back when I first got into football, we had 4 options of what to watch with football. NSL, which was a highlights package on monday night, Premier League which was a highlights package at about 11pm on a monday (past my bedtime when i was 11), World Soccer (which showed a weekly euro match of the week, plus quick highlights of the big teams in the big leagues) and of course Serie A which was on 10:30am on a sunday morning, it had the best players, and a great highlights show. My Grandpa was into Italian Football and my uncle gave me his Sampdoria jersey so I already knew of it and then I Fell in love with the league, Baggio, the Milan defense, the Juve & Sampdoria players etc. and in turn became a fan of Italy, coz the players were the ones I watched week to week and the ones I idolised.
As for Argentina, well i had a bit of a hiatus from watching football around 99 or so while i finished my education and also partying a lot haha, but got back into it in 2000 and I used to watch this 1 & a half highlights show of all the world leagues on foxtel and they always showed Argentina league and they always showed Boca who I took a liking to and I was intrigued by Martin Palermo who seemed to score like all the fkn time haha and i thought he was phenomenal and then i got really interested in Argentinian football and became a fan of the young guys in the league coming through at the time, Riquelme, Saviola, Aimar, Samuel and Cambiasso so I began to dig Argentina. Then theres the fact of my man crush on Maradona and Messi is my fave current player...