NEWS Milford: I want to stay

I never said he's a selfish asshole. Lazy sook would be closer to the mark. He doesn't run the ball anymore because he doesn't like getting roughed up. He'd rather just be the kicking bot that Bennett set him up to be, and lets be honest he hasn't even been doing that well recently either. So he won't run the ball and he can't kick long consistently. In the words of the great Stephen Fry: "THEN WHAT ARE YOU FOR??"
He actually showed some great running moments with limited opportunities last year. He is contact adverse but I also think his bad hammy hasn’t helped.
Exactly. Milford wouldn't get even half what he's on now at any other club and he and everyone else knows it.
We will see how loyal he is when the time comes to discuss his contract for next year.
Oh, I'd see him getting 500k at a minimum and probably closer to 700k but me personally, he'd be on 300k for a season. I still think there'd be a few Sydney clubs would look at him but I believe he sucks balls.
The amount of shit Milf cops. It’s fine to talk about how much of a flop he’s been but everyone seems to know a players thoughts.

Maybe Milf is a great bloke but his natural skill took him further than his natural threshold for dedication and self-discipline ever had a right to go. Now he just kinda sucks more than he was expected too and everyone thinks he’s some selfish asshole.
Cmon, it's time to stop using the expression ' everyone'. Enough already. You used it twice here and both times incorrectly. Please stop assuming you know what everyone thinks and also ironically, that's what you just accused 'everyone' of doing ! The very same thing!!
Cmon, it's time to stop using the expression ' everyone'. Enough already. You used it twice here and both times incorrectly. Please stop assuming you know what everyone thinks and also ironically, that's what you just accused 'everyone' of doing ! The very same thing!!
I’ll probably just keep posting the first dribble that comes to my head tbh.
I’ll probably just keep posting the first dribble that comes to my head tbh.
There's no problem with that and I think that just a slight tweak would work! Instead of 'everyone or everybody' you could say, lots of people😉

Fake news.
Saints colours is a good start.
There's no problem with that and I think that just a slight tweak would work! Instead of 'everyone or everybody' you could say, lots of people😉
Yeah but when I say everyone it usually isn’t even a lot of people. I probably just read it one time. Maybe I should try “some guy(maybe)” instead?
Yeah but when I say everyone it usually isn’t even a lot of people. I probably just read it one time. Maybe I should try “some guy(maybe)” instead?
It's all good! I just hate broad brush statements because not everyone does think the same thing ever! In fact, it's probably never happened in human history unless it was, everyone on that motorcycle thought they were going to die! (as it plunged over the cliff)
It's all good! I just hate broad brush statements because not everyone does think the same thing ever! In fact, it's probably never happened in human history unless it was, everyone on that motorcycle thought they were going to die! (as it plunged over the cliff)
Not even then, the pillion passenger had a parachute.
I am going to be abused for this but I actually like MILF and think that the teams problems aren't at all his fault. Sure he has dropped his head too often and is overpaid but look at what has been around him the last couple of years. A game plan where he is the only kicker so gets hospital passes every set. Moved to fullback because Darius is Benny Hilling it up but then also still expected to pull 5/8th duty at the same time because Darius is in the halves while also having his Hammy's strapped because he was clearly injured and shouldn't have been playing and our "its not broken Lodge you'll be right" doctors cleared him to play. Yeah he has sucked but so has the whole team and he has not sucked more than everyone else in the team has. But yes he is overpaid for what he brings... but look at the team... how many other players are clearly overpaid ? I hope he kills it this year and repays the team by taking a newer more reasonable contract that allows the roster to be more balanced.
I am going to be abused for this but I actually like MILF and think that the teams problems aren't at all his fault. Sure he has dropped his head too often and is overpaid but look at what has been around him the last couple of years. A game plan where he is the only kicker so gets hospital passes every set. Moved to fullback because Darius is Benny Hilling it up but then also still expected to pull 5/8th duty at the same time because Darius is in the halves while also having his Hammy's strapped because he was clearly injured and shouldn't have been playing and our "its not broken Lodge you'll be right" doctors cleared him to play. Yeah he has sucked but so has the whole team and he has not sucked more than everyone else in the team has. But yes he is overpaid for what he brings... but look at the team... how many other players are clearly overpaid ? I hope he kills it this year and repays the team by taking a newer more reasonable contract that allows the roster to be more balanced.
I don't think anyone is blaming the demise of the Broncos after the past few seasons entirely on Milford.
But he sure plays his part in this mess, and it just so happens he is the highest paid part of this mess, so more scrutiny is rightfully directed to him.
I am going to be abused for this but I actually like MILF and think that the teams problems aren't at all his fault. Sure he has dropped his head too often and is overpaid but look at what has been around him the last couple of years. A game plan where he is the only kicker so gets hospital passes every set. Moved to fullback because Darius is Benny Hilling it up but then also still expected to pull 5/8th duty at the same time because Darius is in the halves while also having his Hammy's strapped because he was clearly injured and shouldn't have been playing and our "its not broken Lodge you'll be right" doctors cleared him to play. Yeah he has sucked but so has the whole team and he has not sucked more than everyone else in the team has. But yes he is overpaid for what he brings... but look at the team... how many other players are clearly overpaid ? I hope he kills it this year and repays the team by taking a newer more reasonable contract that allows the roster to be more balanced

Don't worry - everyone that's been shitting on him for the past two years are going to be eating their words this year.
There is a lot at play with the whole milf situation, my opinion is that there isn’t a half worth their salt without a star FB lingering behind them, teams are too good defensively now without a legit attacking weapon cruising around behind the play to create doubt in the defensive line for a half to take full advantage of. Boyds decline did not help milf one little bit, couple that with Glenn massive decline and him being forced to do all the kicking, no wonder he shit the bed. Mind you his kicking is pretty damn good (apart from the stupid midfield bombs). You put tedy, sheck, poopyhouse, ponga behind him with a half decent line running back rower and you watch the line breaks. I think he’ll be better this year but we still have a shit fb and Glenn beside him and no centre or winger....tough gig

3..2..1 flame away 😂
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There is a lot at play with the whole milf situation, my opinion is that there isn’t a half worth their salt without a star FB lingering behind them, teams are too good defensively now without a legit attacking weapon cruising around behind the play to create doubt in the defensive line for a half to take full advantage of. Boyds decline did not help milf one little bit, couple that with Glenn massive decline and him being forced to do all the kicking, no wonder he shit the bed. Mind you his kicking is pretty damn good (apart from the stupid midfield bombs). You put tedy, sheck, poopyhouse, ponga behind him with a half decent line running back rower and you watch the line breaks. I think he’ll be better this year but we still have a shit fb and Glenn beside him and no centre or winger....tough gig

3..2..1 flame away 😂

No he's paid a million a year so needs to do everything himself.
No he's paid a million a year so needs to do everything himself.

Be nice if he did at least some things by himself, like be a leader or set some standards or keep himself in shape in seasons other than contract years or step up when the heat is on and not go into hiding at the backends of sets / games. These are not things you should need help with if you are a million dollar player.
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