Sonny Set To Leave The NRL

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QCup Player
Mar 6, 2008
I can sort of understand where Gus was coming from, but he didn't go about things the right way at all. We all know how passionate he is about the game, but beating David Gallop around the head with a hammer like he did is not going to help anyone out at the present point in time.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
I wonder how serious he was about a second Brisbane team?


Mar 4, 2008
At first I was pissed off. Like him or lump him, watching Rugby League without Gus just wouldn't be the same! But then saw he was only stood down for a week, that's fair enough.


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
I'm sure Harrogan, Daley, Vautin etc will grill Gallop with some really difficult questions.. [eusa_doh

So sick of journos asking him the same old questions, allowing Gallop to regurgitate the same old responses.

I'm glad Gould blasted Gallop. Someone had to.


State of Origin Rep
Apr 8, 2008
Nashy said:
I wonder how serious he was about a second Brisbane team?

I'd say he was deadly serious. The money that a second club in Brisbane would be able to generate would be much greater than half of the NSW based clubs.


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
After all the fuss I decided to listen to the interview, and it was as painful as I thought it would be. Gallop deserves a medal for staying so calm through the whole thing, Gould could learn a thing or two about how to conduct himself.

Right or wrong, the ranting was disgraceful and embarrassing to listen to. It is possible to conduct a great interview, with hard-hitting questions, without screaming the house down. Not that it was really an interview anyway, I was under the impression that 2 people get to speak in one of those.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Clintos said:
Nashy said:
I wonder how serious he was about a second Brisbane team?

I'd say he was deadly serious. The money that a second club in Brisbane would be able to generate would be much greater than half of the NSW based clubs.

I guess the question is... how long.

Bring on the Chargers! [icon_razz1


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Any second team in Brisbane could experience the same problems as the Crushers. they could not compete with the Broncos and went broke. i remember near the end they kept having free admission to all, just to get crowds.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Yeah from what I've heard the Broncos certainly didn't help the Crushers situation, I highly doubt circumstances would be the same now.

I dunno, super league is looking look now, maybe doing it differently of course...


QCup Player
Jun 15, 2008
SL was always looking good.
I believe they have used a lot of it anyhow.
My nephew is a journo on the GC Bully and he was so against SL back then and reckons that teams who did not perform would just be thrown out had it come in.
(We rarely speak anymore after I viewed my opinion in a Phil Gould type manner. :oops:
Nah he is one of the good guys even if he was a Saints supporter before Tits came in.

Nashy have you ever watched "Grumpy old Men" and Grumpy old Women"? Hilarious.


Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Good on Gus for having a go. Could've gone about it a little differently though.

I must say, credit to David Gallop for how he responded. Very calm, and provided answers.

The Brizz

Mar 4, 2008
ningnangnong said:
Good on Gus for having a go. Could've gone about it a little differently though.

I must say, credit to David Gallop for how he responded. Very calm, and provided answers.

The thing is (as I see it) Gallop handling himself like he did with no emotion just peddling out the same old story is what made Gus explode, do not condone what he did but it really showed in a lot of ways how much of a pushover he can be and how he didn't have any really good answers to questions on where he is taking the game.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
Good on Gus? FFS he has his own agendas and that's about it.

He has the good of he game at heart but only if that means protecting Sydney clubs.
He bags Gallop for giving the same answers to the same questions because the answer isn't the one he wants to hear.

His view is firmly on the side of the ARL / NSWRL. He has a hide asking about a second Brisbane club because it was the ARL who promised the SQ Crushers the earth for their loyalty then withdrew their financial support after amalgamation.

Make no mistake, this bloke would turn back the clock to pre 1988 if he had a choice.

He draws comparison to the AFL and their TV rights deal but fails to acknowledge that they still have teams struggling to compete in a market that has too many teams in 1 city, so why would the NRL be any different if we got a better TV deal?

The simple fact is we need a Super league style structure, the Sydney clubs can still play under the NSWRL banner but they will be feeder clubs to 3 or 4 NRL entities. They keep their identities but they will not participate in the main event except to provide a pathway for players.

The Sydney clubs can't accept this even though that realisation is becoming obvious.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Dexter said:
Good on Gus? FFS he has his own agendas and that's about it.

He has the good of he game at heart but only if that means protecting Sydney clubs.
He bags Gallop for giving the same answers to the same questions because the answer isn't the one he wants to hear.

His view is firmly on the side of the ARL / NSWRL. He has a hide asking about a second Brisbane club because it was the ARL who promised the SQ Crushers the earth for their loyalty then withdrew their financial support after amalgamation.

Make no mistake, this bloke would turn back the clock to pre 1988 if he had a choice.

He draws comparison to the AFL and their TV rights deal but fails to acknowledge that they still have teams struggling to compete in a market that has too many teams in 1 city, so why would the NRL be any different if we got a better TV deal?

The simple fact is we need a Super league style structure, the Sydney clubs can still play under the NSWRL banner but they will be feeder clubs to 3 or 4 NRL entities. They keep their identities but they will not participate in the main event except to provide a pathway for players.

The Sydney clubs can't accept this even though that realisation is becoming obvious.

The problem would be getting the Sydney fans to go for it. The only way it would work would be mergers or relocations, and that seems to be the major problem with it, the fans.

For this sport to grow, and become what it once was, the NRL need to change, and the best possible way, is like you said, SuperLeague type comps.

NRL should remain the governing body, and then all the teams become public companies. Drop the cap, and start spending money how they wish on players.

Do that for 10 years, and that will sort out who is prepared to do something about their crowds and money making oppotunities.

All players at the start of the season should be assigned an acredited player manager, and that cannot be changed until the contract has ended.

Look for expantion over the next 10 years into Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane, 25 years into PNG, Central QLD and possibly the NT.

As soon as a club goes under, auction the licence to whoever wants it, listen to the winners business plan, if it doesn't suit, auction it again, with all the money going to supporting the clubs who may need concessions in the first 10 years alone.

Origin ticket sales, straight to the clubs and players.

I dunno if it would work, but I can't think of anything else that would work better.


QCup Player
Mar 4, 2008
The problem with Gould is he is quick to judge and criticise but not willing to accept any possible solutions that don't suit his own. Completely disrespectful in shouting his mouth of at Gallop before he could even have a chance to reply in which I think were perfectly good answers..

The problem with Gallop is- his job as CEO of the NRL is to make the NRL work, and even if Super League is for the good of the game he would be out of job. The board really needs a kick in the bum.

Kingaroy Redant

BRL Player
Mar 16, 2008
Does Gus have issues? Yes big ones but no clues. [icon_thumbs_do

Gus is about Sydney RL number one, he is not too interested in anything else. He can't let the Super League war go. I am not sure but I think it comes from not being able to see out of your eyes.

I agree with shcmix [icon_ee that Gould behaved like a petulant kid having a tantrum and Gallop was amazing in his ability to continue the interview and suffer the constant interruptions of the self-promoting Gus.

Gus does not care about anything but Sydney. I never thought it was possible for him to drop lower in my opinion of him, but he was free falling last night.

Get professional help Gus, you have a problem that can be treated!


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
mal said:
The problem with Gallop is- his job as CEO of the NRL is to make the NRL work, and even if Super League is for the good of the game he would be out of job. The board really needs a kick in the bum.

Gallop was a Super League lawyer so he probably got the CEO job because of that.

And that's probably why Gus attacked him.
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