PLAYER Selwyn Cobbo

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Regardless of what happens. Selwyn leaves and stinks it up/kills it up or Selwyn stays and kills it/stinks it up. If its the latter of either situation, it will be Kevys fault.
#1 fan. Make sure you bring your sign to training.
Nope. Guess we’ll see what the Bronx statement says this afternoon. Hopefully it’s all a misunderstanding by Ch9… know what? That's enough Broncos for this week :brickwall:
Ok Bye Walkout GIF by heytalithax
come on mate it's only monday. we could have a drink driving charge by wednesday at this rate.
Oh dear. Just spotted the other thread so will move on 🫠
Obviously we need facts but something hasn't been right for a while. Contract talks, depression, alcohol, all of the above? If the club knew he wasn't right mentally they should have sat him out for as long as required and got him treatment. If he has hurt a women or child he should be scrubbed from the game if it's legitimated before the law.
With the new coercive control legislation something as ridiculous as questioning your wife blowing the weekly budget on clothes constitutes Domestic Violence.

Looks like Wednesday is DV court day at holland park with it being the only day Legal aid being available. This is DV court which is a civil proceeding and not a criminal one. It will be to determine if a DV order is to be made by the court. Highly likely outcome once an allegation is made as the standard of proof is on the balance of probabilities in this court.

Also interesting that there don't appear to be any criminal charges accompanying this, Assault etc. Which indicates the matter may not have involved any actual violence.
I said if true and I will hold judgement until all the facts are out, if indeed it's serious then something needs to be done about it

I'm also speaking from the perspective of having family members who suffered under such circumstances, one of my aunts suffered an abusive violent husband for over 20 years because back in her day you were expected to put up with it for the good of the marriage, I'm thankful she didn't have any kids that also would have suffered. One of my sisters married a man who at first seemed like a great guy to about everyone but me and a brother in law, something didn't sit right with me about him. Turns out he was just marrying her for a way to stay in the country, he was mentally abusive and controlling and cheated on her several times. Thankfully she was strong enough with the support of our family to leave it before it got possibly worse. Now she is married with a great guy, with a 5 year old boy and 3 step children.
I said if true and I will hold judgement until all the facts are out, if indeed it's serious then something needs to be done about it

I'm also speaking from the perspective of having family members who suffered under such circumstances, one of my aunts suffered an abusive violent husband for over 20 years because back in her day you were expected to put up with it for the good of the marriage, I'm thankful she didn't have any kids that also would have suffered. One of my sisters married a man who at first seemed like a great guy to about everyone but me and a brother in law, something didn't sit right with me about him. Turns out he was just marrying her for a way to stay in the country, he was mentally abusive and controlling and cheated on her several times. Thankfully she was strong enough with the support of our family to leave it before it got possibly worse. Now she is married with a great guy, with a 5 year old boy and 3 step children.
Coercive control - so glad it’s finally being recognised as abuse. Am a child of this type of relationship, probably the mild end of the spectrum, but still have a lot of childhood trauma I had to unpack and get over.

People minimising the impacts have NFI.
seriously everyone needs to settle down and wait for the facts.

The quality Of journalism is often lamented on this site but now we believe them without the facts despite the reports changing how many times.

DV is a broad subject lets wait and see where it sits
Let's play broncos bingo. Let's see Captain vs Vice Captain (February) and plenty of injuries and now Cobbo being questioned. What is up without our team
seriously everyone needs to settle down and wait for the facts.

The quality Of journalism is often lamented on this site but now we believe them without the facts despite the reports changing how many times.

DV is a broad subject lets wait and see where it sits
I would take my lead from this source:

Really don't want to see a return of the Siebold years again...

What I want/need to see is the club has "learned" from those years instead.

Innocent - provide him with the help he needs, with the onus on him to turn it around.

Guilty of anything involving violence - cya.
I’m not gonna speculate on what is happening with him off the field but his performance on Saturday was one of the most embarassing in a Broncos jersey in recent memory. I’ll be happy to see the back of him and have the money spent on someone more reliable, I’m tired of show ponies, I’m sick of mediocrity and I’d like to see a Broncos premiership some time in the foreseeable future. Losing Farnworth to keep Cobbo has been a disaster.
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