Sonny Set To Leave The NRL

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State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
Football karma perhaps. Did the Sydney clubs give a toss when they came up and bought Brisbane players for years, no way.


NRL Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Clintos said:
Nashy said:
I wonder how serious he was about a second Brisbane team?

I'd say he was deadly serious. The money that a second club in Brisbane would be able to generate would be much greater than half of the NSW based clubs.


So weaken one of, if not the biggest money spinner in the game, for the chance to have 2 less money makers?

Smart. [icon_thumbs_do

QLD can't handle a 4th team yet.


NRL Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Just listened to it.

Gus is a fool.

A perfect example of unprofessionalism on display (albeit who would expect any less from the Nine Monkey Crew). A person speaking with their hearts not their heads.

Gallop,"We have been significantly successful in GC."
Pukeface,"So when do we get a 2nd Brisbane team"

WTF? Talk about bipolar episode.


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
Kingaroy Redant said:
I agree with shcmix [icon_ee ...

I am slightly offended that you seem so surprised [icon_wink


NRL Captain
Mar 5, 2008

Gavin Orr said:
However, Orr – who negotiated the player’s current contract – revealed the five-year duration was Williams’s idea, with the Bulldogs initially wanting to sign Williams for three seasons.

“We actually advised him to sign for three years, but I think Sonny was concerned about the situation with his leg at the time, and in discussions between the club and himself led to a five-year agreement, that’s the one that Sonny wanted to choose,†Orr said.


I didn't realise that! I thought the Dogs tried to lock him up for as long as possible. Like he insinuates in the article, SBW was probably concerned about his injuries and wanted to secure the best and safest deal he could.

Once again, proving where his head is at.


International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
Hammo said:
Just listened to it.

Gus is a fool.

A perfect example of unprofessionalism on display (albeit who would expect any less from the Nine Monkey Crew). A person speaking with their hearts not their heads.

Gallop,"We have been significantly successful in GC."
Pukeface,"So when do we get a 2nd Brisbane team"

WTF? Talk about bipolar episode.

Nah I reckon he has all this bottled up anger and he couln't hold it in any longer, he's wearing his heart on his sleeve.

can't deny his passion for the game eh.

He does need a breather on the sidelines though!!


QCup Player
Mar 4, 2008
What gould said was right... and i think people are overreacting, the interview wasn't that bad. Hes right, why start saying Union will support us before even talking to them, makes us look like idiots

Gould should be working for the NRL


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
renouf said:
What gould said was right... and i think people are overreacting, the interview wasn't that bad. Hes right, why start saying Union will support us before even talking to them, makes us look like idiots

Gould should be working for the NRL

Gallop never actually said that union would support us. what he said was that the NRL would be contacting the IRB and ASKING them for their help in the matter


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
bfoord said:
renouf said:
What gould said was right... and i think people are overreacting, the interview wasn't that bad. Hes right, why start saying Union will support us before even talking to them, makes us look like idiots

Gould should be working for the NRL

Gallop never actually said that union would support us. what he said was that the NRL would be contacting the IRB and ASKING them for their help in the matter

To which I predict the answer will be howls of laughter.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
So let's see, Gallop's other options were:

1. Say Sonny Bill was miserable in our game because it's dying, so we're going to make a snap decision soon to fix things (eg, drop the salary cap, cut 5 Sydney clubs etc)

2. Say oh well, Sonny Bill's gone, our game doesn't need him, we won't do anything about it.

3. Drop the salary cap and match the Union offer to keep Sonny Bill in the game.

4. Say "Whatever Sonny Bill wants in rugby league I will give him...want NZers to be eligible for Origin? Done. Want $2 million a year? Done"

If he bent over and took this, everyone would be bagging him for being a pushover and a soft ****.
Instead, he takes a hard line on this issue - and that's all he's said, he has never said anything about the bigger issue - and he's bagged by Gould for not having an instant solution for the bigger problem.

Gallop COULD NOT win, and Gould's attack served NOTHING other than to let Gould vent his anger at News Limited.

The people who are saying Gould is right? Maybe so, but the $BW issue is a single, very important issue that yes has implications for the wider issue of raids on league players...but it's a line he has to draw in the sand. He has to make it as HARD AS POSSIBLE for $BW to renege on this contract. The NRL may not win this, and indeed it might cost nearly as much as $BW's union contract to fight it. But that's the line in the sand that NEEDS to be there. There NEEDS to be a deterrent to stop equally retarded morons (apologies for the retarded remark, but I'm angry) like Frank Pritchard thinking this is a pretty good idea and nothing will stop me.

The NRL NEED a strategic plan to increase player earnings to combat the temptation of LEGAL raids by Union and English league, but snap decisions are NOT something we need.

Prompt action, yes. Snap decisions, no.

Gould wants snap decisions. The only snap decision I'd like right now is to snap Gould's neck.


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
Gould went OTT, absolute idiot. He brought no valid points to the table, all he did was talk over the top of Gallop. Gallop is 100% right in what he's done and said so far imo, he knows a lot especially about contract law he's a lawyer ffs!

Gould obviously has some skeletons in his closet re: Super League.


International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
I think Gallop has more skeletons in his closet over SL than Gould!


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
None of Gallop's issues are skeletons. He was (one of) the lawyer(s) for News Ltd whose conduct is for all to see in court transcripts from the SL war.

He's got nothing to hide.

Gus, on the other hand, like Ribot et al, did a lot of "thief in the night" stuff behind the scenes that managed to not be exposed in court.


NRL Player
Jun 5, 2008
I have a lot of respect for the current NRL management, Gallop included. They are picking and choosing the time to expand, refusing to rush into half-baked expansion plans like Andrew Demetriou and the AFL are doing. Gould and his ilk want the world and they want it NOW, never mind the cost, never mind the long term ramifications.
Gould was a brilliant coach because of his passion for NSW but as a commentator that same passion makes him an absolute dribbler.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
dukey: I haven't got a major problem with Gallop. On the surface he's a bit slow and reactive, but he's not given the reins to be proactive.

Everyone, keep remembering that the NRL board is made up of 6 people. 3 ARL, 3 News Limited. And for 10 years it's been peace through gritted teeth. It's like a ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon. It's a matter of when, not if, things are going to blow up again.

Everyone KNOWS the organisation structure is the white elephant in the corner of the room but nobody's prepared to deal with it because if that elephant knocks down the pillar in the middle of the room the whole bloody building will come crashing down.
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