Sexual assault allegation

Jeanette said:
If the video still exists, it could condemn or exonerate them...

Seriously doubt it does exist, would be long gone by now if it even existed in the first place... in which case there isnt much of a case.
michael22 said:
It was in the Sydney Morning Herald today in the sports pages. Baiscally says she went in the toilets, performed oral sex on three of them then full sex with two of them. The third pulled out his phone and started filming and this is what she objected to.

She then made the complaints at the urging of her friend.

I read it in the physical paper but i'm sure there is a copy online - is the SMH league website.

Other reports ( stated she made a complaint on the Sat night, had a physical exam on the Sat night and then filed the official report on the Sunday.
I would be happy for this to be handled the way the Laffranchi case was.

Innocent until proven guilty and the players are kept opn the books at the club.

From everything that's being reported it's highly likely they will be let off, that's if charges are even laid.

They should be fined, alcohol counselling maybe, maybe a token "appreciating women" workshop. But sacking them is not right. They will just end up going straight to another club anyway.
Scotty said:
Dexter said:
Scotty said:
mrslong said:
michael22 said:
Seriously though, this is a mess if I have ever seen one. Our season is blown.

Was that a joke? [icon_evillaugh

Glad someone picked up on it [icon_razz1

michael22 said:
Scotty said:
She made the complaint on the same evening mate.

In the reports I've read the complaint was made after being urged to by her friend.

Do you have a link to any news reports saying her mate told her to report it? I'd just like to have a read

Thorn12, what if the blokes are off their mind on booze as well? It works both ways. Why couldn't she keep in in her pants??
hey, i picked up on it too.

Women are just as culpable as men in this day and age, but if she wasn't asking for it they need the book of the law thrown at them. It should be more than their career at stake.

I too have had a friend raped. However she was drugged first and taken elsewhere. Bloody dispicable, and no-one paid the price for that either, thankfully she didn't end up like Flutterby's friend and managed to overcome it with friends family and counselling.
mal said:
Let's be honest, the Broncos image has been tarnished. Alot of our fans are a generation above us and look at these acts as disgusting and immature. But anyway..

You can even see in the replies here that there is a generational response.
For example, younger males are reacting to the news differently to older females or males.
To be honest, I doubt the big names will be stood down. I think sackings will be considered after the season, but it'll be a wait and see if things blow over. There's too much doubt about the stories to behave definitively.

We'll see.
I understand, I'm a 24 year old male and I've had mates come out of toilets after sealing the deal. Hell I've even done it myself- but cmon, It's about bringing the name of the Broncos down- it's not so much about the action specifically that I have an issue with (although ball touching *shudders* haha) it's about our future captain one and one of our premier forwards being put in this spotlight and showing the rest of the NRL & Fans what kind of culture we truely do have in Brisbane.

Something needs to be done- I just don't know what.
michael22 said:
Scotty said:
Dexter said:
Scotty said:
mrslong said:[/url] is the SMH league website.[/quote:2ucfxojs]

Well then she lied to the police that she was raped.,23599,24350820-2,00.html

" she complained to police after one of the players allegedly began filming with a mobile phone."

Then she wrote a written complaint to the police

"Police said they received a complaint from the woman on Saturday night which was followed up on Sunday with a written statement from the woman alleging she had been raped."

So this was completely consensual until the mobile phone came out.

She can't even get her story straight.

I thought lying to detectives was obstructing investigations, and should be dealt with?
I am what you call an older female.

The filming was disgusting.

IMO: The person who videoed it should be the one in trouble, from what I have read that's what she objected too.

She consented to doing the sex act on them.
Felt pretty sorry for Locky when the media guys were hounding him while he was walking to his car, he would be dead set livid.
Channel 9 QLD last night were hinting Hunt was one of the players.
You can be having consensual sex and lets say ..... 20 mins in you go "STOP, I don't wanna do this anymore" and the other person doesn't, and keeps going for say 5 secs and then says "OK I'll stop". Thats rape. STOP means STOP NOW! and NO means NO.

Fine line grey area. Hmmmmm
Kaz said:
I am what you call an older female.

The filming was disgusting.

IMO: The person who videoed it should be the one in trouble, from what I have read that's what she objected too.

She consented to doing the sex act on them.

100% agree with Kaz here.
This is all speculation but, hypothetically, she could have been having sex, spotted the guy filming, said NO, he kept on having sex. That is rape. She had a medical rape test done on the Sat night.

The police will decide on the legality side, most of discussion here is about how the Broncos will react and impact it will have on their supporter base.
It surely was a stupid thing to do - but really, is it a sackable offence. That is a massive punishement reserved for the worst offences, and so far this doesnt appear to be in the same league as belting a girl in the face, or glassing a girlfriend.

It's a bunch of drunk young people (girl included) doing what is done every weekend all over Australia, and yes in toilets in nightclubs all over Oz. It just so happens there are some high profile names involved.

They have tranished the Broncos reputation and behaved stupidly - so massive fines are warranted and alcohol counselling. They should suffer for damaging the broncos rep, but cutting them loose is overkill.

From what's been reported I can't see these charges being upheld in court, unless there's something we don't know.