National Anthem dumped from State of Origin.

This is a bit, a little bit, like the change the flag episode of South Park.

I certainly wouldn't object to an Indigenous national anthem and flag.
I had not actually heard about John Howards history wars stance until now and find it appalling.
This is an example of two dinosaurs rapidly going extinct and taking their bullshit with them.
Good riddance to them and their way of thinking, it has no place in our society and also serves to further segregate cultures, which is the opposite of what modern Australia is aiming for.

In regards to many sites being used for mining still, that's capitalism for you and will be found worldwide wherever there are wealthy people exploiting poor people.
It is not inherently Australian, nor the fault of the average Australian for those practices.
This is a bit, a little bit, like the change the flag episode of South Park.

I certainly wouldn't object to an Indigenous national anthem and flag.
The kiwis got it right.
They sing the anthem, then sing it again in the native tongue.

New Zealand are a good example of doing things right these days it seems.

I would object to an indigenous anthem and flag, as that's still an example of segregation.
I would, however, welcome a flag and anthem that was representative of all Australians, regardless of their heritage.

The bottom line is this.
There is not a patch of land on this planet that has not been invaded and displaced local natives.
It is the evolution of our species to spread to the four corners of the earth and multiply, as the population increases, more land is needed to live on.
Its a horrible truth, and the further you go back in history, the worse it gets.
It still happens to this day but on a far smaller scale (think Russia annexing Crimea in 2014).

Australia was never, ever going to stay isolated from the world and remain under the occupation of one group of people.
It is well past time we embraced all cultures in Australia as AUSTRALIANS and be thankful we are all blessed enough to live here.
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This is a bit, a little bit, like the change the flag episode of South Park.

I certainly wouldn't object to an Indigenous national anthem and flag.

Sorry to follow you around but we can agree on this one. The Australian flag is more of a reminder to me then the anthem. The Union Jack is what was at the drivers seat of the invasion in the first place
Sorry to follow you around but we can agree on this one. The Australian flag is more of a reminder to me then the anthem. The Union Jack is what was at the drivers seat of the invasion in the first place

The flag sucks. Even as a white person it's just a reminder that England owns us and we aren't free, and won't be until the dinosaurs die off and we vote to become a republic.

The kiwis got it right.
They sing the anthem, then sing it again in the native tongue.

New Zealand are a good example of doing things right these days it seems.

Except on the legalize weed vote. Come on Kiwis!
The kiwis got it right.
They sing the anthem, then sing it again in the native tongue.

New Zealand are a good example of doing things right these days it seems.

I’ve always said New Zealand is head and shoulders above Australia in regards to this topic. They are proud of their indigenous people and embrace the culture as their own
The flag sucks. Even as a white person it's just a reminder that England owns us and we aren't free, and won't be until the dinosaurs die off and we vote to become a republic.

Yeah the ironic thing is that Australians are still prosecuted but the “crown” when attending court. To have a matter moved to the District court you have to pay thousands of dollars to your majesty 🤦‍♂️
I’ve done a lot of traveling around Australia and learnt a lot about the convicts and the conditions they had to live in, a lot of them died on ships before they got here and a lot of them were imprisoned for crimes such as stealing a loaf of bread. Wouldn’t blame any white Australian for having a problem with the flag
I don’t understand why you emphasise unity so much. The aim of multiculturalism is not (or should not be) to take many cultures and absorb them into one unified whole. The aim is to have many cultures respectfully co-exist. Of course when these cultures share the same territory and rules then they will also blend their cultures to a large extent but that should not be the focus. The focus should be on RESPECTFUL co-existence. This is especially true for Indigenous culture given our history of trying to destroy or assimilate them. The sins of the fathers are the cause of the current problems and simply telling them to suck it up buttercup is not enough.
I recommend everyone reads the Uluru Statement from the Heart and think about what they are actually asking for. They want a Sovereignty (just some say over their lives and not a separate state) that co-exists with the Nation state of Australia and a relationship based on honest and truthful communication about the past and the present. Show them enough respect to give them that and we will begin to solve some problems.
I just wanted to add for context that there’s 2 different locations within 20 minutes drive of my place where Aboriginal people were given flour laced with strychnine. On both occasions 50-60 men, women and children died excruciating deaths. The sins of the past were pretty bad.
I don’t understand why you emphasise unity so much. The aim of multiculturalism is not (or should not be) to take many cultures and absorb them into one unified whole. The aim is to have many cultures respectfully co-exist. Of course when these cultures share the same territory and rules then they will also blend their cultures to a large extent but that should not be the focus. The focus should be on RESPECTFUL co-existence. This is especially true for Indigenous culture given our history of trying to destroy or assimilate them. The sins of the fathers are the cause of the current problems and simply telling them to suck it up buttercup is not enough.
I recommend everyone reads the Uluru Statement from the Heart and think about what they are actually asking for. They want a Sovereignty (just some say over their lives and not a separate state) that co-exists with the Nation state of Australia and a relationship based on honest and truthful communication about the past and the present. Show them enough respect to give them that and we will begin to solve some problems.
I just wanted to add for context that there’s 2 different locations within 20 minutes drive of my place where Aboriginal people were given flour laced with strychnine. On both occasions 50-60 men, women and children died excruciating deaths. The sins of the past were pretty bad.
Again, all cultures have sins in their past.
How long do you let that dictate the present?
How far back do you go to keep tabs on past transgressions?
I am also not telling them to suck it up, i am however suggesting they focus on the present, and not dwell on the past, as you cannot change the past.
The past should never be forgotten, but at the same time, it needs to be said that not all people from the past were committing atrocities.
Were the many many convicts sent here against their will responsible for early settlers committing those crimes? Are the descendants of those convicts somehow responsible for that today?

I emphasize unity because i believe that's the way all people can move forward. Respectful co-existence is no different to unity, we all work together to be inclusive of all cultures, religions and traditions.

I am hesitant to make any comment on Aboriginal communities wanting sovereignty as i don't know enough about that to make any calls on it, or what it would involve.
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The kiwis got it right.
They sing the anthem, then sing it again in the native tongue.

New Zealand are a good example of doing things right these days it seems.

And those of us who grew up there know both English and Maori verses too.
Again, all cultures have sins in their past.
How long do you let that dictate the present?
How far back do you go to keep tabs on past transgressions?
I am also not telling them to suck it up, i am however suggesting they focus on the present, and not dwell on the past, as you cannot change the past.
The past should never be forgotten, but at the same time, it needs to be said that not all people from the past were committing atrocities.
Were the many many convicts sent here against their will responsible for early settlers committing those crimes? Are the descendants of those convicts somehow responsible for that today?

I emphasize unity because i believe that's the way all people can move forward. Respectful co-existence is no different to unity, we all work together to be inclusive of all cultures, religions and traditions.

I am hesitant to make any comment on Aboriginal communities wanting sovereignty as i don't know enough about that to make any calls on it, or what it would involve.

This sort of thing will do:

This sort of thing will do:

View attachment 10398

That’s fucking ridiculous lol!

They can say sorry 1000 times over and it won’t make a difference. If someone takes your kid or you as a kid were taken from your family, sorry isn’t going to mean squat.
Until things are seen for what they really are like the flag, Australian day and the anthem no one will move on and until the majority come together and push for those changes it’s not going to happen. Politicians are too scared to go against the majority

Feeling guilty for a past you had nothing to do with isn’t constructive. What is constructive is understanding the past, understanding why people may feel certain ways about things and helping push for those reminders to be changed. Once that movement starts the healing can begin
That’s fucking ridiculous lol!

They can say sorry 1000 times over and it won’t make a difference. If someone takes your kid or you as a kid were taken from your family, sorry isn’t going to mean squat.
Until things are seen for what they really are like the flag, Australian day and the anthem no one will move on and until the majority come together and push for those changes it’s not going to happen. Politicians are too scared to go against the majority

Feeling guilty for a past you had nothing to do with isn’t constructive. What is constructive is understanding the past, understanding why people may feel certain ways about things and helping push for those reminders to be changed. Once that movement starts the healing can begin
Couldn't have said it better myself.