Not sure what to say. I feared this would happen after last week's effort.
Only we would make an 80 metre break, then knock on and concede in the next set. Having said that, only we would drop the opening kick-off then not number up in the first set of the game.
We are dead set fucked.
We are Newcastle 2015-16. Kev won't fix this, only new spine positions with half a clue will.
If I was Coates' dad I'd be saying fucking take whatever $$ Storm are offering and go. JAC was a skinny plodder before he went there.
I'm a fucking Broncos tragic and have been since day dot. I wish I could say it's just a game and be ok with it, actually I envy people that can do that. It's fucked how much the team being like this affects me.
Thanks for listening, had to get it off my chest