[OFFICIAL] Anthony Milford to Broncos

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Of course, this is to be taken with a grain of salt, but if this quote from Ayoub is true, then the Raiders are the ones playing dirty:

The timing certainly fits!

It can be seen both ways. I agree with you. But that is what I mean when I say Anthony needs to face the media and be seen to take a stance. be it for or against whichever party.
Why? So you can twist his words to suit your agenda. His manager is doing the job he's paid for and maybe he doesn't want to derail your run to the finals
Well in that case we have nothing to lose right? He sits out a year.. He gets to go home.. That's what he wants right, family? If it's not about the money, or about the Bronco's he should be happy with that..

The issue here worm, is assuming the reports of the get out clause are accurate, Canberra can't stop him

Tallis sat out a year to play for Brisbane, but AFAIK he had no clause and simply broke his contract - fair enough that he could not play

But this kid supposedly has a get out clause, that the Raiders agreed to but will not honour, and you think not letting the kid play for a year is a result he should be happy with?

Seriously dude, that is bizarre :001_unsure:
Yawn, where's AP? We need a circular argument expert
Why? So you can twist his words to suit your agenda. His manager is doing the job he's paid for and maybe he doesn't want to derail your run to the finals

Tony fronts the media.

"I just wanted to clear up the speculation. We have requested a release using the clause that was placed in my contract so that I can return home. I will be forever grateful to the raiders for the support and opportunity they have given me, but family is the most important thing to me."

Raiders fans:

"You could see a glint in his eye when he said raiders... he's not going anywhere."

"didn't you hear, he said raiders forever!"

"He blinked twice, then once and then twice again... that's his secret code to say my family is being held by the broncos, please get help"
My point was that it is only the last week that Milf has stated that his dad's health is a lot better than it was 12 months or so ago when the heart issues occured. The only difference now is he has hit the big time, the Broncs have shown interest, it's close to home, he is demand and does not "need" the Raiders anymore to pave his way into first grade and Mummy wants him home, and Tony has not quite caught up on the whole Bon Jovi ethic of "It's my life!"

Good to see Milford has a medical degree to fall back on if this footy thing doesn't work out.

my guess as has been stated in this thread previously, is it was of the belief of the doctor that he was fit to fly down and watch his son play (and visit him of course), when he got back to Brisbane, the doctor ran some test to see the effect of the trip and was far from happy with the results, thus concluding it took a far too high a toll on his health to allow him a repeat
The issue here worm, is assuming the reports of the get out clause are accurate, Canberra can't stop him

Tallis sat out a year to play for Brisbane, but AFAIK he had no clause and simply broke his contract - fair enough that he could not play

But this kid supposedly has a get out clause, that the Raiders agreed to but will not honour, and you think not letting the kid play for a year is a result he should be happy with?

Seriously dude, that is bizarre :001_unsure:

Not at all. He would not be happy with that as his motive is not "just" his family. It is the Bronco's and playing football in Brisbane.

And yes, the clause exists. but no one knows what the clause actually contains and on what grounds it can be activated. I assume and yes, as it is said this is an assumption that if his father got worse he can activate it. With his parents arriving in Canbera they as expected hated it and never wanted to move afterall (stupid time to woo a QLD'er is in middle of winter anyway) which is not the reason behind the clause and why Ayoub has hell or high water played on the health card still although Tony himself has contradicted this. Which has forced Ayoub to shut Tony up and is now reciting his quotes on his behalf. And as I said. Assumption. I admit this is just my take, but it seems a little convenient that a few weeks ago when Ayoub was apparently "emailing and waiting for a reply on the get out clause" Milf was showing his family around and looking at relocating..

The timing certainly fits!

See, no matter what way you look at it, nothing fits..
Better could mean critical on life support to stable with meds and the right support. Probably Doesnt mean he's all good and the Broncos are doing dodgies
I think it is obvious what has gone on. Milford is just doing what is best for himself and his family and it seems like the Raiders aren't happy with that.
Not at all. He would not be happy with that as his motive is not "just" his family. It is the Bronco's and playing football in Brisbane.

And yes, the clause exists. but no one knows what the clause actually contains and on what grounds it can be activated. I assume and yes, as it is said this is an assumption that if his father got worse he can activate it. With his parents arriving in Canbera they as expected hated it and never wanted to move afterall (stupid time to woo a QLD'er is in middle of winter anyway) which is not the reason behind the clause and why Ayoub has hell or high water played on the health card still although Tony himself has contradicted this. Which has forced Ayoub to shut Tony up and is now reciting his quotes on his behalf. And as I said. Assumption. I admit this is just my take, but it seems a little convenient that a few weeks ago when Ayoub was apparently "emailing and waiting for a reply on the get out clause" Milf was showing his family around and looking at relocating..

The timing certainly fits!

See, no matter what way you look at it, nothing fits..

Again, your assumption. They didn't like it down there hey? Or, could it be, the fact that it's so bloody cold that it was detrimental to his fathers health? The fact that it's the middle of winter, as you said the worst possible time, is the perfect time to assess one's suitability. So, assuming that's the case, his father really can't live down there. It's not a choice. Clause is activated, bye bye Milf.
Again, your assumption. They didn't like it down there hey? Or, could it be, the fact that it's so bloody cold that it was detrimental to his fathers health? The fact that it's the middle of winter, as you said the worst possible time, is the perfect time to assess one's suitability. So, assuming that's the case, his father really can't live down there. It's not a choice. Clause is activated, bye bye Milf.

Well no, clause is not then activated. As his fathers living arrangements not working out, does not necessarily make him in worse health. It means he stays in Brisabne, Milf stays in Canberra and no relocation takes place. Which in turn is why Ayoub then manipulates health issue to create reason to activate. Assumption continues..
Why has this become so damn complicated?

These are the facts:

  • Milford has requested a release
  • His father is sick with a heart condition and is staying in Brisbane
  • Milford should not be forced to stay at the Raiders if he is activating a clause in his contract that both parties agreed to
  • The Broncos are not 'playing dirty' - they are not allowed to negotiate with him until November 1 and will probably sign him then
  • The Raiders have no right to force him to stay in Canberra under the current circumstances

I know I've said it before, but making judgments about his father's heart condition is insensitive and pointless. It really is none of our business to say whether or not he can travel, and especially how much he has improved.

Rant over.
So were you lot this gullible of the media's interpretation and the manager view point when Inglis bailed and went to Souths?

I am assuming this forum was as understanding and kindhearted toward the situation as you are now right?
So were you lot this gullible of the media's interpretation and the manager view point when Inglis bailed and went to Souths?

I am assuming this forum was as understanding and kindhearted toward the situation as you are now right?

Yeah true cos this is the exact same situation and therefore comparable.

Out of interest, does anyone know how Inglis' sick father that lives in redfern is going these days?
The downside to Ayoub playing dirty like this is only going to effect Anthony. The Raiders will just pull a Sam Williams and make him play at Mounties for the rest of 2013 and then Souths Logan for the remainder of his contract, where he can move back to Brisbane, but cannot play for another club. If the relationship is ruined, they can play dirty too, by allowing him to go home, but not activating his clause.

Raiders can't send anyone to Souths.
So were you lot this gullible of the media's interpretation and the manager view point when Inglis bailed and went to Souths?

I am assuming this forum was as understanding and kindhearted toward the situation as you are now right?

so your comparing Inglis bailing on the Broncos for more money and because he didn't want to play under Henjak. to Milford asking to be released so he can be closer to his sick father...

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