Round 10 Discussion (Magic Round)

i hate what NRL is becoming.

this round has made me bitter.
Haha PvL has ruined the game! Wow!

i get it, they want to protect the head, so suspend them longer.
See these are okay bins/sends, these are clear as day dangerous foul play. Not a love tap to the chin bouncing off the ball.
Well, well, well. What do we have here. A farce!

(I have no problem with the send offs but that the game has come to this) add fatigue they said. This is what they’ve got.
That's more than a sin bin easily, even before the dumb rules.

Should have always been, if the game was adjudicated fairly. But it's never been consistent. Hence the shoulder charge edict, and now the situation we have here. There has always been rules against contact with the head.

Right call though IMO.