Wow, have a listen to yourselves? Falou was the reason we won many games last year on the back of his try scoring feats and is without doubt one of the first players selected for QLD and Australia. NO heart, a maggot, FFS it’s not like he faked injury. Yes he is high priced but which rep player isn't? You get what you pay for and he's only what 21/22, he has another 10 years in the game at least. I just can't believe the way most fans here turn on players so viciously. The way I'm hearing it is that unless they were a Bronco junior they are somehow less of a player, or lack heart or talent or some crap like that. Wake up and smell the roses people, the Broncos are right now in the worst crisis in their history, a rapidly depleted talent pool, massive injury toll and dissention within the coaching ranks, indeed our darkest days may still be ahead and you guys want to dump on one of very few stars left? Grow up.