'Homesick' Ben Hannant may quit Bulldogs


I would say Coxy would take the extra money if it was offered to him.

BUT if he had a contract, I am willing to bet he would honour it.
So what's more important here? The happiness of his family, or his work contract?

This isn't SBW #2 here. The tone coming of the Bulldogs management confirms that. They may be disappointed, but they're not disgusted.
guppy said:
So what's more important here? The happiness of his family, or his work contract?

This isn't SBW #2 here. The tone coming of the Bulldogs management confirms that. They may be disappointed, but they're not disgusted.

Well thats an interesting question to ask, what is more important here? the happiness of his family which on one hand claims is returning to Queensland or just seeking a better deal after getting one from leaving the Broncos to go to the Bulldogs and then expecting the Bulldogs to release you for a better deal for yourself after they give you what you asked for?
guppy said:
So what's more important here? The happiness of his family, or his work contract?

He knew what Sydney was like.

He came to the Broncos from the Roosters.

Heaps of people have to move for work & they live with it.

FFS, it takes 1 hour by plane from Sydney to the Gold Coast.

Next if he doesn't get his own way, he will have a relapse of the Swine Flu he 'had'. [icon_evillaugh
Sometimes opportunities aren't what they seem.

I have a colleague that packed his family up to move to New York for what seemed to be an awesome opportunity. What he found was a much higher cost of living and a culture shock his young family wasn't prepared for.
He is now moving back to Sydney shortly hoping that he won't be any worse off than when he left.

Is he greedy?

Have any of you lived out of your home towns, or at least out of the state you were born in?
My heart is bleeding for Hannant. NOT.
OK, a few things.

1. HE knew what Sydney was like, but did his young family?

2. 1 hour flight...plus travel time to and from the airports...not to mention the wait at the airport before check-in...and then on arrival to wait for your luggage.
Traveling by plane takes far longer than people realise.

3. Your perception of what is "normal" in life is so far removed from anyone sane, it's unbelievable that I'm even taking the time to reply to you.

4. No-one is asking your little black prune to bleed for them.
guppy said:
Sometimes opportunities aren't what they seem.

I have a colleague that packed his family up to move to New York for what seemed to be an awesome opportunity. What he found was a much higher cost of living and a culture shock his young family wasn't prepared for.
He is now moving back to Sydney shortly hoping that he won't be any worse off than when he left.

Is he greedy?

Have any of you lived out of your home towns, or at least out of the state you were born in?

To name a few

Middlemount - Central Queensland
Rockhampton - Central Queensland
Moree - NSW
Auckland - New Zealand
Gold Coast - different areas - Queensland

I personally grew up mainly in the country but adapted to city life when my family moved to Auckland and finally to the Gold Coast where I have live since moving here, it took some work but it wasn't impossible, I have worked both here on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane which also meant travelling up and back everyday when I did. Life isn't always easy and doesn't always go your way, something my grandparents and parents have taught me.
My issue isn't that he wants to get as much as he can, or that he talks himself up. It's the whinging tone about footballers being underpaid etc. That's bullshit. It'd be like me whinging about IT people being underpaid...we ain't, we're on a damn good wicket...and so are NRL players.

And the notion he's not just after cash, but "what's best for his family" is lolz...cash is 90% of that judging by the fact he went to Sydney to chase the coin.

I have no problem with him asking for a release. Any contract allows early termination either way with agreement. No problem with how he is doing that.

But if a prospective employer sees you have a history of leaving jobs early, then they have every reason to question their commitment and dock pay accordingly.
Fair enough, more than most piping up I'm sure. I've lived in Townsville, Brisbane, Sydney, Perth, London and now New York. I've adapted to each place too, but I'd be a right dick to assume that everyone could do it just as easily.
Frankly I've lost a bit of respect for him over this wanting a release business. Suck it up, you have lived in Sydney before surely you had some idea what you were in for?
Je$ter said:
Frankly I've lost a bit of respect for him over this wanting a release business. Suck it up, you have lived in Sydney before surely you had some idea what you were in for?

Plus that's why he went, for more money, that was the sacrifice he was making, being away from his family for more money, as Jester said, he knew what he was in for, I'm sure he's not a total fool and would remember what Sydney was like, I guess you could equate his extra pay to "danger" pay, know he decides he doesn't want the "danger" but wants to keep getting the pay - best of luck
Yeah he's lived in Sydney before, but he was a much younger man and without a young family then. Very different living in Sydney as a young single man than a family man with 3 young kids.

And the big difference between this and the SBW case is that Hannant has approaced the dogs and asked for an early release - whereas SBW just up and left. If the Dogs had straight up said to Hannant - "no we are not going to grant you an early release", I am pretty sure that would have been the end of it - he would honour his contract.
Curiously, I don't see the same rage against Mr T Barrett when he left the UK. Sometimes, your family causes the requirement to relocate back home and Hannant being a good partner is taking the heat for what clearly is a family decision.
Something everyone needs to consider when having your say. BHs wife may be the sole reason for this predicament , she may, and I stress may, be having a severe problem with being so far from her family and friends. She may have gone willingly to Sydney but found she could not cope and her mental state is being impacted upon. By extension her young family, her marriage, her sanity and her health could all be severely affected. this could all be happening behind the scenes.

Equally BHs life maybe sailing along serenely with an active outlet for physical needs and a great arena for social intercourse within the teams structure. He might be perfectly happy to stay and honour his contract but the love of his life, the most important person in his world , may be battling loneliness , depression and stress. He may be acting with the right intention and more importantly, for the right reason.

Afterall, it's only a game and life with the wife is not.
I don't particularly want to see him back with the Broncos. He's had his time, he left for something "more" and now wants to come crawling home. Too bad. He has zero loyalty in football - Tits can have him.
Titans rule out Hannant bid

GOLD Coast chief executive Michael Searle yesterday made it clear he would not trade any Titans players for homesick Bulldogs Test prop Ben Hannant.

Searle's strong stand could leave Hannant with little alternative but to honour his Bulldogs contract which expires at the end of 2011, especially as the Broncos say they will not bid for his signature.

The Titans believe they can accommodate the local boy in 2012, but a deal for next year would be almost impossible, particularly if it involved a player swap as has been suggested by Bulldogs chief executive Todd Greenberg.

"It is a challenge to come up with a solution to satisfy the Bulldogs and Ben," Searle said.

"We will make a swift decision because we don't want our players in limbo about what is likely to happen, and I'm sure Ben and his family would not want this to drag on, and neither would the Bulldogs especially as they are struggling.

"I'm not interested in trading any of our players. I'm not into meat trading.

"I have a lot of difficulty with the trading thing because these are people's lives we're talking about.

"The only way we would was if a player came to us and said he wanted to go. But I know our players are happy here.

http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport/nrl ... 5844483044

I guess the SE QLD clubs aren't as desperate to bring Hannant back up here as he thought. [icon_lol1.