His Marbles GOOOORNE??????

Meanwhile veteran forward Tonie Carroll said Bennett didn't speak to the players at halftime or after Sunday's game.

"We were very disappointing," said Carroll.

"Wayne didn't say much at halftime and he said nothing to us after the game.

"He didn't even talk to us.

"We know where we went wrong and we corrected it in the second half but unfortunately it wasn't good enough."

Carroll said the short turnaround was ideal with the players angry about their performance at the weekend.

"It's a good thing (we're backing up)," said Carroll.

"You just want to get back out on the field and correct what you did wrong.

"We've got some injury clouds at the moment but hopefully those players will be back at the right end of the season.

"Every club has injuries, every club has up and down times and yesterday was a down time for us.

"There's no point looking back on it, we've got to deal with Friday night and that's what we'll do."

While Wallace is no chance of playing against the Tigers, Ennis is hoping he will be available.

I find that interesting.
Frank the Tank said:
well he WAS named at fullback for the preliminary final, that much is for certain (a few links to back me up: http://www.racingandsports.com.au/sport ... ?NID=92663 , and http://forums.rugbyleague2.com/showthread.php?t=22648 ), and he played fullback for the last games of the season too (iirc hunt missed the last 8 rounds or so).

so im not wrong, but thanks for trying.

You're right he was NAMED at fullback in that game but Hunt started the game at fullback. Watch a replay and you will see that I am right [icon_wink

And he wasn't fullback for the whole of Hunt's injury, Darius Boyd played 5 or 6 games at fullback before Hodges played there against the Storm in round 23. Masterstroke by Wayne Bennett because whilst we didn't win that game, it was the one that turned our season around after we lost 5 in a row.

So yes, you are wrong icon_thumbs_u
Without Bennett as our coach we would never have made the 8 last year with the players we had left to send on the paddock.The man has a special skill with players & people( barring the media)

Bennett has made many great players.Renouf being one of many that Bennett worked on and never gave up on.
Hodges and bringing him back from the Roosters and giving him the confidence that he needed.The list is long and for anyone to say that he is not the greatest coach around is ludicrous.
Bellamy may be taking that mantle now but remember who Bellamy was taught by.

Bennett was the man who bought Walters and most importantly Lazzo up to come into our team knowing what they would bring to the team.
He has been the one who has made the hard choices and sacked his entire coaching staff and replaced them only to prove it to be a success.Not to mention letting Wally and many others over the years go for the better of the team and bringing through lesser known players.Tough calls that payed off.

For those who say we could have won GF's without Wayne Bennett at the helm because of the players we had I disagree.Had those players been handled differantly they may have been a nothing team.He was the coach who had the players gell.He made the teams what they were through his knowledge and his people skills with the players .He made the Broncs a family.

As for the comments by Broncospwn on Wayne not talking to the players after the game on Sunday.You may find he has never done this until the next day.Players have often talked of it and said it made them wait until the next training run to think about it and then Bennett says in his own way what he thought of them and where the errors lie.He doesn't go abusing& yelling at them in the sheds as many coaches do immediately following a game.
Usaully he doesn't speak to them much about the game before they run on except to say go out and enjoy your game.

I really don't know how much say WB has now in who we let go and who stays this year as it is his final year.I believe it is Bruno.
I think also many are forgetting when Bennett had the kiwi side this year Henjak was the coach and he was queried by many as to the selection and position that some of our boys played in.

I fear our club will go backwards as from next year and I do believe it will be because of no Wayne Bennett and one Bruno Cullen at the helm.

Fans will always disagree on coaches selections.That is why we are the fans and they are the coach.It is very easy from the sideline to judge.
WB not talking to the players at half time is more than just interesting... has he given up all together?

As for WB getting them to the eight last year, that's a stretch, they went out of the comp backwards with a number losses and a couple of floggings... they were in the eight because the rest of the comp was too weak to win more than half their games to make eighth spot. The only good thing out of the end of last year was Petro leading them, once again ONE player making the side and the coach look good.

All this rot about WB making the players what they are is digging deep. We have a great number of S.O.O players that have only been picked in those sides because they were at the Broncos and therefore seemed to attract selection over another. The likes of Parker, Stagg, Boyd, Carlaw, Meyers, Maguire, Hannet, Marsh would never have been given starts at rep level if it wan't for their combination with lockyer and co not to mention the retaining of Gee, Webb, Cann and Carrol when they got older. The selection of these players at rep level has been gutting us from the inside out for years and has nothing to do with how GREAT our coach is but a perpexity to select players from the broncos to play for Qld. I do note that a number have done the job well once there, but so did a number of other players from other clubs.

And the Wallace at penrith as against brisbane comparision!!!!! he was in A grade and killing them at penrith before he got dropped for signing with brisbane; and the reason he was signed was because he was killing them, not because he was this unpollished gem that just needed the WB touch. And now he's been selected in the blues when he was a rank outsider(another broncos selection when others should have got the spot) we'll have to pay him more, watch him play away from the club and yes get injured and leave the team weak.

WB is GREAT at recruiting, but I haven't seen any sign of a game plan since the great side of 2000. He selects the best 17 he can muster, throws them out there and waits for them to get it done and there are a million exampls of that, while other clubs run lines, changes direction, OFFLOAD! set plays and more, but we just throw it around and wait for someONE to do it for the rest of them(many are the exampls of that too).
Frank the Tank said:
and what youre saying is that youre happy to credit him with a win, but not prepared to blame him for a loss. makes no sense to me.

Where did I say that? I said that in this day and age, rightly or wrongly, the coach is ultimately responsible for winning and losing.

As such, I'm happy to blame Bennett for a loss and give him credit for a win. Yes the players performances have a lot to do with winning and losing, but ultimately it's up to the coach to field the team, and come up with a game plan, he thinks is capable of winning. Coaches are always the first ones to get sacked when a team is underperforming, yet they rarely get praise when they win.
Chumba said:
WB not talking to the players at half time is more than just interesting... has he given up all together?

No way that is the first time he has not said anything at half time when the players already know they are playing bad. Sometimes it's better to say nothing.

As for WB getting them to the eight last year, that's a stretch, they went out of the comp backwards with a number losses and a couple of floggings... they were in the eight because the rest of the comp was too weak to win more than half their games to make eighth spot. The only good thing out of the end of last year was Petro leading them, once again ONE player making the side and the coach look good.

Tell me which coach could have taken our injury ravaged side and performed better.

All this rot about WB making the players what they are is digging deep. We have a great number of S.O.O players that have only been picked in those sides because they were at the Broncos and therefore seemed to attract selection over another. The likes of Parker, Stagg, Boyd, Carlaw, Meyers, Maguire, Hannet, Marsh would never have been given starts at rep level if it wan't for their combination with lockyer and co not to mention the retaining of Gee, Webb, Cann and Carrol when they got older. The selection of these players at rep level has been gutting us from the inside out for years and has nothing to do with how GREAT our coach is but a perpexity to select players from the broncos to play for Qld. I do note that a number have done the job well once there, but so did a number of other players from other clubs.

Carlaw and Meyers were both on fire for a couple of years when they got selected for rep, Locky has been out so Boyd and Hannant were not selected for combination, Marsh had aleady played SoO, Stagg and Macguire were picked due to lack of anybody else.
As far as losing players to rep, gutting our side, you're right but how is that WBs fault.

And the Wallace at penrith as against brisbane comparision!!!!! he was in A grade and killing them at penrith before he got dropped for signing with brisbane; and the reason he was signed was because he was killing them, not because he was this unpollished gem that just needed the WB touch. And now he's been selected in the blues when he was a rank outsider(another broncos selection when others should have got the spot) we'll have to pay him more, watch him play away from the club and yes get injured and leave the team weak.

Wallace was selected because all the players in front of him were injured and NSW had moved on from Kimmorley and Orford. Once again how is that WBs fault. As for having to pay him more that was always going to happen if he played well behind our pack because there are very few quality halves in the comp.

WB is GREAT at recruiting, but I haven't seen any sign of a game plan since the great side of 2000. He selects the best 17 he can muster, throws them out there and waits for them to get it done and there are a million exampls of that, while other clubs run lines, changes direction, OFFLOAD! set plays and more, but we just throw it around and wait for someONE to do it for the rest of them(many are the exampls of that too).

Recruiting players, keeping them happy and having players wanting to play for the Broncos is all part of being a great coach. It is often a more important part of running a football club than the football.
Our game plan is frustrating and simplistic at times but when you are blessed with good rugby league players who can play whats in front of them keeping it simple and letting them play is the best way to do it. The down side as we have seen is injuries to those players means we struggle.

All the things you throw up as reasons why WB isn't that good actually prove he is because no one else over the last 20 years has done it. 20 years is a fair case study of his methods, somebody else may have done better with the same side but thats assuming that person would have recruited the same players and kept them as happy etc etc.

If it was that easy and that person was around their talent would have recognised by another club, why then haven't they stepped up and built a club like the Broncos have.
renouf said:
Coxy said:
Who has excused Bennett for the tri nations defeat? Or the team slumps?

That wasn't his fault, Lockyer got injured and at the time he was carrying Australia.

Losing certainly wasn't his fault, but the manner of their defeat in the final was pretty hard to swallow. Despite all the injuries, he still had the cattle to be competitive and beat the Kiwis.
Coxy said:
renouf said:
Coxy said:
Who has excused Bennett for the tri nations defeat? Or the team slumps?

That wasn't his fault, Lockyer got injured and at the time he was carrying Australia.

Losing certainly wasn't his fault, but the manner of their defeat in the final was pretty hard to swallow. Despite all the injuries, he still had the cattle to be competitive and beat the Kiwis.
I thought the selectors didn't allow him to choose the best players...if i recall they had a lot of forwards that's club teams didn't even make the 8??
Frank the Tank said:
Dexter said:
No way that is the first time he has not said anything at half time when the players already know they are playing bad. Sometimes it's better to say nothing.
and sometimes its the coachs job to tell you what youre doing wrong and offer advice on how to play better as a team. oh hang on, thats not just sometimes...........thats the coaches job!

Locky has been out so Boyd and Hannant were not selected for combination, Marsh had aleady played SoO, Stagg and Macguire were picked due to lack of anybody else.
As far as losing players to rep, gutting our side, you're right but how is that WBs fault.
boyd and hannant were only chosen because theyre broncos, although boyd partly because of a lack of other wingers. marsh had played like 60 minutes of football this season and was selected, yet wasnt selected over the last like 5 years despite playing more than that and being in better form. only difference? hes in broncos colours this year. and dont give me this rubbish about us having noone else to pick so we picked stagg and mcguire [icon_lol1. . there were many players that deserved to be there but werent because they dont play for the broncos like stagg and mcguire do/did.

Wallace was selected because all the players in front of him were injured and NSW had moved on from Kimmorley and Orford.
wallace was selected because hes been going ok at the broncos. his form kind of warranted being considered, but not chosen IMO. how can NSW have moved on from orford when theyve never actually selected him?

bianc, noone is saying hes not the best coach of all time - he is. but hes not the best NOW, and hasnt been for many years. the longer he coaches the more his record will reflect this. he went from having nearly won a premiership for every 2 years hed been with the broncos after just over a decade to every 4 over 2 decades. what was an absolutely brilliant record is sliding, and has been sliding fast.

Stats lie and you use them to make your point Frank but so can I.
The first 10 years we won 3 premierships so his strike rate was 3.33. The next 10 years we won 3 premierships so the strike rate is the same.
Or I could say the last 11 years we won 4 premierships with a strike rate of 2.75 so one could argue statistically he is getting better.
Dexter said:
Stats lie and you use them to make your point Frank but so can I.
The first 10 years we won 3 premierships so his strike rate was 3.33. The next 10 years we won 3 premierships so the strike rate is the same.
Or I could say the last 11 years we won 4 premierships with a strike rate of 2.75 so one could argue statistically he is getting better.

[eusa_clap.gi [eusa_clap.gi

What's that old saying about there being lies, lies and statistics?
There is such a thing as a salary cap that also may be a big reason why our team cannot keep up the record of winning as many comps as often as teams once did.
A team to make the 8 every year and win so many Grand Finals must have a damn good coach there to be able to do it.
Take a look at the teams in NSW that have tried to buy comps with the top players.No premierships for them.Bennett had those teams like Manly etc and they would have romped in Grand Finals.

No doubt Bellamy is a great coach but he also has had the same combination in his team for how long now.
Rip that team apart and we will see if Bellamy can do what Bennett did at the end of 07 with the players that he had to work with.

BTW he did talk to the players at half time last week.It was on tele for all to see.Not after the game but that is not uncommon for WB for many years.
How anyone can say this man doesn't have an interest in the Broncs now just because he is leaving is disgusting.
The man is a huge part of what the Broncos stand for today.
Frank the Tank said:
bigstim179 said:
What are you basing that on?
gameplans, player selections, team effort, team performance, etc etc.

And the net result of this is that he is the coach of the reigning premiers. Something which Wayne Bennett was only this time last year. I couldn't agree with you more that Bellamy is the best coach in the game at the moment, but to say Bennett hasn't been for the best

Frank the Tank said:
for many years.

doesn't sit well with me. If you're going to measure a coachs ability on his gameplans, player selections, team effort, team performance, etc etc then surely Bennett had the best gameplans, player selections, team effort, team performance, etc etc in 2006, hence the reason we won the comp. If some other coach had had better ones, then we wouldn't have won. Surely a coach can't go from a good coach to a bad one in the matter of 12 months
Frank the Tank said:
Dexter said:
No way that is the first time he has not said anything at half time when the players already know they are playing bad. Sometimes it's better to say nothing.
and sometimes its the coachs job to tell you what youre doing wrong and offer advice on how to play better as a team. oh hang on, thats not just sometimes...........thats the coaches job!

I know you rate yourself in all things rugby league Frank but I would prefer to trust WBs summation on what is needed at half time.

Locky has been out so Boyd and Hannant were not selected for combination, Marsh had aleady played SoO, Stagg and Macguire were picked due to lack of anybody else.
As far as losing players to rep, gutting our side, you're right but how is that WBs fault.
boyd and hannant were only chosen because theyre broncos, although boyd partly because of a lack of other wingers. marsh had played like 60 minutes of football this season and was selected, yet wasnt selected over the last like 5 years despite playing more than that and being in better form. only difference? hes in broncos colours this year. and dont give me this rubbish about us having noone else to pick so we picked stagg and mcguire [icon_lol1. . there were many players that deserved to be there but werent because they dont play for the broncos like stagg and mcguire do/did.

Just your opinion Frank and nothing else. To say someone was chosen because they play for a certain team is crap, combination with other players may have separated a close call but that is a valid reason. PJ was a bad call but B4 the game they were looking for a utility not someone in a Broncos jersey.

Wallace was selected because all the players in front of him were injured and NSW had moved on from Kimmorley and Orford.
wallace was selected because hes been going ok at the broncos. his form kind of warranted being considered, but not chosen IMO. how can NSW have moved on from orford when theyve never actually selected him?

How the F@ck would I know why they have moved on from Orford but clearly they have.
The scuttle is quite open that the NSW ppl who count don't think Orford handles big games.
So your suggesting Wallace was chosen for NSW because he was a Bronco [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.
Frank the Tank said:
look at any year since 2000 and apart from the final result in 2006 we've been dreadful.

I would have thought your more recent performances would hold more weight than those 6,7,8 years ago. I'm sure you'll just come back with the "we only won cause of lockyer and hodges" argument though. I'm also sure we could win the comp this year, and you'd still say that it was due to anything else other than Wayne's coaching.
Not disagreeing with the points made here. Perry had a shocking game but to be honest the root of our loss yesterday was Darius Boyd.

8 missed tackles, 5 ineffective tackles and 5 tries down that side. The guy just didn't show up after the hype of Origin. Canberra always had early points in them and I would say the Broncs even won the last 20. That was how the game could have played out but the player's body language (Sims in particular) was, **** it, we aren't expected to win this without Lockyer/Wallace/Ennis/Hodges so we can be forgiven here. Pathetic heartless performance. A bit of effort and we would have won - Perry scoring 40M solo tries is testament to how shit Canberra played
Frank the Tank said:
no because for much of 2006 we sucked.

Premierships are won in September/October. It's not a new concept.

Frank the Tank said:
we just got lucky that all the other teams kept their worst til last and that hodges and lockyer played out of their skins.

Again, any excuse other than praising the coach. Other teams didn't play well because the game plan the broncos coach came up with didn't allow them to. Didn't Lockyer come out and say they felt refreashed towards the end of the season because of the break the broncos coach had given them midway through the season. I guess neither of those 2 had anything to do with Bennett credentials as a coach though.