I said if true and I will hold judgement until all the facts are out, if indeed it's serious then something needs to be done about it
I'm also speaking from the perspective of having family members who suffered under such circumstances, one of my aunts suffered an abusive violent husband for over 20 years because back in her day you were expected to put up with it for the good of the marriage, I'm thankful she didn't have any kids that also would have suffered. One of my sisters married a man who at first seemed like a great guy to about everyone but me and a brother in law, something didn't sit right with me about him. Turns out he was just marrying her for a way to stay in the country, he was mentally abusive and controlling and cheated on her several times. Thankfully she was strong enough with the support of our family to leave it before it got possibly worse. Now she is married with a great guy, with a 5 year old boy and 3 step children.