[OFFICIAL] Anthony Milford to Broncos

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Sure, your place is that you are a visiting fan from another club and forum. As such you're expected to behave as any guest would.
Insulting the members of the place you're visiting by calling them slow, is not a good start.

As I said before, paying attention to the topic discussions is a helpful tool when you want to enter the conversation. I'll refer you to this post for the facts you ask:

Also, you saying that the official release was made on Sunday is not a fact, it's an assumption based on the title of the article you linked. However, no one is quoted mentioning a date where this request was made in that same article. Do you understand the difference between fact and assumption?

i did have a read through some of the other posts and there were plenty of worse insults directed at canberra, so i was just going with the flow. you guys sure are a touchy bunch huh.
i did read your little quote earlier too, but that makes no mention of an official request. he had a chat, then sent a letter. if someone had a chat to me about something, to which i told them my stance on the subject, then they sent a letter to the same effect, i wouldn't respond to it either. if he made an official request for release he would have stated that surely...
i'm not basing my stance on a line in a newspaper, its based on all the evidence to hand which worm has gone over thoroughly. there is zero evidence to suggest an official request was received prior to sunday, yet a bunch of evidence that indicates it was made on sunday. thats how science works my friend
Ayoub has told you why it was made public ... so he could get a response from the Raiders and not continually be ignored ... it being made public is entirely the Raiders fault and no one else...

If they had have responded to Milford manager in some way (even if it is we'd like to discuss it at seasons end to avoid disruption) none of this would have happened.

then they could have released a statement saying something like "due to the ill health of Milfords father, we have desided to release him on compassionate grounds"

now they will be seen as the heartless footy club that will put winning above the welfare of one of its players.

this is probably what they said when he had his little chat, over a month ago apparently. either way there is absolutely no reason to go public now (especially in the manner they have) when it was a request for the 2014 season. unless of course there were other motives
Because the Raiders were not answering the discreet ones obviously.

Just curious do you generally trust player managers, think they're not grubs, not use any means possible to line their own pockets as much as possible?
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Wow, just wow!

Wormy... I feel for you! :001_rolleyes:
Just curious do you generally trust player managers, think they're not grubs, not use any means possible to line their own pockets as much as possible?
Absolutely not. I have made that pretty clear in earlier posts during my exchanges with worm.

I also don't believe that they (or Ayoub in this case) are dumb enough to make statements such as those, that could be easily denied by the Canberra management, which btw, has not happened.

Ayoub has now publicly called Don Furner a liar, that's certainly a very big statement!

I also don't make the mistake of believing everything said by club management, be it Raiders, Broncos or any other club, and in this case, I'm pretty sure where the truth is. (I believe that's how science works... :loool:)
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There is only one relevant fact here.

Yesterday's speculation is today fact and tomorrow's apology that today is the tomorrow you were speaking about yesterday, and tomorrow never comes, therefore today is yesterday, tomorrow

Sorry guys. That's how they speak in the Press Gallery known as Canberra.

What is a fact, whether it happens or not, is what Mister Wright said above : "Let's just sign him for 2015 on November 1 and then let things fall into place."
Yesterday's speculation is today fact and tomorrow's apology that today is the tomorrow you were speaking about yesterday, and tomorrow never comes, therefore today is yesterday, tomorrow

I needed to listen more in science class..
There is only one relevant fact here.

Yesterday's speculation is today fact and tomorrow's apology that today is the tomorrow you were speaking about yesterday, and tomorrow never comes, therefore today is yesterday, tomorrow

Sorry guys. That's how they speak in the Press Gallery known as Canberra.

What is a fact, whether it happens or not, is what Mister Wright said above : "Let's just sign him for 2015 on November 1 and then let things fall into place."

that would've been an ideal situation for all involved, if motives were as claimed. the thing is this has come out well prior to the end of the season, in an obvious attempt to get him there for 2014.
its dodgy as hell!! everyone can see that but you guys
that would've been an ideal situation for all involved, if motives were as claimed. the thing is this has come out well prior to the end of the season, in an obvious attempt to get him there for 2014.
its dodgy as hell!! everyone can see that but you guys
For sure. Can't argue with science! :001_rolleyes:
that would've been an ideal situation for all involved, if motives were as claimed. the thing is this has come out well prior to the end of the season, in an obvious attempt to get him there for 2014.
its dodgy as hell!! everyone can see that but you guys

I think we can see that, as can the media. It is also commonplace in the NRL. Who's that dude who bought Inglis again?

It's pretty public we need some class players. The media therefore look for every chance to sell a story, but that doesn't change the fact we have fun and games speculating on our Rumours threads.

Pretty much what a forum like this is all about
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How is wanting to move from Canberra to Brisbane for family reasons "dodgy"?
How is wanting to move from Canberra to Brisbane for family reasons "dodgy"?

far out... if he wanted to move home in 2014 for family reasons alone it could have been discussed at seasons end, as stated. thats not how it happened. instead the courier mail rain some sob story about how mum wants her little boy home and the big bad raiders won't let him - it needed to happen now so the broncs could have their 2014 cap sorted, thats why its dodgy.
further, to use family health as leverage in this scenario makes it even more disgusting
i should get into teaching, only at it an hour and i've got ya's seeing straight :)
Yeah, Canberra could use a teacher like you. Oh wait...
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