Obviously it's understandable that the clubs who have lost one or especially both of their opening games would prefer to see the ladder get reset. The argument that they are significantly behind the eight ball and disadvantaged now is to a large extent true and for some of them it will be basically the end of their hopes for 2020.
That said, it's not as though they were disadvantaged by something they had nothing to do with. Those same clubs had as much chance to win those opening games as the teams who did, and it's not as though if the circumstances had been known beforehand that they could have done anything differently in those opening games. The same players would have given the same level of effort and likely still delivered the same results.
It's unfortunate, and as I said, it will likely sink one or two clubs 2020 chances before the year has even really started, but everyone is attempting to make the best of a shitty situation and for all clubs there will be pluses and minuses to the comp being restructured the way it is, but it's now up to everyone to make the most of it and just be grateful that there are games to play and money coming in to keep them all in a job to the best extent possible because at various stages a month or two back there was a chance that none of this would have been possible.