The issue is that we haven't got a half who can grab the game by the scruff of the neck, when it's needed, and direct runners where to be and where to get to, to ensure they get a good crack at drop goal.
For example, all our shots at field goal were from the hooker passing left, to a right footed kicker.
A right foot kicker, trying to drop a field goal from the left side of the posts, requires them to bring the ball in first and then release it down to the foot. Thurston kicked both shots from the right side, which allows you to catch and drop straight to the right foot. Quick release to the foot.
By kicking on the right side, you are also pushing momentum with your body, away from the incoming defenders. Kicking from the left side of the posts, means you have to stop and then push forward with your kick directly into the incoming defenders which makes it infinitely harder.
Little things done perfectly = clutch plays. Thurston has it. Milford/Hunt, not yet.