Sexual assault allegation

Re: Rape allegation

i hope so The Rock, but more often than not allegations like this have some truth to them. i pray none of our players were involved, but if they were, i'm sure the club will handle it professionally as they have in the past with other off-field incidents.
Re: Rape allegation

lol! Yeah, footy players never go out between big games and get on the drink. Ever. Lol
Re: Rape allegation

How does a chick end up in a toilet with 3 blokes in the first place?? What they chuck her over their shoulders in the club and strut into the toilet and take turns?? It doesn't make any sense that this would happen and that members of the broncos were stupid enough to possibly throw their careers away. It sounds like crap TBH and if it was definetly serious i can't see why names wouldn't have been bought forward by now.
Re: Rape allegation

Must be a big stall too!
Re: Rape allegation

High profile players, I can only tbh think of 3-4 that are "high profile"

Nashy do you play TF2? If you do we should meet up in game.
Re: Rape allegation

i for one am hoping the security footage reveals no bronco entering or leaving the women's toilets. That would probably kill any further investigations and people won't have to ring ticketek and cancel their memberships. Lolz
Re: Rape allegation

broncospwn said:
High profile players, I can only tbh think of 3-4 that are "high profile"

Nashy do you play TF2? If you do we should meet up in game.

I play tf2 :)
Re: Rape allegation

briareos said:
Must be a big stall too!

Yeah I mean there would be so many witnesses so I think it is if anything a small misdemeanor that has been blown out of proportion by a chick. Well heres hopping anyway.
Re: Rape allegation

mal, Add me on steam, {wb}buffalo so we can play TF2 together :)
Re: Rape allegation

I was at the Alhambra Lounge last night. The thing with the female toilets there, it's in an open area where anyone can
walk by. The toilets are not closed off as such. There will be plenty of witnesses if anything happened.
Re: Rape allegation

OK. STOP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!

Whats TF2? I'm more curious about this than rapes
Re: Rape allegation

lol Hammo, Team Fortress 2- cartoony shoot em up.
Re: Rape allegation

TF2 is Team Fortress 2, a team based online first person shooter.
Re: Rape allegation

TF2 = Awesome game. lol hammo, Almost as good as steve price.
Re: Rape allegation

yeah I'm with you Beads6 surely by now people would be talking. And if it was Broncos players it would have been confirmed by now . reckon the media is just running with it , hope so anyway . Myabe we'll all wake up tomorrow and it will be just be a big gee up !!!!! ha ha .
Re: Rape allegation

IMO, Media hype up for the ratings.