[OFFICIAL] Anthony Milford to Broncos

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Haha exactly this.

I'm not taking the **** here but I honestly think 90% of the raiders fans think this is what's going on.

Milford: Sam I'm loving it here at the raiders and want to stay here my whole career, how are we going with my extension? I'm keen to sign on for as long as they will have me.

Ayoub: No, your leaving the raiders and playing for the broncos next year.

Tony: what? No please mr Sam I want to stay, I love it here.

Ayoub: I said no your going, and you'll keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you

No Mr Frodo, stay away from me.
Don Furner to Anthony Milford

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Damn he is so fast off the mark. I never really knew just how quick this kid. Till just now. WOW.
Yeah, his speed and his footwork would give us something we haven't had in a loooong time. He's still young, so he'll pick up positioning and defensive skills as he grows up.
Yeah, his speed and his footwork would give us something we haven't had in a loooong time. He's still young, so he'll pick up positioning and defensive skills as he grows up.

For someone as young as he is, his awareness of whats going on around him is special. Kid has a real footy brain.
For someone as young as he is, his awareness of whats going on around him is special. Kid has a real footy brain.

If it's been said before, sorry, but you can see why there was little hesitation in liquidating Dugan (but keeping Ferguson) and why they are now fight tooth and nail to keep their last line of defence and one of their two major strike weapons safe and secure.
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The plot thickens yet again
Milford feud deepensThe Anthony Milford saga is getting uglier by the moment. Milford wants to return to Brisbane to be with his sick father and believes a clause in his contract allows him to do just that. His dad Halo has been so concerned about his son's state of mind that he made a trip to Canberra to visit him. Halo inadvertently found himself meeting with Raiders officials as they attempted to talk through their side of the story. If Canberra think that meeting will endear them to the Milford family, they may need to think again.

Read more: Gallen warned to button his lip

Gallen warned to button his lip

Disclaimer: Written by Weidler
I dunno, Weidler is just assuming there just like the rest of us.
I still don't understand how a get out clause requires both parties to agree, if both parties agree to cancel a signed contract then no get out clause is required to begin with :cuckoo:
this is going to be ugly ... Milfords agent has now threatened legal action should the Raiders not back down and release Milford

THE Anthony Milford contract saga took a dramatic twist yesterday with the teenage star's agent revealing he will take legal action against the Raiders if they refuse to release him the final year of his contract.The Sunday Telegraph can lift the lid on the mysterious release clause penned into the live wire fullback's contract with Milford's agent Sam Ayoub opening up on the fight to reunite his client with his sick father.
Milford, 19, has formally requested a release to return to Brisbane to be closer to his father who underwent a triple by-pass last year.
The Raiders have denied the release, claiming Milford is bound to serve out the final year of his deal.
"The clause says the Raiders will look favourably on any request for a release should his father's health deteriorate," Ayoub said.
"And so far they haven't looked on it favourably at all simply because he has turned into a better player than they expected. The clause is there and they should not have put it in if they had no intention of honouring it."
Ayoub said his client was desperate to return to Brisbane and accused the Raiders of "bullying" his client.
Ayoub said he would consider taking on the Raiders in court should they not grant Milford a release and allow him to strike a deal with Broncos.

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I had some sympathy before but after Furner's snide remarks in the paper I want nothing more than to see Milford leave. Do it Ayoub.
Surely the Raiders have to do it. If he has said he wants to activate the exit clause, they really can't stop him. Can't make him sit out or anything either. They should just quit with some grace.
Delaying the contract extension talks that the Raiders want is really a way of Milford and his manager saying "**** you" to the Raiders. because on November 1 he is free to sign a deal with any club for 2015. should he sign a deal with us for 2015 it would really force the Raiders hand. they would have to either release him (making the Broncos develop him) or keep him (and continue to develop him for the Broncos advantage)
Wouldn't Ferguson be a long term prospect at fullback for the raiders?
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