[OFFICIAL] Barba to Broncos

To be fair, Alex Glenn isn't the best communicator around.

I'd guess he's been misunderstood.

Well, i'm hoping that's the case.
Certainly is worrying, pink dresses all round to the delicate princesses at the club seem to be in order. Beginning to sound more and more to me that the playing group need a bit a shake up and dose of reality.

A common factor I can see between Belamy, Maguire, Robinson, Toovey etc is that they a good blokes but hard competitors and strong leaders, get on there wrong side, not put effort in or fail to do your job then you will feel the wrath. It not only makes then likeable but the players respect them and I'd say even fear them.

I think this is what we are missing.
i've posted it before. this is why they all love griffo. he has kept the little u20s group together at all costs. if he goes it means their positions arent safe.
^ Agree. Griffin doesn't want to make the hard calls because he's too buddy buddy with the roster, thanks to his time in the u20's (imo).

He can coach the majority in his next Q Cup stint if he likes them that much.
parker is quoted today "hook is a wonderful man-manager". theres that word again. anyone think the guy can COACH though?
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

I reckon they must have been sleeping in the same bed or something and he flailed in his sleep?
i've posted it before. this is why they all love griffo. he has kept the little u20s group together at all costs. if he goes it means their positions arent safe.

SO much yes.

They all say the love the coach and don't want him replaced, because they know that no other coach would put up with there shit. Honestly they are like a bunch of teenagers and griffin is the fun uncle
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

I reckon they must have been sleeping in the same bed or something and he flailed in his sleep?
Didn't Dave Taylor fall out of bed and split his head open ...
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

She didn't write Barba hit me, she wrote she didn't even know how it happened. So, possibly she received a blow that rendered her unable to recall events or she may have been blind drunk and fell. Another scenario could see the injury from a drunken scuffle initiated by her own good self and for which she is remorseful . Also it could have been a fall caused by an ingestion of some drugs ( god knows I know that's possible !) it's even possible to wake up with blood in the nose,mouth and on the pillow and not have a clue how it happened !

From her words she was asleep to begin with and then was going back to sleep when 'it' happened. He could have been shaking her awake and she's angrily turned away hitting the bedside table. So many scenarios and yet she doesn't want to press charges or talk about it, usually a sign that she had more to do with the fight or considers it not that important. As always , innocent until proven guilty.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

Maybe she walked into a door?
I've heard that line quite a few times from different players now, and it's quite remarkable that none of them says that Hook is a good coach.
They rave about his man management qualities and how all the players like him, but I think most of them realise he lacks in the coaching dept...

I have no issues keeping Hook in the staff, albeit not in his current position, but maybe in a more overseeing role.
We need people who are technically capable to drastically improve this team's conditioning, as well as their clear deficiencies in both attack and defense. And we definitely need someone who will make the tough calls when necessary and won't cater to the players' whims.
Players like Thaiday need to be taken out of their comfort zone and be told that they are on the firing line as much as anyone else at the club.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

For better or for worse, these footy players have to realise the NRL/media will deem them guilty:

1. until proven innocent;
2. by association;
3. without due process,

if there is any situation involving one of or a combination of:

1. alcohol;
2. women;
3. injury to any person; or
3. any act or omission or behaviour extending beyond shutting your mouth and standing still.

**** the "you're a role model" stick. It's just prudent practice for their own self-interest and reputation to avoid the above situations if possible.

That is the best "code of conduct".
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

Let's not exaggerate people. If any of that had happened, she wouldn't have gone to the Dogs about Barba. Whatever happened (accidental or not), must have been caused by him being out of control...

Trying to put it on Ainslie is honestly of bad taste!
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

Let's not exaggerate people. If any of that had happened, she wouldn't have gone to the Dogs about Barba. Whatever happened (accidental or not), must have been caused by him being out of control...

Trying to put it on Ainslie is honestly of bad taste!

unless the accident was as a result of drunken or out of control behavior
locky basically telling it how it is

"I remember sitting on the bench for all of the 1996 season, and when my break in the starting side came the following year, it was at fullback.

In the modern game today, the young kids coming into the NRL sometimes expect more than what they initially deserve."
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