".

what they say behind closed doors and outside of microphone range is a completely different story


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
My main question is why do players go on these podcasts run by fucking Neville’s in the first place? They aren’t required to and nothing good comes from it.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Kebbo is a shit name and you know it. Keb.
Don't blame me. That's what Gordo, Dobbo, Reyno and Cobbo call him.

Edited: changed it to what Billy calls him.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
would that include coaches like Bennett, Bellamy, Robinson or Cleary (or basically any other coach in the NRL, or pretty much all professional sports around the world)

coaches never do that to the media ... you just get the standard rhetoric i.e. "WE weren't good enough tonight".

what they say behind closed doors and outside of microphone range is a completely different story

Some people actually believe and hang off every single word the coach says as the gospel. When Kev says "we love him here and he's a part of the club moving forward", what he actually says there and what he knows is about to happen, there doesn't have to be a correlation. He doesn't have to tell the media what the truth is, it's not his job to feed into their headlines.

His job is to coach the football team, you can criticise him on that and everyone is well within their rights but some of the criticism I have read on here about how he talks to media, ridiculous.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
I can’t defend Kev still having his job now so it’s impossible for me to predict what it will take for someone in power to finally put everyone out of their misery. He proved to me about 16 rounds into 2021 that he has no idea wtf he’s doing. I could write a novel on the valid criticisms of Keb.

On a more positive note, Cobbo is barely coherent and likes to bag Kev - he would fit in perfectly on BHQ.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
That “apology” is hilarious. Reads like it was written by Kev himself lol. Half of it is “Cobbo” reminding everyone of all the things he’s done wrong.


NRL Captain
Sep 22, 2016
My main question is why do players go on these podcasts run by fucking Neville’s in the first place? They aren’t required to and nothing good comes from it.

Very worrying :facepalmwastaken: Rule of media is generally dont do something unless you/club/sponsors get anything good out of it.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
That “apology” is hilarious. Reads like it was written by Kev himself lol. Half of it is “Cobbo” reminding everyone of all the things he’s done wrong.
It's not his words, this is his real apology. He apologises to Kev and Ken.
Screenshot 20230108 133037 Instagram
Screenshot 20230108 133047 Instagram


International Rep
Jun 5, 2015
I chose 6 weeks but the answer is entirely circumstantial. If we are 0-6 then yeah absolutely he’s done but if it’s 3-3 then the jury is still out and he probably gets longer.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
Let's just apply a bit of perspective here, for a change. Selwyn Cobbo, barely played a full season in the NRL, do we all think this guy knows what a good and bad coach looks like?


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
His job is to coach the football team, you can criticise him on that and everyone is well within their rights but some of the criticism I have read on here about how he talks to media, ridiculous.
Part of his job is also to represent the club to the media, provide a commentary on the progress of his team and provide an official line of communication between the players and fans. Every coach is expected to do this.

By doing this, fans can see what level of communicator is charged with inspiring their team. A great communicator gives fans something to chew over. A poor one dishes up cliches, platitudes and misdirection.

If their team is losing and the coach continually bumbles, shifts blame, misdirects or lies, the club's relationship with its fans will suffer. Kevvie is not a blamer, but he's not an inspiring communicator, and his word means nothing at all.


State of Origin Captain
May 5, 2016
Some people actually believe and hang off every single word the coach says as the gospel. When Kev says "we love him here and he's a part of the club moving forward", what he actually says there and what he knows is about to happen, there doesn't have to be a correlation. He doesn't have to tell the media what the truth is, it's not his job to feed into their headlines.

His job is to coach the football team, you can criticise him on that and everyone is well within their rights but some of the criticism I have read on here about how he talks to media, ridiculous.

It’s how he talks to the players that is most concerning, several players have said he struggles to articulate himself and gets too emotional.

But remember, after a game he isn’t talking to the ‘media’, he’s talking to us.
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