[OFFICIAL] Anthony Milford to Broncos

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I used my own complex one.

If Broncos = awesome and better than the Raiders
Milford should play for the Broncos.
Oh how I would love for the Raiders to miss the finals and for us to make it. Please football gods, make this happen.
What algorithm did you use?

Welcome Aldo :)

Another one ;) Our plan is coming along.... excellent.

Mods, we should prepare, as we may be dealing with a hostile take over soon by the looks of it...
Don't worry guys, this new influx of posters won't change anything about RaidersHQ.
Is it at all possible to play the Raiders in week one of the finals?
Bushman wants doctor's certificates dammit!

Milford only agreed to sign with the Raiders provided that he could walk away no questions asked if he wanted to move back home to be with his sick father.

The Raiders are acting unconscionably, not Milford.
I wouldn't bother, they're to busy laughing at the obvious bronco troll that's just joined the GH
Say what, he actually slipped through the GH censorship net? :scared:
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