DCE backflips to stay at Manly

They're not exactly oozing massive talent. The players that are firing have been playing like busted assholes for some time, I doubt they're spending much on them at the moment.

Wonder if Myles knows something. Seems strange he would haul his family down to Penrith. He's not exactly young.
FFS the end of this round 13 change your mind deadline thing can't come soon enough.. It's like rugby league's own version of 'The Bachelor' .. Sitting here waiting to see who Daly hands the rose to..
FFS the end of this round 13 change your mind deadline thing can't come soon enough.. It's like rugby league's own version of 'The Bachelor' .. Sitting here waiting to see who Daly hands the rose to..

The irony is that they bought in the rule so that the incumbent club has the last right of reply. "Fans hate to see their best players go to other clubs" and all that. But now that it's a rule, it's "dog act by the player to backflip on a deal". Hang on, I thought it would be wonderful for the fans if they were able to be held on to by their incumbent club...? They just can't get their shit together.
Anyone expecting the NRL to get their shit together while all these old heads are still around are kidding themselves. The older league generation need to hurry up and kick the bucket, then we will start to make real progress.
The irony is that they bought in the rule so that the incumbent club has the last right of reply. "Fans hate to see their best players go to other clubs" and all that. But now that it's a rule, it's "dog act by the player to backflip on a deal". Hang on, I thought it would be wonderful for the fans if they were able to be held on to by their incumbent club...? They just can't get their shit together.

The clubs voted for it, so they can hardly complain. They wall wanted a cooling off period on contracts.
To put words in Morkel's mouth, I think he means the fans can't get their shit together. And I agree, every week there's more bitching and moaning about something or other. I blame the media.
Reports are DCE has bought a 1.5 mil house at Gold Coast.

Looks like he isn't staying at Manly.
Reports that he has bought a house on the gold coast so he is DEFINITELY going to the titans are a bit silly. You know you can rent those things right?
In supercoach addicts group on Facebook a relative of his was willing to bet $1000 that he wouldn't backflip a week ago, so thinking safe bet he's going to Titans.
Reports that he has bought a house on the gold coast so he is DEFINITELY going to the titans are a bit silly. You know you can rent those things right?
Yeah, but unlikely when you look at the price tag of the house... 1.5 Mil.
Yeah, but unlikely when you look at the price tag of the house... 1.5 Mil.

Being serious, interest rates these days, that'd be $1200 a week interest-only. If he could get $700 a week rent (plenty of douchebags would jump on that) there's only $500 gap. Negative gearing means he'd get half of that back at tax time. $250 a week? Chump change.
Don't most of the high paid players start working on their investment portfolio while they are still playing?
Or go the chosen Gold Coast tax avoidance route. Find a drug dealer to rent it from you. Charge him $800 a week in rent, but half of that cash. Drug dealer doesn't have to answer as many questions about his income stream. DCE now has an $800 gap, $400 after tax. But remember, there's $400 cash not declared, so $400 rent-roll, $400 cash, $400 deduction, mortgage paid for.
Being serious, interest rates these days, that'd be $1200 a week interest-only. If he could get $700 a week rent (plenty of douchebags would jump on that) there's only $500 gap. Negative gearing means he'd get half of that back at tax time. $250 a week? Chump change.
Or buy three $500K houses, rent them for $450 a week, totaling $1350 a week, or almost enough to cover the mortgage interest. Much more attractive, less risk of having one tenant damaging the expensive property, etc...
Or go the chosen Gold Coast tax avoidance route. Find a drug dealer to rent it from you. Charge him $800 a week in rent, but half of that cash. Drug dealer doesn't have to answer as many questions about his income stream. DCE now has an $800 gap, $400 after tax. But remember, there's $400 cash not declared, so $400 rent-roll, $400 cash, $400 deduction, mortgage paid for.

Don't let Roy Masters see this. He will somehow tie it into the Broncos being involved in drugs because it's on the BHQ forum.
Or go the chosen Gold Coast tax avoidance route. Find a drug dealer to rent it from you.

So you are saying, just go to a Titans training session & you have a choice of renter.