Winter Olympics

And while we're talking the half-pipe - props to Aussie 15 y.o Scott James who broke his hand in training yesterday and still went out and did a pretty good job. Of course he's not in the league of the pro-boarders but he did good.
Go Torah Bright in the Women's Halfpipe today - awesome run in qualifying this morning.
Ummmm - pretty sure she qualifed in 1st through to the Finals.

But in any case, how can she be a genuine Aussie? She is only in Australia for a couple of months a year :p
Yeah, but she was born here, raised here, trained here, actually looks and sounds Australian :P

As I said though, she was third LAST I HEARD, which was after her first run. She blitzed them on her second and leads the comp.
Sounded more like you heard she was third last.

Eats, shoots and leaves
And Holly Crawford also in the final - 2 Aussies going for the medals. That would be sweet if we got 2 on the podium (fingers crossed)
Bum - Crawford wipes out on her first run. Hopefully she puts it together on her second.
What's with wearing flannelette and jeans? Seriously?
Didn't I read somewhere that they were ski pants made to look like jeans?
Meat77 said:
Didn't I read somewhere that they were ski pants made to look like jeans?

Yeah probably. I don't have so much of an issue with the Jeans - but their ski jackets made to look like flannos are horrendous
I'm all for girl power, but these female snowboarders are so far behind the men in skill it's hard to watch.