[OFFICIAL] Anthony Milford to Broncos

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In Homer Simpson terms, the Airlines won't/can't allow people to fly without medical clearance from their Dr.

I don't know how to make it clearer
So you're assuming he flew down? And you're assuming it was just for one game? For all you know they had to road-trip it down, painstakingly over 4-5 days so as not to put too much strain on the old fella. Your assumptions, being stated as fact, are no better than the crap from journalists that you yourself berate.

What you have said is exactly my point.. They have said he cannot relocate becasue he cannot fly, which means they have either a) cannot be bothered driving (understandable) or b) he cannot risk the long distance drive either. So now, assuming aside and according to Milf himself (Dad is in better health now) one would think that driving for a game, when it is out of the question when it comes to relocating is a moot point.

Thank you.. I am here all week - much like Milf's dad.....
In Homer Simpson terms, the Airlines won't/can't allow people to fly without medical clearance from their Dr.

I don't know how to make it clearer

And I reply.. I understand the comment.. I am yet to comprehend the point..
Mate Im missing your point
Really? A whole month? Holy ****!! Well, I will be sure to archive that one under "C" for changed!..

Yeah people's health doesn't change in a month, that's great news for anyone that had a check up one week and died the next. Good news worm says your not dead.

It's most likely his doctor wasn't happy with his health after the trip and has advised against a repeat
are all queenslanders mummys boys?

No, just the ones that don't want to play for your shit stain of a club anymore.
The article is also a month old, things change
Going by the article and Milford's quotes its safe to assume his parents didn't like the place hence not moving.

His health is improving just didn't like Canberra can't blame him for that but all the medical stuff appears to be a smokescreen
WHy exactly should the Milford family move to Canberra?? Sounds like they attempted the move but it was in the too hard basket for his old man and they probably just didn't enjoy it. You can't fault Anthony in this drama IMO. He attempted to move his family to him but it didn't work out.
What you have said is exactly my point.. They have said he cannot relocate becasue he cannot fly, which means they have either a) cannot be bothered driving (understandable) or b) he cannot risk the long distance drive either. So now, assuming aside and according to Milf himself (Dad is in better health now) one would think that driving for a game, when it is out of the question when it comes to relocating is a moot point.

Thank you.. I am here all week - much like Milf's dad.....
For all you know, that travel may have stressed him more than his doctor is comfortable with, and he's no longer permitted to do it.
And it wouldn't surprise me either that Milford's family has decided they don't want to relocate to Canberra. Once again I ask, who can blame them?

Seems to me, you (Raiders fans) are clutching at straws and trying to find flaw in every word that goes against Anthony staying at the Raiders...
Yeah people's health doesn't change in a month, that's great news for anyone that had a check up one week and died the next. Good news worm says your not dead.

It's most likely his doctor wasn't happy with his health after the trip and has advised against a repeat

My point was that it is only the last week that Milf has stated that his dad's health is a lot better than it was 12 months or so ago when the heart issues occured. The only difference now is he has hit the big time, the Broncs have shown interest, it's close to home, he is demand and does not "need" the Raiders anymore to pave his way into first grade and Mummy wants him home, and Tony has not quite caught up on the whole Bon Jovi ethic of "It's my life!"
My point was that it is only the last week that Milf has stated that his dad's health is a lot better than it was 12 months or so ago when the heart issues occured. The only difference now is he has hit the big time, the Broncs have shown interest, it's close to home, he is demand and does not "need" the Raiders anymore to pave his way into first grade and Mummy wants him home, and Tony has not quite caught up on the whole Bon Jovi ethic of "It's my life!"

You assume so much from a throw away quote from a 19 year old but completely disregard all other evidence.

One thing to consider is that a parent may not want to go into full detail with their son about his fathers health when he is 19 and many miles away. It's entirely likely than when asked that question he was under the impression that his father was doing better and would be able to move, then when pressing his folks about the move the have to level with him and explain he is not quite as well as they had been letting on and a move was out of the question
For all you know, that travel may have stressed him more than his doctor is comfortable with, and he's no longer permitted to do it.
And it wouldn't surprise me either that Milford's family has decided they don't want to relocate to Canberra. Once again I ask, who can blame them?

Seems to me, you (Raiders fans) are clutching at straws and trying to find flaw in every word that goes against Anthony staying at the Raiders...

No, not at all mate.. I respect the decision that Anthony makes, I would just like him to actually come out and have the balls to say it to the media and put all the speculation away. As we all know Sam Ayoub is a creep amongst creeps and you cannot trust a words he says as his job is not to be ethical but to work the figures. The media are pumping up whatever position they take (depending on investment and state) and Anthony himself is riding his self created see-saw on social media.

Mum should ahve stayed out of it, as that whole plea for her boy to come home was just to discredit the Raiders and Ayoub is running with it himself by quoting Anthony, yet no one actually hears the kid's actual thoughts.. Anthony needs to grow a set and either confront the media and announce his intentions, or confront his mum. Eitherway, they are not painting a pretty picture for either club. As the Raiders are looking like the evil club that won't reunite son and dying father and the Bronco's are looking like a desperate club trying to buy their way out of the worst form slump of their history by using dirty family driven tactics to push home a clause..
You assume so much from a throw away quote from a 19 year old but completely disregard all other evidence.

One thing to consider is that a parent may not want to go into full detail with their son about his fathers health when he is 19 and many miles away. It's entirely likely than when asked that question he was under the impression that his father was doing better and would be able to move, then when pressing his folks about the move the have to level with him and explain he is not quite as well as they had been letting on and a move was out of the question

Which in turn, Mum should then respect her sons career and the opportunity handed to him and the countless dollars and hours invested into him since he was 15 by the club he is playing for and not go on the record crying foul that her poor son is trapped by the big bad Canberra and should be let go cause she misses her little fella..
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Milford’s manager isn't too happy.

"We don't have an issue with the club. We planned for him to stay there this year and next year. But we specifically put that clause in there because Anthony's love for his family is stronger than his love for the club."

Whether it's true or whether it's bluster from the manager to get what he wants, I can't see Canberra & Milford maintaining a working relationship when this stuff is bandied around.
Whether it's true or whether it's bluster from the manager to get what he wants, I can't see Canberra & Milford maintaining a working relationship when this stuff is bandied around.

The downside to Ayoub playing dirty like this is only going to effect Anthony. The Raiders will just pull a Sam Williams and make him play at Mounties for the rest of 2013 and then Souths Logan for the remainder of his contract, where he can move back to Brisbane, but cannot play for another club. If the relationship is ruined, they can play dirty too, by allowing him to go home, but not activating his clause.
No, not at all mate.. I respect the decision that Anthony makes, I would just like him to actually come out and have the balls to say it to the media and put all the speculation away. As we all know Sam Ayoub is a creep amongst creeps and you cannot trust a words he says as his job is not to be ethical but to work the figures. The media are pumping up whatever position they take (depending on investment and state) and Anthony himself is riding his self created see-saw on social media.

Mum should ahve stayed out of it, as that whole plea for her boy to come home was just to discredit the Raiders and Ayoub is running with it himself by quoting Anthony, yet no one actually hears the kid's actual thoughts.. Anthony needs to grow a set and either confront the media and announce his intentions, or confront his mum. Eitherway, they are not painting a pretty picture for either club. As the Raiders are looking like the evil club that won't reunite son and dying father and the Bronco's are looking like a desperate club trying to buy their way out of the worst form slump of their history by using dirty family driven tactics to push home a clause..

On the contrary. Raiders are now lose/lose. Either they demand Milford stay, in which case he'll either play poorly or spend a year in Q-Cup, or they relent and they lose him to the Broncos. In PR terms though, the battering they're getting in the media in regards to their culture (or lack thereof) will spiral if they don't let him go. Broncos will end up smelling like roses.
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