Trent Waterhouse & Justin Poore = Dogs

Re: Trent Waterhouse

Yeah I know there's no rule for it, but there really should be. It's bad on so many levels. Heightens the tension of a situation, and can be potentially dangerous because the person getting hit is not the least bit aware they're coming.

But then there's other rules that need to be looked at.

1. Grounding of the ball. Seriously, if you have to have control of it with the hands you shouldn't be able to fall on the ball with your chest. That's dumb. And yes, it benefited Queensland last night.

2. The way we judge loss of control in goal. That Williams one is a joke. If it'd been anywhere else on the field in a tackle they would've ruled he lost it and packed a scrum.

3. Challenging for the ball with your feet. They've got that bit right, but it should be you can NOT make any contact with a player without your arms being in contact with the player first. That Gidley one on Tonga should've been a penalty. Accident or not, his contact was with the knees and that's a) not a tackle, and b) potentially just as dangerous as with the boot.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

ningnangnong said:
The Rock said:
Scotty - Love tap or not, Steve Price started it off.

Not he didn't.

White got up and threw a wild punch which completely missed Price's head.

Things went on from there.

Yep, he overreacted to an accidental knee to the head and turned it into a brawl. White's a fuckwit. I loved his justification after the game "Origin's all about passion, and there was lots of passion there"...yeah mate, I think you mean "pashing" and you'll have got plenty with your pillow biting NSW teammates in the dressing sheds.

Waterhouse loves a good naked wrestle with another bloke...just ask Luke Swain.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

Major JW Hochstetter said:
Funniest part was watching Creagh run away from Hodgo like a little punce during Round 2.

Creagh wasn't running away from Hodges - he pushed Hodges, looked up and saw a fired up Thaiday charging for him - I'd say most people would run away from that.

And on the Waterhouse send-off. I agree it was a dirty, low, scum act coming in from behind. However I wonder if he would have been sent off if it had happened earlier in the game when the game was still in the balance.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

Coxy said:
3. Challenging for the ball with your feet. They've got that bit right, but it should be you can NOT make any contact with a player without your arms being in contact with the player first. That Gidley one on Tonga should've been a penalty. Accident or not, his contact was with the knees and that's a) not a tackle, and b) potentially just as dangerous as with the boot.

I couldn't understand why that wasn't ruled play on. Gidley knocked the ball out of Tongas grasp - Tonga didn't lose it. I don't understand why QLD couldn't have grounded it and scored a try, or at the very least of NSW had got to the ball first, it should have been a drop out, not a 20m restart to NSW
Re: Trent Waterhouse

That's the only thing Trent Waterhouse will ever do that anyone remembers. What a c*nt.

Re: Trent Waterhouse

The Rock said:
ningnangnong said:
[quote="The Rock":2v0et7q7]
Scotty - Love tap or not, Steve Price started it off.

Not he didn't.

White got up and threw a wild punch which completely missed Price's head.

Things went on from there.

Don't embarrass yourself. Price gave him a knee to the head when White was getting up. It wasn't accidental Coxy. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. Seriously, now you're embarrassing yourself.

Sure it wasn't too much more than a love tap, but it was still niggle, it was unnecessary.[/quote:2v0et7q7]
So it was unnecessary, but it's alright for White to lash out at him? I've seen far worse than what Price did let go during a footy match. To say Price deserved to get knocked out for that is just bizarre.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

If White has to get up swinging after coping that little knee then he is indeed a cat of the highest order.

FFS it's origin... shit like that happens in every tackle .... EVERY TACKLE.

I hope Waterhouse gets a fair serve too as coming in for a blindside is the cheapest shot out there, no need for that in the game at all ... particularly when you're winning and you have like 4 minutes left on the clock.

great game though, i loved the physicality of the early exchanges .... great stuff !!!

Oh, and i forgot to mention, that's out 4th series in a row icon_thumbs_u [icon_razz1
Re: Trent Waterhouse

Theres far worse than that in every tackle! Earlier in the night white has price in a headlock, did u see price get up and have a swing? No, coz thats just origin
Re: Trent Waterhouse

The Rock said:
You're missing the point! Price gave him a knee, so White had the right to retaliate. Late in the game, everyone's tried and frustrated - If it happened earlier in the game White would have let it go probably. That's just what happens late in games when fatigue sets in - People start to niggle, players retaliate EASIER. Face is, Price kneeed him in the head, White retaliated. Fair go.

Price and White went, 1 on 1 head to toe - White won. Price out cold. Price can't fight. End of story.

Show me that in the rulebook dimwit.

Retaliation is and can't be tolerated. White should've been sin binned when Waterhouse was sent off.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

The Rock said:
Coxy said:
[quote="The Rock":1jt28j53]
You're missing the point! Price gave him a knee, so White had the right to retaliate. Late in the game, everyone's tried and frustrated - If it happened earlier in the game White would have let it go probably. That's just what happens late in games when fatigue sets in - People start to niggle, players retaliate EASIER. Face is, Price kneeed him in the head, White retaliated. Fair go.

Price and White went, 1 on 1 head to toe - White won. Price out cold. Price can't fight. End of story.

Show me that in the rulebook dimwit.

Retaliation is and can't be tolerated. White should've been sin binned when Waterhouse was sent off.

[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. Rulebook? So me in the rulebook where Price is allowed to knee someone in the head? Tit for tat, dimwit.

White = Wiener.
Price = Legend.[/quote:1jt28j53]

Fixed icon_thumbs_u
Re: Trent Waterhouse

I'm of the school of thought that Waterhouse was just running in to break up the fight - in a fairly piss weak manner - and his attempt was made to look terrible because Price was out cold at the time.
I'm a huge fan of Pricey, but if you want to go kneeing blokes in the head after tackles then you should be able to back yourself after the fact.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

I'm on Rocky's side here. Price got his arse handed to him good and proper. And who cares. Fights in Origin are awesome.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

lolz at the idiotic blues fans thinking White was entitled to start swinging after something as soft as that. Going by that logic there would be a fight every 2 minutes of every game. Price got smashed, but it was over something completely petty.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

So what exactly would entitle him to throw a punch then Scotty?
Re: Trent Waterhouse

If a QLDer had owned a NSW player, everyone would be on here saying how awesome it is to see a bit of "passion" back in State of Origin
Re: Trent Waterhouse

dukey said:
So what exactly would entitle him to throw a punch then Scotty?

NOTHING. There is NO place for fighting in rugby league.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

White vs Price - i don't have as much problem with. Price kneed him in the tackle, White got up and threw a punch - then they BOTH chose to go on with it and in many respects deserve whatever was coming to them from going toe to toe. I have a problem with Waterhouse - firstly Third Man In; secondly because regardless of if Price was already on his way to Disneyland, he came in from behind with a cheap shot and also in the process twisting his neck causing possible spinal damage (trust me, I have seen many many people end up in wheelchairs from far less than this). I also have a problem with Poore pulling up then dropping him and the other NSW players who were standing over his unconscious body applauding and carrying on.