NEWS Milford: I want to stay

Are they fighting words?!?! Who am I kidding, I win all my fights by 100m 🤣

I can’t be bothered going back into the annals, but I know for a fact old mate @broncsgoat has been sinking the boot into Dearden since he made his debut. Hasn’t had a good word to say about him, constantly critical.

I just fail to see how anyone can declare him good, bad or indifferent after 17 games, yet in the same breath and during literally the same period of time, excuse others poor form, laying it squarely at the feet of the coach.

As far as I am concerned, if he looks shit in the environment he’s been in, I am willing to give him time to prove otherwise in a better environment. Similarly, if he looked a world beater after 17 games in the Storm or Roosters environment, I wouldn’t be singing from the rooftops that he was a future immortal.

It’s just way too early to know either way.
I don't keep my compendium of all bhqers statements about players handy so all I can go on is this thread. Looked to me like old mate was copping it for saying Dearden's been average so far which isn't anywhere near saying he's definitively bad. Milford's also been poor the last few years for various reasons but it's true to say he has demonstrated he can perform at a level that Dearden hasn't shown us yet.

In the performative environment of an internet forum some might choose to interpret that as making excuses for one while deathriding the other, particularly if it gives them the chance to enjoy the sweet sweet sensation of laying the boot into another poster but that just seems silly. Likewise the level of hype where saying losing a 20-something gamer will be the death knell for the team is considered sage and balanced while saying they've been average so far and anyone can be replaced is ground for a dozen people to misquote, misinterpret and talk about how they want to punch on.

Personally I'm hoping the combo of Dearden and Milford will prosper this year in a properly coached team that's not ravaged by injury but we'll see. It's certainly not worth getting worked up over.
You want know why Tom Dearden leaving is a sign that 'all hope is lost' for the club:

Regardless of whether he's bog average or the next Allan Langer, the club clearly wants to keep him, yet once again, they've been simply unable to convince him to re-sign like other clubs do with the players they want to keep. We've had to endure him visiting the Cowboys, like we had to endure Fifita touring the Titans, and Milford touring the Storm before that all while we publicly pleaded with them to stay.

There was a time when Brisbane simply did not lose the 19 year old kids they wanted to keep. Better men than we have today ran the place and they locked down the guys they wanted early and without fanfare. They had clear succession plans in place and were able to convince players young and old to buy into it and be here because being a Bronco was a special thing.

Tom Dearden may or may not be something special. The jury is still absolutely out on that. But a little over 18 months ago he was basically handed the keys to the farm and told in no uncertain terms how Brisbane viewed their future with him. Nothing has changed here, and the club still clearly desperately want to retain him, but what has changed is that we can no longer simply get the guys we want to stay. We also can't seem to recruit the guys we want, but that's a story for another day.

It's got everything and nothing to do with Tom Dearden specifically any more than it was about Sam Walker, or David Fifita, or whichever kid it is that we next get our pants pulled down by.

So yes, even if it isn't for the reason the OP probably meant it, and even if that was just an exaggeration, it's hard to argue that Tom Dearden probably is a sign that all hope is lost, at least for the near future, of what was once a proud club.
In isolation, that’s a very fair criticism of Dearden’s game.

However, in the context of the discussion around Dearden being criticised whilst Milford is excepted; Milford didn’t develop his kicking game until around 2017 / 18 (which he has subsequently lost), so around 100 games into his career.

I should be clear, I don’t know if Dearden is the saviour some make him out to be, but I’m sure as shit not going to write him off based on 17 games in the worst Broncos team in history like others are. As far as I’m concerned, he’s fair game if he’s still not delivering when he’s chalked up 50-100 games.
Has anyone written him off? You accuse me of dodging the question, whilst you are making a series of definitive statements about things other people literally have not said...

All I’ve said. as have plenty of others, is that I haven’t seen anything from him yet to justify him continually being called the next ‘big thing’.

Perhaps that is his youth, inexperience, lack of a quality team around him or whatever other excuse you’d like. Perhaps though, he just isn’t that great? Maybe he is the next Peter Wallace instead of the next Allan Langer? No shame in that, Wallace had a fine career and got better as he aged.

But he was not the superstar that Dearden continually gets described as in the more dramatic creative writing passing as journalism, and neither is Dearden yet. In one breath you’re arguing Broncs have un-earthed a star and in the next, arguing the Broncos recruitment team couldn’t pick a winner the day after the race ran...

As to your direct question? Gee, I dunno... Some flashes of brilliance, a strong running game, or a strong organising game, like most good halfbacks are supposed to have? Perhaps some of all of it, consistently...

But alas no. Not yet...
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Im sorry but all these doomsdayers need to calm down.

Any manager worth their salt will explore options for their players. These guys get paid only for so long until their body fails them. Any other industry no one would be begrudged for moving on due to pay increases. We dont know the facts to the offers from either club. We dont know what he has been told behind closed doors re his development.

Any individual is responsible for their own decision, if Dearden feels he will get more out of the cowboys - the question needs to be asked if the club is getting the right message across, or if the club actually wants him.

We arent in a competition winning position, nor are the cows - so really, who is the highest bidder will have the most weight. That time when we retained players, was when we were winning comps. Until then, we will plain and simply have to pay overs, its the way salary caps work.
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He did nothing wrong. If the Broncos can't beat the Cowboys offer, what has this club come to?
It's not really wrong but it's hardly endearing to a fan.

There's nothing inherently wrong with chasing the biggest offer but when you've just cracked your first year and first spoon to go with it, surely there's some humility in giving back to the club for at least another year without whoring yourself to the highest bidder. The club has invested hundreds of thousands up to this point with absolute zero return.

It's not morally wrong or anything but it's just a shit go and kind of reeks of entitlement to be auctioning to the highest bidder when you've achieved absolute **** all. Has he even won a first grade game yet?
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It's not really wrong but it's hardly endearing to a fan.

There's nothing inherently wrong with chasing the biggest offer but when you've just cracked your first year and first spoon to go with it, surely there's some humility in giving back to the club for at least another year without whoring yourself to the highest bidder. The club has invested hundreds of thousands up to this point with absolute zero return.

It's not morally wrong or anything but it's just a shit go and kind of reeks of entitlement to be auctioning to the highest bidder when you've achieved absolute **** all. Has he even won a first grade game yet?
You're inadvertently providing a case for him to leave the Broncos for a more successful club.'ve achieved absolute **** all. Has he even won a first grade game yet?
Turpin has won us games from halfback, believe it or not. Partnering Darius-cripple-Boyd..and we snuck into 8 when he cameod in the halves.
This fucking kid better win us games, or I'm death riding him from rnd 1. We have better options, this is not fucking under 8's waiting for his so called 'composure' to translate to try assists then wins.
Jezus, do what the Roosters/Storm are doing - send him back to ISC and develop, come back when your 22 like Grant and only if you're killing it there too
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I don't keep my compendium of all bhqers statements about players handy so all I can go on is this thread. Looked to me like old mate was copping it for saying Dearden's been average so far which isn't anywhere near saying he's definitively bad. Milford's also been poor the last few years for various reasons but it's true to say he has demonstrated he can perform at a level that Dearden hasn't shown us yet.

In the performative environment of an internet forum some might choose to interpret that as making excuses for one while deathriding the other, particularly if it gives them the chance to enjoy the sweet sweet sensation of laying the boot into another poster but that just seems silly. Likewise the level of hype where saying losing a 20-something gamer will be the death knell for the team is considered sage and balanced while saying they've been average so far and anyone can be replaced is ground for a dozen people to misquote, misinterpret and talk about how they want to punch on.

Personally I'm hoping the combo of Dearden and Milford will prosper this year in a properly coached team that's not ravaged by injury but we'll see. It's certainly not worth getting worked up over.
You’re right, he is copping it from some. However, I wouldn’t consider what I’ve said to be an unfair line of questioning.

That said, the reasons he is copping it are pretty clear too. There is no balance in his assessment / critique. He cherry picks who he wants to criticise and excuses others who he doesn’t - I am not sure how it’s even possible not to have observed this over the last few years.

And sure, Milford has shown he can be very good, but he hasn’t been since well before Siebold lobbed up to training. Yet still, no one can provide me an answer as to why some think it’s reasonable that we all just sit around waiting, hoping that Milford somehow gets back to his 2015/16 form. But after 17 games, where Dearden has outperformed Milford in almost every stat, it’s reasonable to criticise the rookie?

I guess I just expect far, far more from the superstar with more than 10 times the games of the bloke who is still going through puberty. I guess I’m also far more reasonable and want to give him time to prove what he (and any other rookie for that matter) can or cannot do. So when I see the hypocrisy and double standards being used to measure their performances, I question it.

Whilst I don’t agree, if that’s me “enjoying the sweet sweet sensation of laying the boot into another poster”, then so be it.
You're inadvertently providing a case for him to leave the Broncos for a more successful club.
Well bye then. We shouldn't pander to kids who've achieved nothing. Roosters told Latrell to **** off who is a far better player and was a premiership winner.
Turpin has won us games from halfback, believe it or not. Partnering Darius-cripple-Boyd..and we snuck into 8 when he cameod in the halves.
This fucking kid better win us games, or I'm death riding him from rnd 1. We have better options, this is not fucking under 8's waiting for his so called 'composure' to translate to try assists then wins.
Jezus, do what the Roosters/Storm are doing - send him back to ISC and develop, come back when your 22 like Grant and only if you're killing it there too

Genuine question, who are the better options you are referring to?
Genuine question, who are the better options you are referring to?
Croft/Gamble/Kelly. The kid gets a callup when all above are injured/sick/dead.
You know how the good teams do it. Sam Walker does not get run if Lam/Aubusson/Hutchison are available.
Turpin has won us games from halfback, believe it or not. Partnering Darius-cripple-Boyd..and we snuck into 8 when he cameod in the halves.
This fucking kid better win us games, or I'm death riding him from rnd 1. We have better options, this is not fucking under 8's waiting for his so called 'composure' to translate to try assists then wins.
Jezus, do what the Roosters/Storm are doing - send him back to ISC and develop, come back when your 22 like Grant and only if you're killing it there too
You may not get a chance to deathride him in round one - looks to be getting overlooked for croft who is average himself.
Well bye then. We shouldn't pander to kids who've achieved nothing. Roosters told Latrell to **** off who is a far better player and was a premiership winner.
Ah yes, that would be the Roosters who poached Sam Walker from out of our junior system.
Croft/Gamble/Kelly. The kid gets a callup when all above are injured/sick/dead.
You know how the good teams do it. Sam Walker does not get run if Lam/Aubusson/Hutchison are available.
Aubusson has retired.

He also hasn't played even a single game in the Halves since 2007, which to put it in perspective, was only one year after Sam's Father Ben actually retired, so I'm not sure what the **** Aubusson is doing in your list of names.
You may not get a chance to deathride him in round one - looks to be getting overlooked for croft who is average himself.
This would actually be very convenient for you because if/when Milford continues to **** around and just bludge then you can just go from entirely blaming Seibold back to entirely blaming Croft all over again.