I resent that. I have not once attempted to start an argument. I have already mentioned a couple of times over the past few days that I am here for conversation with the otherside. I can talk about this until I am blue in the face with other Raiders supporters but as we have the same bias (the level of extreme is the only thing that differs) it gets extremely boring and old. I have been enjoying the conversation I have been having with Porthoz, Broncos4life, amongst others that has both been insightful and aside from taughts through sarcasm (which I admit that I enjoy) has been relatively friendly. I am in no way trolling your forum and I respect the conversations and opinions of all of you whether I agree or not. If I do not agree I am more than happy to reply and tell you that you are wrong (in my view) but I will not do it offensively - well intentionally..
The Milford saga will be an ongoing one, which is unfortunate for all and sundry, but blame does not fall on the CEO, as they placed the clause for the hope that Milford wold not activate it. I know that sounds stupid, but if you were between a rock and a hard place, you do things through hope, hope that it is not used against you, but hope that it shows good will. This is the reason behind the clause, and unfortunately, that good will has now been lost behind the media stories from both parties.
As for moving on, I have said it is disheartening, and it is, I know you guys have felt the same about players you have lost. But until that contract is signed, why move on? As has been said earlier, a lot can change in a month, the same applies here. That and until the actual clause and it's terms are settled, we actually have nothing but speculation. Personally, I think he is gone for all money, but there is nothing wrong with hope.