[OFFICIAL] Anthony Milford to Broncos

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Sounds like Badel is just putting two and two together.

He's learned that Milford's family isn't moving to Canberra so Anthony will return to Brisbane.

I'm not sure if it will be that straight forward.

No he knows what's going on.
Please let this happen. Milford is going to be a star.
Funny Saturday none of you had a clue now you're all experts.

The clause was inserted by the Raiders to involve any Qld Side so yes it was compassionate of them once his dad got sick.

Gee was always flying to Canberra today for talks and paperwork.

Guys, I know it is really not MY place to do this; given that I am a relatively new BHQ subscriber. But, I just want to take this opportunity to say a quick thank you to both 1910 and NoPatience for their funtastic contributions to the forum. Their regular, AND reliable intel is a real bonus for subscribers and coaching staff alike. Rather than the gossip and hearsay SOME posters here like to peddle out, 9 times out of 10 NoPatience and 1910 hit the mark with their predictions relating to signings.

Anyways, again, thank you guys and hope you both stay around.
Splint, I trust what NoPatience had said and with his connections, I think the intel is solid. Let's not forget Gee Gee is a seasoned and skillful negotiator. From some of the reports I've heard about the guy, he can be very persuasive and a real charmer. A flash of that cheeky smile of his and Milford is as good as ours in my opinion. Anyways guys, lets sit back, cross our fingers and let Gee Gee work his magic.

What are the odds of this happening? Maybe Gee Gee is horsing around. he is saddled with a lot of responsibility but hopefully he can do it in a canter, although he is short of a gallop in this area. Really hope he will be able to trot out a new signing soon so we can get our future back on track. Etc
He's a great young kid that can play football. He learns well from mistakes off and on the field.

Don't stress trust me.

I do trust [MENTION=8272]1910[/MENTION] as you have never been wrong and have always known things before its public knowledge. On a side note are you Chris Garry? Lol
Papalii shouldn't really be trying to make a stand on believing only what you see. Pretty sure there was a signed contract for everyone to see. How did that turn out?
Hrrmmm while Milford is obviously a great talent, can he handle the pressure when the stakes are higher than: "Here, fill in at 14 and fullback for the Raiders who *hope* each year to do better than finish last".

Broncos fans are fickle. They expect a premiership every second year. That every young player will be playing State of Origin in the first three years of first grade.

Also, if it is 1. Barba and 6/7 Milford, two players that are "dynamic"/x-factor players, it rests on Hunt to control the forwards, the kicking game, and to call the shots.

Is he capable of that?

Does he have leadership qualities off the field (am I'm not talking about appearing in front of cameras answering confidently - I mean genuine forged in steel/hard working family values, adversity, Darren Lockyer looking after the siblings while Mum and Dad went to work type of quality) or another wrapped in wool "Coke and lollies for dinner" Corey Norman type?

Oh Cyril, where art thou
I think where Hunt might find those leadership skills is with his ability to read the play. But yes it'll be up to him and McCullough to organise the forwards, get that roll on and create the space for Barba and Milford to do something (assuming we get them).
The picture could simply be that he loves tupac, I mean the kid has good taste.

It could be that he isn't leaving the raiders and this is his subtle way of letting everyone know (although if a paper had just printed a story that was saying it's basically a done deal and should be signed off this week, and I wasn't going, I'm pretty sure I would be just writing "contrary to the paper talk I will be staying with the raiders for at least 2014 #raidersforlife #green machine blahblahblah")

It could be that like the guys in the know on here have said, he is coming, but until it is signed off and announced he is waiting to keep his team mates at bay. If I am a 19 year old, away from home with all my team mates saying "what's happening tony? your not leaving are you? cmon mate we need you to stay" I would be waiting to keep them out of my ear until it is official
Yeah, I don't think that picture is proof of anything. Just as likely a red herring as it is him saying he's not leaving.
Hrrmmm while Milford is obviously a great talent, can he handle the pressure when the stakes are higher than: "Here, fill in at 14 and fullback for the Raiders who *hope* each year to do better than finish last".

Broncos fans are fickle. They expect a premiership every second year. That every young player will be playing State of Origin in the first three years of first grade.

Also, if it is 1. Barba and 6/7 Milford, two players that are "dynamic"/x-factor players, it rests on Hunt to control the forwards, the kicking game, and to call the shots.

Is he capable of that?

Does he have leadership qualities off the field (am I'm not talking about appearing in front of cameras answering confidently - I mean genuine forged in steel/hard working family values, adversity, Darren Lockyer looking after the siblings while Mum and Dad went to work type of quality) or another wrapped in wool "Coke and lollies for dinner" Corey Norman type?

Oh Cyril, where art thou

I really don't know what to say to this. He has shown nothing to suggest he can't handle the limelight, he seems to be a fantastic talent that is down to earth with a good head on his shoulders. He seems the opposite of corey norman. So what do you suggest sign no one because they may not live up to your lofty heights.

As for your comments about broncos fans being fickle to me thats a load of paper garbage that journos love to push out. If they were a 'fickly bunch' after the last 2 years we would have about 2000 at each home game tops.

No offence but to me this is pessimism for the sake of pessimism
And I think what I hate the most is the notion that Broncos fans are only satisfied when we're winning. Of course, there's some truth to it, but while I can't speak for anyone else, what I miss most is the entertainment! Even when it was classic Bennett Ball bash and barge, on the back of it we had some really entertaining attacking play. We had the likes of Sailor, Lockyer, Tuqiri terrorising from their own try line, in later years we had Lockyer and Hunt scheming to send over mediocre winger after mediocre winger for tries (Bott, Winterstein, Boyd, Robinson). And of course briefly we had Folau with his uncanny knack of scoring like it was a piece of piss.

What I've missed in the last 2 years especially is the loss of that entertainment. It's grind, grind, grind. If the opposition gives us the ball deep in our own half then we know the only hope is to get a penalty if we're going to get even close to scoring.

Adding players like Barba and Milford add that excitement factor back into the game.

That's what I've missed, and that's what I'm looking forward to. Winning on top of that will be a superb bonus. A premiership would be amazeballs.
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