Agreed......pfft, "zero tackle". It's the site that high schoolers use when trying to impress their friends.
Swap Kane Elgey for Milford, that'll fucken do me. Ha ha ha. The only player I'm sour about losing is maybe Ash Taylor. Milford getting a mil a year (according to zero must be true. :D ) didn't lose us Taylor.
Bird? He's gotta be given time before being deemed "too expensive". He's had two games with us......after spending the off season recovering from shoulder surgery. After two games.......he's playing like someone who has had...only 2 games in what, 6-7 months? I'd love to see him get more ball. Bird lock, McGuire to prop with TPJ...rotate Lodge. **** Sims off.
Milford? What really is this too expensive shit anyway? The way I see it....he is the most talented player in the club. He is the most likely player to return us to greatness in the next 5 years. Right now his confidence is shot....I think he is under too much pressure because there are simply no other attacking options in the team. He gets given the ball and is expected to produce the magic...every time. We desperately need something else other than...give the ball to Milf.
Boyd? Yeah......he's busted....he's sour, solemn, sulky....annoying, but he aint going no where. Not unless it's his say so. There's no point arguing it. Accept it and move on. Pray that his injuries overcome him and he quits.
THaiday has to be gone at the end of this year. That has to open up..."some" cash.
We need to focus on rebuilding the entire spine around Milford at 6. We need to find a 7......Kodi has to go back to being a utility, until someone better comes along. I don't see him long term in the starting 17.