Milford's weight

Herman just needs to learn to keep driving his legs after contact. Numerous times he sent the defenders (and big blokes too) flying with powerful initial contact, but a few times he just stopped at that point so the defence was able to recover.
Has to be Milf, I just went through every other teams play makers and can't think of a single one who I would perceive as overweight apart from him. I hope it's true honestly, it'll do him the world of good to shed some of the weight, our attack needs him to be at his quickest to succeed.

Ash Taylor isn't exactly what you'd describe as trim.
Honestly it would be good news if the article is referring to Milf, because it means it is not the club's desire to have him at that weight, which makes it likely they can guide him to removing it
Its just strange that a very similar thing happened to Ben Barba when he was with us but from memory thats what hook wanted.
Laying off the plonk would go a long way to trimming milfs wasteline
I think someone may have thrown the idea around last season that Milf enjoyed a beverage or two, can't think who. Was it @talanoa? Maybe he was referring to someone else, can't remember honestly.
When he gets to this level, then I will worry.

What? There has been no suggestion of this. How would you know this?
cause ive been in his company while on the piss, we have mutual friends and our paths crossed recently, lolol why is this a big shock??? Young dudes enjoying life
Not a big deal at all. People deserve to be able to enjoy themselves but if you let the drink impact your professional life then thats an issue. Its not at the moment but if boozing it up packs on the kgs and ruins his pace, he is as good as a lame race horse and they are turned into glue sticks.
He's Polynesian. They are known to enjoy a decent feed. And decent can range from a happy meal to a buffet.
Morgan has made 13 missed tackles this year, 2nd most missed tackles
On an interesting note Gillett has a made a lot as well

It's not really that surprising....teams aim their forward runners at halves. The ratio of miss & hit becomes greater the more tackles you have to make.

Same could be said about Gillett.
He needs to slim down to justify what we are paying him
I honestly thought at one point he was a forward