[OFFICIAL] Anthony Milford to Broncos

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Not sure what relevance the presence of a team in the Sydney comp has. Your club's best ever players are still stolen and never developed and nothing has changed. How many guys from Canberra in your side?

One so your big claim is wrong- again.
Wow you are a bitter man when someone dares question anything about the Broncos, best ever I'd say Daley and Clyde are up there with Mal and Boxhead wouldn't you? Note it took a Raiders junior to play for you guys to win your first ever premiership, you might have heard of him, Lazarus?

If you want to see the development look at how the Raiders 16s, 18s and 20s go.

I dislike Broncos but at least I'll acknowledge their development of juniors you seem too blinded to do the same, whether you do or not the Raiders spend some of the most on development throughout the whole NRL
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You do realise this is a Broncos forum, don't you?
Yes hence why I've been polite havent abused posters, but surely one can acknowledge faults within and accept criticisms ,as I've seen many posters here do, but 1910 seems a pure propaganda machine unable to, my guess is a club plant?

On the GH I don't think there's one poster who has never criticised the club for something (1910 might that I've never seen if so my apologies).

No club is perfect and they all have room to improve, Broncos are good for league in developing talent (as are the Raiders) but they have ignored areas which they finally seem to be rectifying, (hopefully enough and not just superficially).

My last post before this was brought back up was a positive post for you guys on Milf, he's yours and you've signed someone who could very well be an all time great.
Yes hence why I've been polite havent abused posters, but surely one can acknowledge faults within and accept criticisms ,as I've seen many posters here do, but 1910 seems a pure propaganda machine unable to, my guess is a club plant?

On the GH I don't think there's one poster who has never criticised the club for something (1910 might that I've never seen if so my apologies).

No club is perfect and they all have room to improve, Broncos are good for league in developing talent (as are the Raiders) but they have ignored areas which they finally seem to be rectifying, (hopefully enough and not just superficially).

My last post before this was brought back up was a positive post for you guys on Milf, he's yours and you've signed someone who could very well be an all time great.

Mate, 1910 is arcing up because a lot of your posts are having some sort of crack at the broncos development of which he seems to have a knowledge and passion for. Your posts are at times vague or heresay so he questions them. I myself replied to one of your posts about some so called mates you have at a school in brissie when you bought up Clairvoux yet on the topic on us pinching your Souths Logan talent scout on the greenhouse act forum you ask on the first page, and I quote, "We're still tied to Clairvaux aren't we?". Surely your mates could answer that rather than some randoms on a forum.

We all criticise the broncos here, there is a metric **** tonne of posts sacking our coach and half the team but at the end of the day we love the broncos. You have just admitted you dislike the broncos, you have had more than your say on Milford, I wonder what you get out of still being here?
Wow you are a bitter man when someone dares question anything about the Broncos, best ever I'd say Daley and Clyde are up there with Mal and Boxhead wouldn't you? Note it took a Raiders junior to play for you guys to win your first ever premiership, you might have heard of him, Lazarus?

If you want to see the development look at how the Raiders 16s, 18s and 20s go.

I dislike Broncos but at least I'll acknowledge their development of juniors you seem too blinded to do the same, whether you do or not the Raiders spend some of the most on development throughout the whole NRL

No bitterness at all. You keep making false claims that are ignorant to your own club's history.
greenhouse act forum you ask on the first page, and I quote, "We're still tied to Clairvaux aren't we?". Surely your mates could answer that rather than some randoms on a forum.
You missed the post where I said he's no longer there, same with other mates I've had teaching at Raiders aligned schools have left for various reasons which I also mentioned in other posts
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No bitterness at all. You keep making false claims that are ignorant to your own club's history.
I could say the same mate, and the things you claim are false are BS, we don't develop just steal, our best are stolen? Those claims are as false about the Raiders as they would be about the Broncos, both clubs are strong on development and if every club matched their efforts league would be much stronger in this country
Yes hence why I've been polite havent abused posters, but surely one can acknowledge faults within and accept criticisms ,as I've seen many posters here do, but 1910 seems a pure propaganda machine unable to, my
On the GH I don't think there's one poster who has never criticised the club for something (1910 might that I've never seen if so my apologies).

No club is perfect and they all have room to improve, Broncos are good for league in developing talent (as are the Raiders) but they have ignored areas which they finally seem to be rectifying, (hopefully enough and not just superficially).

My last post before this was brought back up was a positive post for you guys on Milf, he's yours and you've signed someone who could very well be an all time great.

Haven't signed him yet
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To be fair to Bushy, at the time that Meninga, Belcher, Jackson, Backo, Hoffman et al, signed with Canberra, there was no viable alternative to stay in Brisbane, butplay in the Sydney comp. All of the Sydney clubs were recruiting out of Qld. It was also not so long after the raiders had been introduced to the comp, so they were trying to build a team from scratch.

Re our development, we are a club that develops players, we have had a bit of an issue recently developing halves and with losing some of our developed talent. Hunt got stolen by AFL, Gagai, our ready made replacement for Hodges got moved on for disciplinary breaches, Norman did not pan out as expected, Hunt was misused and a host of backline injuries have caused us to need to recruit. All clubs have to at some stage.
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You know, I for one enjoy Bushman sticking around. It's good to get input from opposition fans and see how they view things.

Admin hat on for a second - argue the idea/post not the poster.
You know, I for one enjoy Bushman sticking around. It's good to get input from opposition fans and see how they view things.

Admin hat on for a second - argue the idea/post not the poster.
Yeah, Bushman knows how to behave in a "foreign forum", although he makes it pretty clear at the GH about how he really feels, and all the rednecks there feed of it like vultures.
The irony is that they fail to understand that while we welcome people like Bushy to argue a different view, anyone with a different view in that GH hole, is automatically called a troll and gets banned by that Greeneyed mental case. :001_rolleyes:
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anyone with a different view in that GH hole, is automatically called a troll and gets banned by that Greeneyed mental case. :001_rolleyes:

To be fair I'm sure if the positions were reversed so would the attitudes of the respective forums, if you had a junior with the potential to be the best in the comp (had lost 2 of your best already in the same year) and we were signing him while he was still under contract to you Broncoshq wouldn't tolerate people coming in rubbing their noses in it, that's when he brings the ban stick.

GE is actually a top bloke but extremely passionate about his Raiders, has put years and many tears into them and the site, lol around origin is when he's a mental case with his blind love of the maroons.

Put yourself in our shoes to understand the animosity and anger, lose our 3 best players who were all still under contract and had a potential 10yrs minimum left in em, could build a great long term team around them. We've been anticipating Milf for about 4yrs now and we only get 18games, that's a tough pill to swallow since he's still under contract.
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To be fair I'm sure if the positions were reversed so would the attitudes of the respective forums, if you had a junior with the potential to be the best in the comp (had lost 2 of your best already in the same year) and we were signing him while he was still under contract to you Broncoshq wouldn't tolerate people coming in rubbing their noses in it.

GE is actually a top bloke but extremely passionate about his Raiders, has put years and many tears into them and the site, lol around origin is when he's a mental case with his blind love of the maroons
Mate, we've had our fair share of poaching as I'm sure you know, the latest one being Inglis by Souffs, but that doesn't mean we ban people because they have a different opinion. Anyone that signs on to BHQ is bound by the same rules, be it a Broncos supporter or not!

I could choose to ban you just because of what you say about BHQ and its members on the GH, which to put it mildly, is far from nice. But you're a Raiders fan, and understandingly upset at the Broncos for showing you how insignificant the Raiders really are, so as long as you don't do the bagging in here, I couldn't care less.
BG99 on the other hand, well... you can't accuse most people on the GH to have an IQ anywhere near 3 figures.

For a top bloke, Greeneyed certainly appears to be an intolerant prick, as his "brilliant" idea to attempt to sabotage our POTS voting showed...
Inglis doesn't really compare since he was never yours to begin with though he was very close. (Note someone in the Souths thread attack on them for what they did can imagine if the Milf situation was reversed)Differing opinions are accepted its just Broncos fans posting comes across as rubbing our noses in a very bad situation, best 3 in the 1 year while under contract is a lot tougher than I can remember the Broncos ever suffering.

I haven't actually said that much about Broncohq (more polite than has been said here about Raiders supporters), you think what I did is bad you should see what I say about the GH Qld posters around origin, I'm a passionate blue so Qlders are always a target regardless of the team they support.

Now shush watching the u20s, you know the juniors we don't develop ;)
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As I said, Inglis was just the latest one. Khunt, Folau are other recent ones, and even if from a different code, any supporter from the poaching club would be treated the same way.

There is a lot of mis-information regarding Milford and no one knows who initiated what, although I must ask how the Broncos would've been informed about Milford's, or Barba's or DCE's contract clauses/breaches if someone didn't come to them.
What would you expect from the Raiders board if they were presented with a chance to snag some of the best RL players because they want to go home?

P.S. I know you're not the worst at GH, and it's good you're a passionate blue, as we don't have enough of them here to make fun of...
It appears 8 years in a row has taken some of the fight out of them. :001_tt2:
The clauses have been public knowledge since before talk of those players joining.

Mate while I don't like the ethics of what I believe the Broncos have done I do admire and am jealous that your board is prepared to do what it takes, ours have been too amateurish to do such a thing IMO, it's something I hope the new chairman and Ricky will change, they need to get tougher on and off field.
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Agreed. And as unfair as it may be to clubs like Canberra, it's only smart of the Broncos to take advantage of their unique position, so good on them.

I sure as hell didn't know about the Milford clause before all this talk emerged. Do you have a link to anything pre-dating this rumour?
Agreed. And as unfair as it may be to clubs like Canberra, it's only smart of the Broncos to take advantage of their unique position, so good on them.

I sure as hell didn't know about the Milford clause before all this talk emerged. Do you have a link to anything pre-dating this rumour?

I hadn't heard about it either ???
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