[OFFICIAL] Anthony Milford to Broncos

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Shhhh everyone. Apparently BG is so enamored with Canberra he has been studying politics. Sounds like a Polly to me.
Twist everything to suit themselves. The worm seems a decent sort of chap for cockroach.( Except for the avatar )
What will happen will happen. I personally share the view that it should have been handled behind closed doors only the raiders management
do not seem to respond to civil requests presented in the required fashion. Have they ever thought that maybe milfs manager was trying to
give them more time to recruit someone to replace him.
no i actually want a legitimate discussion. perhaps my style isn't what you're used to but i am genuine. just no one seems to be able to answer my questions...

It's ridiculous to presume that the broncos have. There is nothing to suggest he has. He very recently discovered his father didn't have medical clearance to move to him. Therefore ayoub began talks with Canberra. Canberra refused to acknowledge this. Ayoub asked for a release (which was always required in order to for Anthony to move). The fact that someone has been leaking stuff to the paper has made things ugly. I doubt ayoub assumed the Queensland teams are interested and asked them if they are. Them being the broncs

its ridiculous to presume they haven't. if they weren't it would have been discussed at seasons end
Shhhh everyone. Apparently BG is so enamored with Canberra he has been studying politics. Sounds like a Polly to me.
Twist everything to suit themselves. The worm seems a decent sort of chap for cockroach.( Except for the avatar )
What will happen will happen. I personally share the view that it should have been handled behind closed doors only the raiders management
do not seem to respond to civil requests presented in the required fashion. Have they ever thought that maybe milfs manager was trying to
give them more time to recruit someone to replace him.

I just had a little chuckle to myself regarding your last line.. That's the reason we are holding on so tight to Milf.. It's Canberra... We can't recruit quality halves - no one in their right mind would choose Canberra over well anywhere except maybe Dubbo, Launceston and Geelong... definitely Geelong, the others would still take some persuasion. We rely on breeding them..
Tell ya what [MENTION=8376]BG99[/MENTION] back up your statements. You like to make big calls that the broncos have done the wrong, well show us the proof, cos the only mention I have seen of wrongdoing on the broncos part is the delusional posts on the GH
Of course they're involved. It's well known that Andrew Gee met with him down there. What's your point. His manager said he wants to do it now, the contract says he can, so too bad.

my point is that is the catalyst for this whole saga, which is supposed to be against the rules. his dads health is improving, stated by halo himself, so the clause is irrelevant. add to that the request is for 2014 not immediately just doesn't add up
Which in turn is why when you develop a talent like him, he starts to make his mark, you want to enjoy what you've created. Not lose him to another team. It's just disheartening. I do want to wish the kid well, but it's hard to 1) know what to believe and 2) Ayoub is making it ugly for all, especially the fact that the Raiders are genuinely just trying to hold on to what they have created.. I se both sides of the story.. It's just as I said.. Disheartening..
Yeah, I know most, if not all clubs would want to deal with this kind of stuff away from the media. Makes it the more stranger they forced Ayoub to take it to the press.

The point however, is that it is in de media now, and Don Furner has been called a liar. Not denying it will pretty much mean Ayoub is telling the truth.

Nevertheless, it's nice of you to cover for your Raiders mate... :laugh:
Calling Ayoub out in the press achieves nothing for them apart from pissing Ayoub off and makes keeping Milford all the less likely, it would be utter stupidity to do so if they believe there's even a glimmer of hope of him staying.
Tell ya what @BG99 back up your statements. You like to make big calls that the broncos have done the wrong, well show us the proof, cos the only mention I have seen of wrongdoing on the broncos part is the delusional posts on the GH

i feel like i have backed up my statements... if there's any you feel need clarification on please point them out
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its ridiculous to presume they haven't. if they weren't it would have been discussed at seasons end
Here you go mate, should suit and fit you perfectly!

Sorry worm of the north. Milford was created in QLD . That is why he wants to return.
i feel like i have backed up my statements... if there's any you feel need clarification please point them out

Well I don't, hence me asking you to clarify.

You claim that the broncos have done something wrong... Where is you proof? I'm not talking about your thoughts or feelings, I'm talking proof.
Which in turn is why when you develop a talent like him, he starts to make his mark, you want to enjoy what you've created. Not lose him to another team. It's just disheartening. I do want to wish the kid well, but it's hard to 1) know what to believe and 2) Ayoub is making it ugly for all, especially the fact that the Raiders are genuinely just trying to hold on to what they have created.. I se both sides of the story.. It's just as I said.. Disheartening..
I agree, it does suck to lose your own talent. It's like how we developed Hunt to be one of the best fullbacks in the game only for the AFL to jump right in and offer him a ridiculous amount of money. It's not the same situation but it always sucks to lose a player you've developed.
Which in turn is why when you develop a talent like him, he starts to make his mark, you want to enjoy what you've created. Not lose him to another team. It's just disheartening. I do want to wish the kid well, but it's hard to 1) know what to believe and 2) Ayoub is making it ugly for all, especially the fact that the Raiders are genuinely just trying to hold on to what they have created.. I se both sides of the story.. It's just as I said.. Disheartening..
This I totally understand and have said as much in this thread well before you joined. As Broncos fans we relate, trust me!
Sorry worm of the north. Milford was created in QLD . That is why he wants to return.
You are missing the point. He has been under the Raiders development program since before he was 15. He has been brought along and earmarked as a future Raiders first grader.. Yeah, he was born in QLD, I get that.. But.. Argh.. You got me to bite.. :laugh: Well played..
Well I don't, hence me asking you to clarify.

You claim that the broncos have done something wrong... Where is you proof? I'm not talking about your thoughts or feelings, I'm talking proof.

the proof is in the pudding my friend. real eyes, realize, real lies.

speaking of pudding!! i'm starved!! been fun guys but i need some dinner, maybe see ya tmrw night ;)
i'm not bagging her. just reporting my interpretation of what's been said.
anyways since when is bagging someones mum poor form

that'll do me. no point discussing with someone who happily disrespects another's family
my point is that is the catalyst for this whole saga, which is supposed to be against the rules. his dads health is improving, stated by halo himself, so the clause is irrelevant. add to that the request is for 2014 not immediately just doesn't add up

You could be right. You could be wrong too. I think it's pretty disgusting that people are choosing to ignore what the kid has said publicly and assume he's using his sick father as an excuse to get more money, or simply to play for another team.
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