Finals scenarios

1. Drags
2. Dogs
3. Tits
4. Storm
5. Womanly
6. Broncs
7. Knights
8. Parra

That's what looks likely at this point, not bad for us considering how horrible the Titans are playing right now.
Knights will beat the Bulldogs IMO, which means we'll have to win.
The Gymp said:
1. Drags
2. Dogs
3. Tits
4. Storm
5. Womanly
6. Broncs
7. Knights
8. Parra

That's what looks likely at this point, not bad for us considering how horrible the Titans are playing right now.

If it finishes like above....

Fri 7:30 Storm V Manly
Sat 6:30 Titans V Broncos
Sat 8:30 Dogs V Knights
Sun 4:30 Saints V Eels

And then if saints, dogs, storm and the mighty Broncos win- we will play manly at suncorp in week 2 for a shot at St George in the prelim.
The above looking very likely although I wonder whether the Melbourne game will be played Friday night as the Lions and Bulldogs game will be on next door at the 'G' so they might move it to Saturday.

Would love the Titans-v-Broncos to be Friday night rather than Saturday as got something else on Saturday
So if Newcastle win we Vs Dogs and if they lose we Vs Tits?
broncospwn said:
So if Newcastle win we Vs Dogs and if they lose we Vs Tits?

actually: our scenarios are now.

If we win - we vrs Titans
If we lose, Knights win - we vrs Dogs
If we lose, Panthers win - we Vrs Titans
For the first time in a long time Brisbane look like they could actually beat any team in the finals this year.

I had my doubts about the Eels but now they dont look dengerous at all.
Russo said:
The above looking very likely although I wonder whether the Melbourne game will be played Friday night as the Lions and Bulldogs game will be on next door at the 'G' so they might move it to Saturday.

Would love the Titans-v-Broncos to be Friday night rather than Saturday as got something else on Saturday

I think the finals are set in stone because they have to play them in a particular order to avoid the possibilty of teams losing to knock another team out.
Its not much of a chance but I hope whoever finishes 8th pulls the game of their life out and beats Dragons because 5 6 & 7 are a big chance to beat 2 3 & 4.
Which means we would go straight to the prelim
Yeah we would be an outside chance to get a week off when you consider the Dogs are Kimmorley-less and the Dragons were horrid until this week, I would expect the Dragons to beat either Eels or Knights though.
The Eels looked so far away from their previous form, I wonder just how much they showed the Dragons knowing they will probably face them a week later?
for us to get a week off 1/2/3/4 would all have to lose right?
I think it's likely that 3/4 top teams will lose, all 4 top teams to lose is very unlikely IMO.
broncospwn said:
for us to get a week off 1/2/3/4 would all have to lose right?
I think it's likely that 3/4 top teams will lose, all 4 top teams to lose is very unlikely IMO.

The 4 vs 5 game is irrelevant because they are both above us and one of them has to win, so we need all of 1-3 to lose with 3 losing to us.
All I can hope is that the Eels and Manly go out in the first week.
Well, it's 12-0 Newcastle on tv at the moment. And penrith are playing shit.

So that means win and the broncos finish 6th. Lose and we finish 7th. Must win.