[Official] - Milford signs with Broncos

Now why? It's in their best interest for him to be miserable this year, now this rumour is one that makes no sense.

But as I've said many times our beliefs are biased by what we wish to be true.

wasnt it on this thread people saying Canberra paying for his parents better be under the cap

No it's not in our best interests for him to be miserable. A young guy that's miserable leads to him doing stupid shot that leads him to jeopodising his contract with us.
I saw the same rumour also that the Broncs are paying for his family to be in Canberra with him. Just can't remember where i read it now.
It does not make sense the Raiders would outlay the money for no gain
Why do people fall for Bushman's shit stirring...? :rolleyes:

Come round #13, there will be another meltdown at the GH, GE will go off his meds again, and bushman will tell all his mates how we are all this and that at BroncosHQ... what else is new?
It's understandable that Milford felt pressure to be at the Broncos in 2014. It was no secret that he was desperately wanted here. But let's remember that the majority of communications would have gone through his manager - both from the Broncos to request the release, and the Raiders to deny it. So as much as Raiders fans want to argue that the Broncos have made him uncomfortable by pressuring for a release, surely they can see the flip side, in that the Raiders put him under equal pressure by not honouring his clause and demanding he stay in Canberra despite him not wanting to be there. Any relief he now feels would therefore not just be because 'the big bad Broncos aren't on his back any more', but simply because the tug of war is over.
So I finally understand why the Broncos lose their young players every year. Other clubs bully and threaten them to leave our club!
Perhaps just to head Canberra off at the pass, we should top up Milfs deal with Jharal's salary cap money, now that he's retired. A healthy 300k on top of what he already has is a nice swayer for such a young kid.
Perhaps just to head Canberra off at the pass, we should top up Milfs deal with Jharal's salary cap money, now that he's retired. A healthy 300k on top of what he already has is a nice swayer for such a young kid.

Wouldn't be such a bad idea..
Well yeah we certainly could or just accept the fact his signature is on a contract and accept the fact he has verbally and in media said he intends to be here.
Just a quick footnote and not sure if this was previously posted but I have it on very good authority that "someone" has paid for the entire Milford family to move to Canberra to solve Tony's homesickness problems for this season ... would be nice if it was the Broncs who came up with this as part of the deal ... but whoever did it ... it's a nice touch

This is the basis for that rumour.
If thats true then it must count towards the salary cap, otherwise we can go around buying houses for everyones parents and relatives and such.
It's a tricky one because he's not a contracted Broncos player so technically, the payments can't be under the Broncos cap?
Just a quick footnote and not sure if this was previously posted but I have it on very good authority that "someone" has paid for the entire Milford family to move to Canberra to solve Tony's homesickness problems for this season ... would be nice if it was the Broncs who came up with this as part of the deal ... but whoever did it ... it's a nice touch

I read about his family moving to Canberra here.

Canberra Raiders may not have given up on Anthony Milford

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