NEWS Dodgy Deal: Broncos accused of deception by Schoolboys captain

The Broncos need to set an example here and hold him to his contract. It's a cheap way to deter others from similar behaviour.

I think that's what they are going to do based on their statements.

If he doesn't want to report for work he can just wait until 2026 to revive his career.
This is the time I wish we had a Capras or Cutters affiliate.

Send the **** to Central Queensland to rot for three years and forget about him
the problem for him is this is literally a case of he said/he said. I'm not sure there is any way for the NRL to prove one way or the other (unless DD turns whistle blower maybe).
Yep, I'd be surprised if they can prove a thing
this is a question for someone like @1910 who knows the rules around the QLD cup.

are we permitted from preventing him playing in that comp if he fails to comply with the terms of his Broncos contract?

can we stop him playing for our affiliates or our rivals affiliates or even unaffiliated teams?
We will see. I think it's certainly part of it. If we get found guilty though it will legitimise his case. If not, then he's going to look more of an idiot.
Oloapu’s then manager negotiated the deal and he signed it the day after they sacked the manager. So he can be mature enough to decide to sack his manager but not mature enough to sign the deal the same manager had negotiated? The club has done nothing wrong, he decided he didn’t like the deal 6 months after signing it because he got a new manager and bigger offer elsewhere.
The calibre of some of these “managers” in the NRL is astounding.. I mean we had a laugh at Payne’s ‘prestige world wide’ but at least their mission statement video was playable.. Here’s big Matt Adamson, the supposed brains behind Karl Oloapu :
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Oloapu’s then manager negotiated the deal and he signed it the day after they sacked the manager. So he can be mature enough to decide to sack his manager but not mature enough to sign the deal the same manager had negotiated? The club has done nothing wrong, he decided he didn’t like the deal 6 months after signing it because he got a new manager and bigger offer elsewhere.
Like I said, we will see how it plays out. As much as I think he is a bit of a dickhead it wouldn't surprise me if there is an element of truth to his claim.
"I just want a release and a chance to play football," .

"I can promise you one thing: I will never play for Brisbane as long as I live.

"They have broken promises to me and left me broken-hearted."

Also claims that the broncos have lied about being cleared of any wrong doing. Salary cap auditor says it’s still being investigated:

"We are still looking into the matter; no final determination has been made,"

Isn’t he 17? Why would we give him a top 30 spot if he can’t even play NRL?
Who the f**** does he thinks himself as? A 17 year old kid who could play footy THAT’s it. You’ve lot of learning to do lid
Off the field, this kid will struggle greatly in life with this attitude unless he stops listening to lunatics he’s surrounded with.

Any footy fan wouldn’t want to see you play for Broncos as long as you’re alive kid. Piss off to wherever the hell you want to & I can tell you that you won’t see success there.
Don’t need these kind of egoistic prick’s around the club.
Definitely stick to our guns.

Don't let the **** play any sport professionally for the next 3 year ... and if we can stop him playing for a QLD Cup club, then we should do that too.

Oh and a side note, we should blacklist Matt Adamson
This 1000%. That dick shouldn’t be allowed to have any conversation with us. Just block him out for as long as he lives.
The calibre of some of these “managers” in the NRL is astounding.. I mean we had a laugh at Payne’s ‘prestige world wide’ but at least their mission statement video was playable.. Here’s big Matt Adamson, the supposed brains behind Karl Oloapu :
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It's incredible how dumb some are, and it's more incredible how Dumb people like Karl and Payne are for doing the shit they have done. What goes on in their heads?
Pissed about this. Puts us in such a shit spot. We need to take a stand so this doesn't keep happening. But it also makes us look bad to future potential recruits.

Hopefully Broncos fans don't remember this and we boo this **** out of Suncorp when he plays there one day.
unless he has been secretly offered more by another team none of this tantrum makes sense even with a new manager because he hasn't even made first grade yet.
Pissed about this. Puts us in such a shit spot. We need to take a stand so this doesn't keep happening. But it also makes us look bad to future potential recruits.

Hopefully Broncos fans don't remember this and we boo this **** out of Suncorp when he plays there one day.
Yes. The people you cross on the way up.
It's incredible how dumb some are, and it's more incredible how Dumb people like Karl and Payne are for doing the shit they have done. What goes on in their heads?
Maybe it’s optimistic but I feel like there has to be some highly decent, qualified & sharp managers out there who operate ethically and do the right thing by their clients while also respecting the needs of clubs.. And when I say ‘do the right thing by players’ I mean educating them on what it means to be an adult and honour a contract, rather than snatching at more money in the immediate term.

again, maybe that’s too optimistic
I think it's at the point where the NRL actually need to make a statement.

They need to confirm if something dodgy has happened with the contract and if it hasn't then they need to figure out how they're going to handle it.

Are they going to force this kid to sit out for 3yrs? (which they should... but the reputational damage back on the code would be pretty massive)

Are they going to ban or punish the player manager? and any affiliations with him by anyone moving forward (i.e. he can't just go and run a player management company that is involved in NRL).

Oloapu is basically forcing the broncos hands with this one by refusing to train or play... as a fucking 17yr old.

If the NRL sit on their hands to allow this to happen then what's to stop literally any player from doing the same to force a move.

The player market will be an absolute shambles (if it's not already) if this all works out and he gets his move.
Maybe it’s optimistic but I feel like there has to be some highly decent, qualified & sharp managers out there who operate ethically and do the right thing by their clients while also respecting the needs of clubs.. And when I say ‘do the right thing by players’ I mean educating them on what it means to be an adult and honour a contract, rather than snatching at more money in the immediate term.

again, maybe that’s too optimistic
At the moment it's basically the wild west with the player market and player managers.

They're basically allowed to get away with murder in the current environment with no repercussions.

The clubs and players / RLPA want to keep the fluidity in the market, because it helps them to move players around when needed... and the NRL themselves don't mind it because it keeps them in the media.

But they need to start putting some sort of effort into controlling the situations... because at the moment they are seemingly allowed to do whatever they want and it will only get worse as the player managers continue to see how far they can push the envelope.

This situation may be a catalyst for change because Karl is fucking 17 and hasn't even played a trial game yet... and this player manager seems to be a nobody in the grand scheme of things (although I have no idea who else might be managed by him)... so he could be a good one to make an example of
I think it's at the point where the NRL actually need to make a statement.

They need to confirm if something dodgy has happened with the contract and if it hasn't then they need to figure out how they're going to handle it.

Are they going to force this kid to sit out for 3yrs? (which they should... but they reputational damage back on the code would be pretty massive)

Are they going to ban or punish the player manager? and any affiliations with him by anyone moving forward (i.e. he can't just go and run a player management company that is involved in NRL).

Oloapu is basically forcing the broncos hands with this one by refusing to train or play... as a fucking 17yr old.

If the NRL sit on their hands to allow this to happen then what's to stop literally any player from doing the same to force a move.

The player market will be an absolute shambles (if it's not already) if this all works out and he gets his move.
Yes, the clubs need to circle the wagons on this because the outcome affects them all, regardless of whether or not it's a short term win for the Pirate of Seaworld. No club wants this scenario rolling out for them further down the track. And that includes the squidmunchers.