Racism drama in the U20's

Now you're stereotyping B4L. That's racist.

Seriously though, I completely disagree that using the N word would ever be acceptable by one of us whiteys. Historically, that word was used specifically as a derogatory label for black people. Like I said, same as the C word about women, or the F word about gays.

That's not the point I'm really trying to make, but I appreciate what you're saying. It's their word, they took a word used as a horrible insult, voided it by making it their own, but still get angry about us using it. It's odd, but whatever, that's not the argument I'm making.

My argument is 100% that racism is racism. If white people as a whole are racist, then I reckon black people are more racist.
Nigger **** ******, you happy? Good. Now tell me how to refer to them without referring to them?
110 posts in this thread, and nobody has posted the Avenue Q song.

If the Broncos player made the remark then they should be punished accordingly, but that doesn't give Uele the right to strike the player. Instead of handling it like a man, he took the low road, robbing himself of any moral high-ground.
Nigger **** ******, you happy? Good. Now tell me how to refer to them without referring to them?

I don't think it matters how you would, someone would find a way to call it racist. But that's the argument you see.
110 posts in this thread, and nobody has posted the Avenue Q song.

If the Broncos player made the remark then they should be punished accordingly, but that doesn't give Uele the right to strike the player. Instead of handling it like a man, he took the low road, robbing himself of any moral high-ground.

Brilliant musical.
I don't think it matters how you would, someone would find a way to call it racist. But that's the argument you see.

Is that how you interpret that joke? That no matter what you do, even if you abbreviate it, it's still racist? Because my take on it is that he's arguing if you're going to abbreviate it, you might as just well say the full word, it's the same thing anyway. Which I don't agree with of course.
Is that how you interpret that joke? That no matter what you do, even if you abbreviate it, it's still racist? Because my take on it is that he's arguing if you're going to abbreviate it, you might as just well say the full word, it's the same thing anyway. Which I don't agree with of course.

I think we have confused ourselves here.

My argument. "White ****" being said by a black person to a white person is exactly the same amount of racism as a white person calling a black person a "black ****".

I am also pointing out that I do not agree that the majority of what society sees as racist behavior, is actually racist.

Example. My grandfather used to refer to hi Maori mates at the bowling green as 'whories' (Equivalent in NZ to 'coon'). He wasn't a racist man, they were all mates, they didn't take offence, they all had a great time together, and I'm sure insults were flung his way too. Society would call him racist, when in reality, it's not racist, because it's not meant in a mean spirited way to hurt.
I think we have confused ourselves here.

My argument. "White ****" being said by a black person to a white person is exactly the same amount of racism as a white person calling a black person a "black ****".

I am also pointing out that I do not agree that the majority of what society sees as racist behavior, is actually racist.

Example. My grandfather used to refer to hi Maori mates at the bowling green as 'whories' (Equivalent in NZ to 'coon'). He wasn't a racist man, they were all mates, they didn't take offence, they all had a great time together, and I'm sure insults were flung his way too. Society would call him racist, when in reality, it's not racist, because it's not meant in a mean spirited way to hurt.

I agree that's not racist, but I also expect that that's not the type of interaction people are seeking to prevent. It might as well be a pet name. But I would still question whether using such terminology in an open environment, where others not privy to the relationship, may overhear it.

My take on the difference between a white person calling a black person a "black c", and vice versa, is because there are still residual beliefs that white people are superior. And like I said earlier, people who have endured times where that mindset was the mainstream. As well as those in their lineage who have experienced the effects on these people. How many white people can say the same thing?

That's the difference. With a white person calling someone a "black c", we simply don't know if it's intended as a genuine racial slur or not, where their is a genuine mindset of superiority, of putting the black person in their place because their kind do not deserve to walk the same path. And neither does the person who is on the receiving end, or those who may observe the interaction.
I agree that's not racist, but I also expect that that's not the type of interaction people are seeking to prevent. It might as well be a pet name. But I would still question whether using such terminology in an open environment, where others not privy to the relationship, may overhear it.

My take on the difference between a white person calling a black person a "black c", and vice versa, is because there are still residual beliefs that white people are superior. And like I said earlier, people who have endured times where that mindset was the mainstream. As well as those in their lineage who have experienced the effects on these people. How many white people can say the same thing?

That's the difference. With a white person calling someone a "black c", we simply don't know if it's intended as a genuine racial slur or not, where their is a genuine mindset of superiority, of putting the black person in their place because their kind do not deserve to walk the same path. And neither does the person who is on the receiving end, or those who may observe the interaction.

I feel that maybe you think I'm condoning the use of those words, and trying to endorse their use. That's not the case, I'm simply trying to make an example that black on white racism exists in our world along with white on black racism.
Interesting on this reverse racism thing. When I was younger walking past HJ's in the mall around 11ish, I heard the " hey **** give me a smoke" coming from the wall. I turned and said nope without breaking stride and the response was **** of then ya white ****.

Didn't bother me as this was pretty normal back in the day outside HJ's but if I then turned around and said **** you ya black **** or piss of coon then all ten of them would of gotten off the ledge, put down their half eaten whopper junior they've been snacking on for the last 3 hours and started swinging.

What would my Defense be in that case, that they called me a white **** so I returned serve and they didn't like it, but I should know better.

White to black, black to white, it's all the same. No need or place for it.

P.S they didn't even offer me a dollar!
This is all I was saying earlier, it's about equity. But it never is. A comment said one direction is racist. The same comment in reverse direction isn't. Total bullshit. Call them both racist or call neither of them racist. I don't so much care either way, but none of this "it's ok for me to day to it but not ok for you to day it"

**** off
Interestingly I have been talking to my school aged kids about this, and they said they have been called racist for simply referring to someone as black. And the said to me, Dad how the hell is that racist? I didn't put him down, I don't dislike the guy. I just referred to the black guy over there!

It's a descriptor people!

I tell you now, if there is a room full of black people with a white guy in the corner, and someone says "Go see the white guy" nobody complains. Reverse that and you risk being labelled racist.

This world has gone crazy
Interestingly I have been talking to my school aged kids about this, and they said they have been called racist for simply referring to someone as black. And the said to me, Dad how the hell is that racist? I didn't put him down, I don't dislike the guy. I just referred to the black guy over there!

It's a descriptor people!

I tell you now, if there is a room full of black people with a white guy in the corner, and someone says "Go see the white guy" nobody complains. Reverse that and you risk being labelled racist.

This world has gone crazy

It's an over correction, and it falls right in the category of Political Correctness gone absolutely full blown blind drunk into the 21st century. Bleeding hearts worrying about others instead of minding their business and worrying about themselves.
It's an over correction, and it falls right in the category of Political Correctness gone absolutely full blown blind drunk into the 21st century. Bleeding hearts worrying about others instead of minding their business and worrying about themselves.

About 15 years ago, Jeremy Cordeaux (respected radio personality here - not sure if you guys know him) said that political correctness was a cancer and would kill us from the inside

How right he was
About 15 years ago, Jeremy Cordeaux (respected radio personality here - not sure if you guys know him) said that political correctness was a cancer and would kill us from the inside

How right he was

Australia was always known as the shittalking banter country. We are losing our idenity thanks to PC.
Well we're going to go in to semantics here as to what racism is. What I assume B4L means is that the racism that would be directed at us does not come from a position of superiority or dominance. We're not being called "white" in a derogatory way because they consider us to be fundamentally inferior. However, if their attitude towards us stems from their belief that we, as white people, are automatically prejudiced towards them, or are simply lumped in with those that are, then yes, there is just as much prejudice in that mindset. So I think you're both correct, it's just the definition of racism that is in question.

As dicky as it sounds, we started it, so it's on us to fix it. I'm not a racist, though like everyone else I've found myself silently judging people on appearance, so maybe I am, maybe we all are to some degree. I don't believe you are racist, the majority of people here aren't. But that doesn't mean we get to wipe our hands clean of racism's effects. In my opinion tolerating anything that can be misconstrued as racism is not acceptable, which is why I understand where B4L is coming from and am backing his right to feel how he does.

FWIW this was exactly my point, I just obviously couldn't put it this well and couldn't be bothered to continue trying.