Russo said:
Frank the Tank said:
mal said:
I can't believe everyone missed Princes dive haha, it was out of the soccer textbook. He pretended his legs were taken out... watch it closely, I was in stitches.
Prince didn't take a dive, he added some theatrics to his fall. He didn't stay down and pretend to be knocked out either, unlike ol' mate Ennis.
Ennis on the other hand, takes dives and takes attacking players out.
The only reason Prince didn't stay down was because he chased the ref to get in his face to make sure he went to the video ref. Which in your words Frank of conning the ref or trying to con the ref is as bad as 'ol mate Ennis staying down.
Both Ennis and Prince ran the same line and both had a right to do so, rules of the game and Frank should know the rules of the game.
For the record, Prince was wrong taking the dive, but Ennis took a pretty good swan at the same time.
In his defence, he was trying to highlight the fact Ennis impeded his attempt at chasing down the Bronco player.
Yes, I know Ennis has every right to run his line and support the player with the ball. But it' was a bit obvious that wasn't his intention. It was particularly clear when the player he was supposedly supporting was in fact running away from him and Ennis was seen to purposely slow down in front of Prince. No one who watched the game can dispute that.
Personally, I think Prince had no chance of catching the try scorer but that's not the point.
It's a fine line between supporting and obstructing, fair play and foul play, and Ennis continually crosses it.