As far as assumptions go, here's my take:
- Anthony (and Ayoub) talk to the Raiders about renewing his contract. He expresses his discomfort at being away from his ill father, at which point the Raiders agree to have a clause inserted in the contract that allows him to return home. What that clause exactly says is anyone's guess, but it could be as simple as Anthony not coping with the situation and wanting to go home, or it could stipulate that it could only be activated if Anthony's father condition worsens. I'm not going to speculate what it is...
- The Raiders suggest that Anthony brings his family down to Canberra for the obvious reasons, so they organise for his dad and mom to visit Canberra and at the same time, watch one or two games of their son.
- Anthony's parents tell him there's no way they are moving there and ask him to come home, at which point Tony asks Ayoub to activate the clause. (a month ago, timing fits!)
- The Raiders are no desperate, because they have exhausted all the ways to keep Anthony, and now on top of it, there is the big bad Broncos club ready to take Anthony, so they ignore Ayoub's requests.
- The 19 y/o kid doesn't want to sound like a prick to the club he owes so much, but has made up his mind, and leaves the nasty shit to his agent, blurting out cliches at an interview the Raiders make him do in a desperate attempt to make him say something they can use.
- Ayoub has no choice but to go all out and utilise everything he can to portray the Raiders as scum, and if my assumptions are correct, that's exactly what they are in this case.
It is quite likely that the fact that the Broncos publicly admitted they are on the lookout for players was a catalyst to speed up the issue, but I doubt the outcome would've changed anyway.