NRL Season Recommencing

They can, but will they. Like i said, if the NSW players can go home to their families, the quarantine isnt reliable, so the plan would have to be thrown out of the window. For it to work it has to be a one in, all in policy.

Bars and restaurants ( some of them anyway ) would be big enough to separate customers so the risk would be reduced. Social distancing and keeping people to very small groups is what has this thing under control. Seems a bit silly to me to take any risks with anything right now. Its just a game of footy. Its not the end of the world if it stops for a while.

I’m not too sure what measures have been proposed but it just seems like common sense that it would have to be a competition wide isolation, otherwise like you said what’s the point.

For me, bars and restaurants would still be seen as a public gathering point regardless of the measures they put in place and they would be a greater risk than the NRL restarting.
They aren’t getting special treatment. To be exempt they need to meet certain criteria to keep the public safe which they clearly are. Your cafe argument is a poor one as they need the public to run where the NRL will be playing without the public so it doesn’t compare.

Your big argument is that the NRL goes into some sort of isolated bubble. How many people do you think thats going to involve? Serious question. Are you including safety stewards ( still required even in an empty stadium ), the groundsmen, the cleaners. Then like i said before, what if you happen to need an ambulance, paramedics, a doctor? Do the NRL need to have all those things isolated and on standby?

What about the players families? Are NSW based players included in isolation? or do they get to go home and be potentially exposed? As it stands, for me, there are way to many questions to be answered for me to think its a good idea as things stand.

It still absolutely smacks of the NRL being desperate for money. I'm all for them having plans in place, thats just common sense ( something that seems lacking with the top brass in the NRL ), but we could be looking at locking players down for a minimum of 4 or 5 months. Thats just ludicrous to put that kind of thing on a group of footy players. If they genuinely had the players best interests at heart, they wouldnt be even considering it. I can guarantee V'Landys wont be in isolation with everyone else. Its very easy to push for a restart when you arent the one being taken away from your family for an extended period of time. Hopefully they can come up with a solution where it doesnt have to happen and teams could just fly to venues on game day, but it seems way too difficult as it stands.
Clearly all the people that matter and are experts on this are satisfied with their measures and we don’t even know what those measures are exactly yet.

Are you sure they are experts? The NRL have done a pretty good job of stuffing up the organisation so far!
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Your big argument is that the NRL goes into some sort of isolated bubble. How many people do you think thats going to involve? Serious question. Are you including safety stewards ( still required even in an empty stadium ), the groundsmen, the cleaners. Then like i said before, what if you happen to need an ambulance, paramedics, a doctor? Do the NRL need to have all those things isolated and on standby?

What about the players families? Are NSW based players included in isolation? or do they get to go home and be potentially exposed? As it stands, for me, there are way to many questions to be answered for me to think its a good idea as things stand.

It still absolutely smacks of the NRL being desperate for money. I'm all for them having plans in place, thats just common sense ( something that seems lacking with the top brass in the NRL ), but we could be looking at locking players down for a minimum of 4 or 5 months. Thats just ludicrous to put that kind of thing on a group of footy players. If they genuinely had the players best interests at heart, they wouldnt be even considering it. I can guarantee V'Landys wont be in isolation with everyone else. Its very easy to push for a restart when you arent the one being taken away from your family for an extended period of time. Hopefully they can come up with a solution where it doesnt have to happen and teams could just fly to venues on game day, but it seems way too difficult as it stands.

Are you sure they are experts? The NRL have done a pretty good job of stuffing up the organisation so far!

My big argument is I think it’s possible to run an NRL competition with adequate measures to safeguard themselves and the public from the virus.

As I said in my previous post, competition wide isolation. That includes NSW based teams.

I’m not saying the NRL are experts BUT do you think they’re just going to say they are going to restart the competition without getting approval from the actual experts?
My big argument is I think it’s possible to run an NRL competition with adequate measures to safeguard themselves and the public from the virus.

As I said in my previous post, competition wide isolation. That includes NSW based teams.

I’m not saying the NRL are experts BUT do you think they’re just going to say they are going to restart the competition without getting approval from the actual experts?

I'm not saying they wouldnt get approval, but it wouldnt surprise me if they didnt get the right experts. At the moment its a lot of speculation anyway so we will wait and see. I have a feeling there will be quite a few flaws in their proposal. Competition isolation for the time period we would be talking about to me is just cruel. In saying that, we dont really know what the RLPA have said about it all. All i know is anyone who is a current NRL player that i've spoken to isnt happy to spend such long periods of time in isolation away from their family.
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I'm not saying they wouldnt get approval, but it wouldnt surprise me if they didnt get the right experts. At the moment its a lot of speculation anyway so we will wait and see. I have a feeling there will be quite a few flaws in their proposal. Competition isolation for the time period we would be talking about to me is just cruel. In saying that, we dont really know what the RLPA have said about it all. All i know is anyone who is a current NRL player that i've spoken to isnt happy to spend such long periods of time in isolation away from their family.

I know the RLPA do have a few concerns with the proposed measures but from all reports the discussions between the two parties have been positive.

All I’m really saying is I think it is possible to have the footy back this year. If it gets knocked back from the experts fair enough, they actually know what they’re talking about.
I know the RLPA do have a few concerns with the proposed measures but from all reports the discussions between the two parties have been positive.

All I’m really saying is I think it is possible to have the footy back this year. If it gets knocked back from the experts fair enough, they actually know what they’re talking about.

I'd say its more than possible, i'm just not convinced of the timing.
It’s impossible to know how players will react when they are actually put in this situation. Those with very strong family ties, particularly the younger guys, may not cope with it mentally. No idea how players are expected to perform at their peak when they are put in to such an unnatural scenario. Massively unfair on the interstate teams.

Has there been any word on what they are thinking with regard to training and game day grounds? Hate to see an increase in knee injuries due to a deteriorating field. Can’t help but think if it was delayed a month beyond May 28 there would be enough time to work out private interstate charter travel. However it goes though, the Warriors are getting fucked over deluxe.
I’ve never understood the comparison between the NRL recommencing and restaurants bars and cafes. The NRL can put measures in place to isolate itself from the public, restaurants bars and cafes can’t.

Also, the way I see it is the NRL are just a workplace trying to work out a way to re open. Restaurants bars and cafes should all have the same opportunity if they can prove that they can put appropriate controls in place.
I agree. The lead time required to reopen a cafe compared to the NRL makes the comparison irrelevant. If the NRL waited for the government before doing some serious planning then they might as well give up for this year.
I agree. The lead time required to reopen a cafe compared to the NRL makes the comparison irrelevant. If the NRL waited for the government before doing some serious planning then they might as well give up for this year.

I think the lead time for any organisation at this moment in time would be fairly lengthy. All sorts of things would need putting in place as there are still so many unknowns.
All i know is anyone who is a current NRL player that i've spoken to isnt happy to spend such long periods of time in isolation away from their family.

Are these players aware they don't have to? Even if they do relocate, they can still go back home.

The only players that are going to have trouble with that are the NZ players, but from all reports they are happy to make that sacrifice just like they were when the NZ borders were first closed.

Even if they couldn't, the borders are not going to be closed for the next 4 months.
Come to think of it, that quote from Lodgey throws some serious shade at Boyd.
They old adage of 'a team of champions will always go down to a champion team' springs to mind here. I agree with your observation 100%, but it sadly also highlights there still is not that desired harmony a team needs to be a champion team.

I'm hoping the boys having to go through whatever is thrown in front of them in terms of re-location, or being made to isolate as a team will help increase that much sought after unbreakable team bond.
so Bennett and the Rabbitohs planned to break the agreement and return to training a week before they were permitted to ... hmmm
Really interested to see if Latrell has kept his shape
I’m not saying the NRL are experts BUT do you think they’re just going to say they are going to restart the competition without getting approval from the actual experts?

Ha ha ha....YES !!!

The NRL are complete morons...... :rofl
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Quite the opposite of what Lodge said last night on the news mate. He said that he and the team would move to Africa if it meant getting the game going again. Father of two...

I think the Africa quote was quite clearly not literal, and lodge doesnt speak for the whole team, thats just his opinion. I know players who are fine with going into lockdown to play, and i also know some that have problems with it. But like i keep saying, we will have to wait and see what the conditions are for the restart and take it from there.

I also cant work out how its throwing shade at Boyd as Boyd has also said he wants to get back to playing footy, but as i said elsewhere, you cant judge what Matt Lodge does based on what Darius Boyd does. Lodge is in a huge amount of debt due to his violent outburst in New York and from a financial point of view probably needs to play more than Darius, and thats absolutely fine. Boyd is in a position where he can afford financially to put his families health and probably his mental health before football and there is nothing wrong with that either.
I’m sitting here drinking beer on ANZAC day by myself I’m usually with my fellow returned service brothers. Just thinking out loud “I’m bored” I’m not sure where to start a conversation about mal maninga, not as the player he was a weapon, but the coach. did he massively ride the coattails of a once in lifetime origin team? He’s seemingly struggled since leaving that team. Don’t flame me, just throwing it out there for discussion, maybe it’s already been discussed? I’m a fair few tins deep now.