Trent Waterhouse & Justin Poore = Dogs

Re: Trent Waterhouse

dukey said:
So what exactly would entitle him to throw a punch then Scotty?
Something more than a pissy lovetap like he got, thats for sure. As I said earlier, I see far worse get let go every week in the NRL, White overreacted. That said, Price continued with it after White lashed out and got knocked the **** down, shit happens.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

lockyer47 said:
I love Justin Hodges!

Seriously, dead set legend! I was with a bunch of Queenslanders watching the game and we were all standing and applauding Justin Hodges. I really wanted him to smash someone. It was bloody awesome is all I can say. Pity there was one minute left, I would have loved to see what would have happened with ten minutes to go. The kid has heart and will do anything for his team. Good on ya Hodges, I give you props for what you did tonight.
+5000 How awesome was it when he gave Thaiday the big hug as he was being sent off the field.

Hodgo is magnificent.

Also loved the cheer for Thaiday when he got sent off. That was the best end to a game we've lost in ever. When Cam Smith put that bomb up...zomg...revenge!

Ben Cregah = shades of Matt Geyer hiding from Jacko. [icon_lol1. :roll:

Trent Waterhouse is scum that lives off the faeces of scum.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

OXY-351 said:
Coxy said:
3. Challenging for the ball with your feet. They've got that bit right, but it should be you can NOT make any contact with a player without your arms being in contact with the player first. That Gidley one on Tonga should've been a penalty. Accident or not, his contact was with the knees and that's a) not a tackle, and b) potentially just as dangerous as with the boot.

I couldn't understand why that wasn't ruled play on. Gidley knocked the ball out of Tongas grasp - Tonga didn't lose it. I don't understand why QLD couldn't have grounded it and scored a try, or at the very least of NSW had got to the ball first, it should have been a drop out, not a 20m restart to NSW

And that is my only concern with last nights game. If that was the other way around the refs would at least have referred it upstairs.
The same with the Williams grounding, anywhere else on the field it would have been a knock on.
QLD very rarely come out on the better side of the calls.

On the Waterhouse / Price thing he should fight it. Price is sleeping B4 he hits the ground. I really don't think Waterhouse conected or even intended to connect with any force. He was just coming in to tackle Price to the ground.
If Barrett only got 2 weeks for his thuggery on Inglis there is no way Waterhouse should get more than 1 week at the most.
Re: Trent Waterhouse


Waterhouse should appeal and be given SIX weeks.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

Waterhouse is a DOG. end of story.

P.S. Brett White can throw one and know Price out cold. But Price will long be remembered as a far better player. I didn't even realise Brett White was playing, which shows how memorable he is.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

It really looks worse than what it is. I argued against Barrett and still think he should have got 6 - 8 weeks because you could see he came in with a fist well B4 any contact was made. If you look at the Waterhouse photo above he has both hands open, I sincerely doubt there was any intent to strike Price and I don't think he did.
Third man in and coming from behind, doesn't look good but if Price hadn't been knocked out there would be no case to answer.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

The Rock said:
lol ok Scotty.

Justin Hodges and Michael Crocker are the biggest over-reactors in the game. I never hear a thing about them. But as soon as a New South Welshman did it - oh noes!!!
Yeah I agree with that, they are over reactors and get fired up over bugger all. I've had a go at Hodges a few times in the past for being a hot head, so it's not just me being selective in what i criticise. However right now I'm having a go at white because it's the topic at hand.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

Probably already been mentioned, but Ben Creagh's stunt last night was the biggest act of pussiness I've ever seen on a Rugby League field. What Waterhouse did was dirty, but Creagh pushing Hodges and then running backwards away from him - absolute cat.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

Jeba said:
Probably already been mentioned, but Ben Creagh's stunt last night was the biggest act of pussiness I've ever seen on a Rugby League field. What Waterhouse did was dirty, but Creagh pushing Hodges and then running backwards away from him - absolute cat.

Agreed. Sam didn't let him get away with it icon_thumbs_u
Re: Trent Waterhouse

The Rock said:
Waterhouse didn't know Price was being knocked out, as Waterhouse was coming in, Price was only just falling back.

Doesn't matter if he knew he was knocked out - it was pretty clear and obvious Price and White were in a fight and Waterhouse was coming in as Third Man In and from behind to blindside him.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

Coxy said:
Jeba said:
Probably already been mentioned, but Ben Creagh's stunt last night was the biggest act of pussiness I've ever seen on a Rugby League field. What Waterhouse did was dirty, but Creagh pushing Hodges and then running backwards away from him - absolute cat.

Agreed. Sam didn't let him get away with it icon_thumbs_u

I'm not good at photoshop or anything, but this is what I came up with.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

Creagh, Waterhouse and White and the rest of the blues have to be the biggest bunch of cowardly pussies ever. I wish Hodges had the chance to knock Creagh out. And yes there are times when Hodges is a hot head, but there are times, such as last night, where it is completely called for. Seeing one of your teammates, who are like family, getting smashed from behind is a disgraceful thing to see.

I would not be suprised if White and Waterhouse get off, just like Barrett did. I mentioned this in the Spoilers thread, but this is the ref's fault. If the ref didn't allow the dirty shit from the blues all night, it never would have escalated into this.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

Barrett didn't get off, he got 2 weeks.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

The Rock said:
FFS broncosil, it wasn't just the Blues! Thurston was the one who started it all off with shoving Barrett's face into the ground repeatedly. The ref should have controlled it from the start.

Yep. I'm not heaping all the blame on NSW at all. It was both ways. But it was never stamped out.

There was too much holding down and stupid shit going on in the ruck and the refs let it go.

Bill Harrigan has a lot to answer for. He started the whole "no penalties means a good game" shit a few years ago and referees still believe it.

The disgusting final scenes of violence can all be laid at the feet of Archer and Hayne.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

It looked like someone was punching Price while he was on the ground unconscious. Did that really happen? I haven't seen replays.
Re: Trent Waterhouse

Poore and Barrett were all over Price on the ground from memory.